All Chapters of A Billionaire's Conundrum : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
148 chapters
Chapter Eleven
The woman in the backseat laughed alongside her husband who was by her left. She was amused at the number of the buildings that Jeremy had mentioned. "Do you even realize what you're saying?" She asked with a mocking tone. Her husband laughed so hard that he could not say a word but only nodded at all the jest that his wife made of Jeremy. "I think you're a little lost and let's be honest, you aren't even a good liar. There are only 100 villas in this community, Jeremy, and the lower the number, the more expensive the house. The first Villa which you just mentioned is 100 million dollars." She pointed out, "We can't even afford the No. 1 Villa, that place was already bought by someone and even if it wasn't, you'd have to be filthy rich to buy it. We are here to visit the 95th villa, so tell me, how can you possibly afford the No. 1 villa?" She asked mockingly. "It's funny how you do not know who owns the No. 1 villa and yet you believe that it isn't mine." Jeremy pointed it out
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Chapter twelve
Jeremy was honorably welcomed back to his villa. He could see the shock on the faces of the salesman and Rebecca's friend. "This is impossible." The lady said, "That man can never own the 001 villa in this estate, I think you have mistaken him for someone else." The administrator sneered at her and told her to shut up and mind her business, Jeremy was a very important person and he wouldn't like her to insult him. "Important? He is a fucking son-in-law and he has nothing!" She laughed and the others smiled too, saying that they knew Jeremy and he was a nobody. "Is that what Rebecca told you?" Jeremy snapped, already fed up with their wide mouth. The lady rolled her eyes and said that Rebecca didn't have to tell her anything, she had eyes and saw it all for herself, he was a servant to the family and everything he had was being given to him. "What do you have? I have watched that family take care of your every need, you aren't anything, you are an imposter and I'll make sure he re
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Chapter thirteen
Rebecca was hell-bent on making him pay for the crimes he knew he wasn't guilty of. After several hours in detention and threats of prison from Rebecca, there was a call to the officer in charge to let Jeremy go.Rebecca watched as the handcuff was taken off him and she sneered, "You think this is over?" She turned to her lawyer and grabbed the fold off of him, shoving it in Jeremy's face. "I am taking legal action, you're a fraud and a thief! And now you're trying to show off with all you stole from me," she laughed bitterly and added, "You better show up in court for this, or you'll be sorry, the Jason family will make sure you regret ever being born." She spat angrily. "I'll be in court, Rebecca." He replied she nodded, "You better!" And walked out with her lawyer in tow. Jeremy was fed up with trying to convince her that she was making a baseless and hasty conclusion, he simply walked out of the police station with the subpoena, if she wanted to sue him, he was ready for it, but
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Chapter fourteen
It was drizzling when Jeremy arrived at the magistrate court that morning. With no umbrella, Jeremy got out of the taxi and raced to the porch where others stood. He could see Pam Jason, his ex mother-in-law in the crowd and he knew that Rebecca was not far away."Finally, you've arrived, I almost thought you wouldn't show up," Rebecca said mockingly, looking at his wet hair and soaking outfit. "I couldn't have picked a worse man, I regret all the years I wasted on you." "Makes me wonder what you ever saw in him, I keep asking myself why you'd even give him a chance, now he's proven just how much of a snake he is," Pam added from behind as she walked to them. Jeremy felt crowded, he could see Grey Wills, Becca's new love interest right beside her, his hands low on her back. "You've decided to take me to court, did you think I'd run away?" He asked her and she sneered at him, "Really? You have got some guts, you can't even be remorseful." "I told you this boy was up to no good, b
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Chapter fifteen
The Jasons were ashamed and in disbelief, as Jeremy walked out of the court, escorted by two armed men. The Judge berated Rebecca's lawyer for wasting his time when he knew the truth. Outside the court, Jeremy turned to see Rebecca hurrying to him, her face a mask of fury, he smiled and folded his arms across his chest and he arrived, stomping and yelling, "Let all hell freeze over if you are worth that much!" She snapped. Jeremy merely smiled at her and said, "I presented the evidence before the court, if you think it's a lie, take it to the high court then, I'll be glad to show up there too."Rebecca scoffed, "I don't have the time to keep running after you in courts, my family business needs to be run, but you can't fool me, I know you paid to have those records forged in your favor, don't worry, I'll get back at you." She retorted. He leaned to her and said slowly, "Remember what I said earlier? You would regret this and you have." He reminded her with a smile and just then, a
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Chapter sixteen
"Inheritance?" Ella and Abraham asked in unison. Jeremy nodded, he couldn't quite tell them everything involved as he didn't know it himself but he was sure that Sinclair had all the answers he needed. “Will you help me get to him?" He asked again. "I'm afraid I'm not quite the right man for that, you see, Domino isn't a very easy man to find," Ella's father explained. Jeremy nodded, he knew that all too well but he'd hoped that the business relationship that the Coatas family shared with him would somehow make it easier. "You share a business relationship, a strong one at that, I'm sure he'll speak to me if you introduce us." He insisted. Abraham sighed, he turned to see his daughter, she was crestfallen. Her pretty dress seemed like a shadow over her delicate features, it was obvious that she was disappointed that Jeremy hadn't come for her, although she too had a few other admirers, she liked Jeremy too and believed that her family would readily accept him. "I had thought you w
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Chapter seventeen
Jeremy sat by the booth closest to the entrance, his feet tapping impatiently. He was wearing a hoodie and a face cap that concealed his hair and a pair of dark sunglasses which hid his eyes. It had been half an hour since he'd called the lawyer to meet him at the cafe and he wasn't showing up. Jeremy was almost frustrated, he knew how risky what he was doing was. He knew all it took was one wrong person to see him lingering around the Sinclair cafe and his entire plan would be ruined. As he sat, slightly shifting on his seat uncomfortably, he heard the jungle of the doorbell and turned to see Joseph walk into the store. The man looked like a mouse who was caught on the kitchen wall with a can of baked beans. He was skittish, his neck was wet with uncleaned sweat and his shirt was half-soaked too. "I'm here." He said after watching the man turn about the cafe helplessly for seconds. He jumped and then nodded at him before heading to the table with a file in hand. As they sat, Jer
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Chapter eighteen
Jeremy did not have to wait a fortnight like Joseph had said when he decided to take action. The very next day, he was heading to the law firm yet again. He knew that Joseph was only using him to make money. He had no useless access to Sinclair apart from the old documents that he had been given. Jeremy couldn't even blame Abraham who had introduced him to the man, he'd been doing him a favor, but he should have known that no intern would be allowed near the Kingston case, not when Sinclair himself was so protective of it. Jeremy drove down to the Sinclair law firm for the third time this week. He smiled as he thought of how much he'd visited the place, someone might think he was considering a job as a lawyer soon. As much as he could, he tried to change cars and sometimes stay in the vehicle and meet with Joseph there, but even that was going to get suspicious soon and he needed to think and act fast.With the information he now had about the latest case that Sinclair was working
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Chapter nineteen
Jeremy was still steaming with anger when he left the Sinclair firm. He half wanted to call Abraham to report what Joseph had done, but he knew there was nothing the old man could do. He blamed himself, he'd known that Joseph was very incompetent and could not be trusted, but he had no idea that he'd try to sabotage his efforts at meeting Sincair too. It was later that evening when Joseph finally returned his call after half a dozen messages went to voicemail, he gave a casual excuse about work and asked to meet Jeremy by the old cafe down the road he could no longer be seen at the Sinclair firm. Jeremy knew the evening would be worse than the shitty day he'd just had, first, he wanted so badly to strangle Joseph and he knew being ordered never to set foot on the Sinclair property was bad for the plans he had drafted out, especially when his so-called spy was nothing but a loose end. After waiting at the cafe for another half hour, Jeremy was ready to walk away and pretend that he
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Chapter twenty
That afternoon, the air was moist but that did nothing to subdue the heat of the July sun. Jeremy was folded in his backseat on his porch. He could not get himself out of the car and into.his house, his mind was racing, he had to think and he just couldn't, not after his talk with Joseph. Jeremy blamed himself, he'd known that meeting with the man would ruin his evening even more than it had already been ruined but he decided to take his chances, and it turned out he'd been right. Mercury Healer was Jeremy's sweat and blood; he knew he could never get someone as corrupt as Joseph to smell the corridors of power there, much less become a partner, not while he was alive. Although he knew that the man's demands were irrational and straight-out foolish, he also knew how persistent a man like that could be, especially when he thought that he had a bargaining chip and in this case, he did have a solid one. Deciding it was high time to call Abraham Brown, Jeremy pulled his phone out o
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