All Chapters of A Billionaire's Conundrum : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
148 chapters
Chapter twenty one
Jeremy smirked as he saw the horror on the man's face. Joseph was shocked and he couldn't hide it. His hands trembled as he gazed into the face of the one person he never wanted to see again, a can of worms he wasn't eager to open. " how did you find this?" He stammered and all Jeremy did was smile. "You aren't the only one with informants in the city, Joseph, I'm sure with this, you will have a rethink about a deal with the Mercury Healer." He said. Joseph nodded eagerly, his hands going over the surroundings as if he expected someone to pop out and see the evidence before him. Folding the documents, he shoved them in his pocket and said, "Listen, I know I got greedy but... I need some money badly, I'm losing my home and I haven't been getting enough cases from the Sinclair firm to pay my bills. I'm sorry, I had to drag you into a deep pit." The man explained, his tone pleading. "But listen, the deal is off, okay, you can keep all the money and I'm not interested in
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Chapter twenty two
Coat in hand and reaching for the car keys, Jeremy was ready to follow the lead that his investigator had just sent to him. It was a surprise that the third partner was in South Dakota, he could have sworn that he'd combed the town thoroughly for anyone who was related to his case before he arrived in California to establish the Mercury Healer.As he stepped out into the air, he could feel the wet wind on his face, a promise of rainfall. He felt renewed, he felt like he'd once again discovered his purpose. Jeremy got into his car, the only luggage he could boast of was a box of cufflinks and his cellphone, he wanted to make a trip. As he bailed a taxi to the airport, he could feel anxiety eating at his guts. Was this just another dead end? Was he going to hit yet another brick wall like the other cases? What could he possibly do if this was another failed chase? Jeremy hoped badly that this would be different from the ill luck she had gotten from Sinclair's case. As they drove ou
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Chapter twenty three
The plane touched down in South Dakota in a few hours, already, the media was buzzing with news of a strange man who had taken over a flight at such short notice. Jeremy knew that he'd shamed Rebecca and put her in her place, but she wasn't his priority, he wanted to meet Fred at once. From the airport, he was waiting for a cab to go to the location, he didn't want anyone to drive him and he didn't want to be followed, he had a lot of questions to ask and he wanted to be alone with him. As he was standing by the sidewalk, his phone beeped and he looked at the screen, a picture had just been sent to him. The man in the picture had to be shorter than 5'8, he had scruffy beards and his eyes were hidden behind large dark frames. He was seated on a bar stool, nursing a bottle of drink and he had been very unaware of that shot. As Jeremy was wondering how long ago the picture had been taken, his phone vibrated and he took it out of his pocket. "Hello, I'm heading to the location now." H
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Chapter twenty four
Fred was too shocked to speak for the next few seconds, he looked at the photograph and back to Jeremy more than twice and then he pulled off his reading glasses. Jeremy could not quite say that the man before him was old. His features were pretty youthful. His hair was full and his beard was still healthy although a little overgrown. His steps were agile apart from the limp in his right leg when he walked and his voice was not thin or frail. It was obvious that although the man was older, he had lived a pretty active life that made him look so agile and healthy. Jeremy had an idea that it hadn't been so from the start. In the photograph he had, Fred had looked much larger, his jaw fuller and his size almost twice what he saw, one reason he'd been surprised at the picture that he'd received from his investigator. "Where did you get this photograph from?" Fred asked, stunned. "I found it amidst my father's belongings, and many more pictures from his work." He replied. Fred looked
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Chapter twenty five
The old man looked at him like he'd lost his mind. And maybe he had, but Jeremy did not care, he wanted answers, and he did not find the length he had to get to to find those answers. Outside the small cottage, he looked back at the man. He could see the sadness in his eyes, the bitterness, the hate, and the pain. He almost did not want to believe that his search for the inheritance had left him so broken. "Why can't you have your family back? Are they still in danger? Do you still believe you're in danger?" He asked. Fred modded, "I don't think, Jeremy, I know that they still have their eyes on me, I have to be careful, I have to watch my steps or I'll make one wrong move and they'll come for me again," he said with a dejected look, "Coming here to find me was a bad idea." He said. "Then come with me back to California, I know I can make sure you're safe there." Jeremy offered. Fred shook his head, "No, this isn't a battle, I'll fight it to the end." He decided firmly. "What
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Chapter twenty six
The secretary looked at him with wide eyes, he could overhear the man on the other end of the call and he was curious. "What is going on, Sir?" The young man asked. Jeremy hissed as the phone disconnected, and the caller hung up. "You have no idea who sent these letters?" He asked, his tone icy. If there was one thing that Jeremy disliked, it was being baited, it was being drawn out and made to feel like prey, he did not come from a family of prey. The young secretary shook his head, "I don't know who sent it, a delivery was made early in the morning, the box was addressed to your name." He said and gestured to the envelopes that had his name boldly written on them. "How many of these have you gotten?" He asked, the secretary rummaged through his suitcase and finally sighed, he retrieved his diary and looked at it, "There's been a delivery of thirteen packages sir, but the letters are just six, and since you haven't been available to take them, I decided to take it home to you
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Chapter twenty seven
Jeremy could hear the fear in the driver's voice. "We're being ambushed!" He yelled and reached out to grab his phone and call the cops. But immediately, the driver's door was opened from outside and he was roughly drawn out. "Please!" He yelled as he was thrown to the bonnet of the car and told to remain there."We want nothing to do with you, we don't want to hurt you at all, but that depends on you. Now take your car and get out of here." One of the masked men ordered. The driver nodded frantically, he was short of breath and literally gasping. "Please...don't hurt us, I'm sure you have the wrong man, just let us__" he stammered but the masked man cut him in before he could complete that statement. "I don't quite think you heard me, there is no 'us' in this, man." He said and went to the driver's seat where Jeremy was still seated and led him out, taking him to the side of the vehicle and having two men hold him in place. Jeremy did not struggle, he had a fair idea what the en
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Chapter twenty eight
Jeremy did not have to wait any longer. From the way that Venom's eyes shifted and the way he suddenly looked restless, it was clear that he was considering the offer. "How do I know you're not bluffing?" He asked, his eyes widened to frighten Jeremy. Jeremy simply shrugged, "Why not find out?" He asked with a smirk plastered on his face. Venom hissed, he looked at the henchman by his side, the tall man was suddenly very interested in the conversation, he'd heard $50 million and he knew too well that he'd gotten less than half of that for the job. If Jeremy wanted to pay double, that would be absurd, an absurd blessing that they needed. "Listen, don't try to mess with us, we have been hired by very powerful people and we won't hesitate to deal with you," Venom said and the henchman nodded. "Don't try to be funny, we know you can't afford $100 million, stop bluffing." He said, but his eyes spoke of some sort of hope that maybe Jeremy truly had the money and would pay them double.
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Chapter twenty nine
There was ruckus downstairs, Jeremy could hear it from all the way up, he could hear the heavy footfalls of his workers as they rushed up the stairs. "What's this riot?" Jeremy asked, pissed at the secretary for disturbing his already stressed thoughts. "Sir, the men have refused to leave, the security men can't throw them out." The secretary replied. Jeremy said, "I'm coming, tell everyone to be calm." He said and took his suit from the back rest of his chair, throwing it in. The secretary rushed down and told the workers to be calm, that their CEO was coming down soon. Jeremy had a fair idea what was happening, he knew it had to be related to Venom, perhaps, the man had double crossed him and took money from his original source to disclose the location of his office, he knew criminals could not be trusted, honor amongst thieves was only in the books. Downstairs, he could see his staff peeking out of their offices and stalls, some frozen on by the elevator threshold. "Yo
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Chapter thirty
The moon was just beginning to cast its faint glow, there was darkness over the street and the alley across was a den of shadows. Jeremy struggled as the bag came over his head, he leaped away from their hold and tried to remove the bag but he wasn't fast enough, one of the men pulled him to his arms and clutched him, his embrace so tight from behind that he paralyzed his arms. It was time to stop struggling and think, he knew that the building was empty, his secretary had just left minutes ago and no one was going to hear him scream into the night, he had to be smart. Jeremy suddenly kept calm, he tried to relax his muscles although adrenaline was coursing through him like a stimulant. The men pulled him into the limousine hurriedly, they snatched his phone and pulled off his earbud. Before Jeremy could yell, a cloth was shoved into his mouth and tied behind his head. "We have him secured, boss." One of the men in the car said as they drove off. In the car, Jeremy wondered
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