All Chapters of A Billionaire's Conundrum : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
148 chapters
Chapter thirty one
Gilbert Kingston. Jeremy knew who he was before he introduced himself. The photographs did not do him justice. He was much more thin and unsightly in person. His beards grew in all directions and his hair was a mess on top of his head, wrapped in a thick maroon bandana. Gilbert was holding a cigar much larger than his thin long fingers. His cheekbone was prominent, his face looked shrunken, his eyes sank deep into his face, making him look like an object of nightmares. "Did I hear you say you are an heir to my father's inheritance?" He asked, his tone low and deadly, Jeremy could feel the hairs on his hand stand on end as the man spoke. "You heard me, Gilbert." He replied boldly, despite the fact that he'd been overpowered by the three men and now made to kneel before Gilbert. Gilbert sneered at him, throwing the cigar far away and puffing the smoke on his face. "Who do you think you are? Coming here and laying claims to my inheritance right in my face, you must have some guts!
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Chapter thirty two
Gilbert stared, awed at how his safe and secret island was being invaded. "Where are the security men outside? How could they not know this was happening?" He thundered. Butcher and the tall man could not say anything, they were trembling fearfully. "They've all been overpowered, sir," Butcher replied as he tried to reach out to the guards on his Communication system and came up with nothing. "Impossible, no one can come to this island without me being notified, someone must have sold us out, who is it? Who betrayed me?" He asked angrily and the men all backed away from their boss. Trevor had very terrible anger issues and they'd faced his wrath enough to know that he was to be avoided once in that mood. "Boss, it doesn't matter, we need to leave." One of the men said as he saw that the chopper had landed right by the house and the soldiers were heading up the stairs. Trevor shook his head, grabbed hold of Jeremy, and said, "We have him hostage, if they want him alive then they wi
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Chapter thirty three
The bus smelled like a gym floor, the bodies standing right next to him made him feel a little claustrophobic. Jeremy was not raised in the finest of places, he'd tasted the ghetto live one time too many times, even in the hands of his in-laws where he was being treated as trash, but still, he disliked his rides more than anything. But he had no choice, a bus was the only thing that could take him to the place he wanted. Information on Sinclair's latest case had reached him and he knew he needed to act fast if he was to influence the outcome of the case. Jeremy wanted to reach out to Sinclair once more and perhaps see if they could come to a diplomatic agreement, after all, he was legally a partner of the inheritance and he deserved equal rights to all information about the will, all he needed was a copy of the will, he wanted to see the terms of the will himself, all that his father had told him was simply not enough. But he second-guessed that option the moment it came to mind.
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Chapter thirty four
Jeremy pressed the button of the recorder as he stepped outside the grocery shop. He had everything that Biggie had said on tape. All he needed to do was get the senator to listen to him, together, Sinclair was bound to lose the case. Pulling out his phone, he called Hanson, he had no time to waste, "Is it time?" He asked eagerly. Hanson hesitated for a few seconds, "It's not as we thought, the senator is at an all exclusive club, no one is allowed to go in there and talk to him." He explained. "But I have to meet with him today, it's important if this will play out." Jeremy snapped. Hanson sighed, "It's impossible to get entry into the club, I've tried to hack their server and register you as a member but it's not working, we 'll have to wait, there's no other choice." "Senator David Wood is being very careful, he knows the gravity of the case he's handling, he's scared and he's trying to be safe, if you try to breach the security, you might be exposed." Hanson warned. "Find me
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Chapter thirty five
With a smirk, Jeremy merely replied, "Let's just say I'm your answered prayer."David looked at him, he was still skeptical and so he asked, "I shouldn't plead guilty? My lawyer had advised that I plead guilty, maybe then my sentence will be reduced and I can get to see my daughter once again." He said. "You don't have to plead guilty, Sinclair doesn't have a case, he is just using fear and the knowledge of your past to cage you in fright, he knows his case is not solid but I guess your lawyer doesn't know that," Jeremy said. David sighed, he knew he'd done really dark and dirty things in his tenure, but as much as he knew he could do a few years in jail, he was afraid that Sinclair would want to put him behind bars for life. They had history and he didn't want the senator to go scot-free. "I'm wondering how you'll do this, Domino Sinclair rarely ever loses any case, I've seen his track record, he'd like a vicious anchor that buries deep and you can't escape it." He said, his tone
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Chapter thirty six
David had a smirk on as the judge declared the adjournment and he walked out of the court yet again, a free man. For David, every minute he had as a free man was a blessing. As he stood, he was eager to go home and meet with his previous daughter. Outside the court, he met with Jeremy who was staring into the growing crowd about the new lawyer. "I don't know what favor I'll owe you for this." He said and Jeremy laughed, "How about we find a way to make you walk free and we can worry about your debt later?" He asked. "I know nothing is free, I surely won't be naive enough to think that this great help is at no cost, that'll be foolishness." He said. Jeremy smiled, he liked a man that didn't take help for granted, especially when he had no idea where that help came from. But what the senator did not know was that he was a mere pawn in the larger game. He wanted to get to Sinclair, and he could see from the glares the man shot his way like daggers throughout the hearing that he had
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Chapter thirty seven
Sinclair paced the length of his office, he needed answers and so far, nothing was coming up, Jeremy seemed to be a ghost that was suddenly out to haunt him and destroy his already Shay career. Twice in a month, he was going to lose a case and this time, it was making the news. There was surely no way in hell that he could pay the media away from this one, not when they filled up the entire court premises like vultures scavenging for carcasses. "You all have nothing! 24 hours gone and nothing?!" He snapped at his workers who all came with the same report he'd have gotten off Google right at home or perhaps if he wanted to take it a step further, from any cyber cafe in town. He knew that Jeremy was hiding something and he was trying extra hard to keep it hidden. All his searches had produced no results. Sinclair hissed as he picked up the report and stared at it again, he was not buying it. Jeremy Harrison ought to be a normal man, with a job as a medical consultant, earning a mini
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Chapter thirty eight
Senator David Wood stared at Jeremy as he arrived in his Lincoln. The sky was dark, the clouds threatening a heavy downpour soon, though it was autumn. David had a smile on his face, he was taking over the case, even the press wrote about him for the past two days and he was no longer portrayed as the corrupt senator who had to be sent away for stealing the people's money, no, he was now an enigma. Too quickly, there was a divide and he had some people on his side still among the press and he didn't even have to buy their loyalty. Although he still wondered what he'd done to Jeremy to deserve such favor or what it would take to pay it back, David was slowly coming to terms with the fact that he was not going to jail anymore. Chris looked outside the courtroom, he could see the press team had gathered already. It was little wonder Sinclair hated their guts. Their habit was not different from that of the scavenger, a vulture who came to find a carcass and called the entire assembly t
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Chapter thirty nine
In the courtroom, Sinclair had suddenly gone silent, he had nothing else to say, all his points had been countered by the new lawyer and the judge seemed even more impressed at her steady and knowledgeable man. After a few minutes, the witness was led to the stand and he had to ask questions. Sinclair could only ask for his name and age and to give a recollection of what happened that night. "My name is Oliver Luke, I am 32 years old, I have been working for the ministry since I was fresh out of college, however, in...well, I had to leave briefly for a few years due to some___ " "Is there a reason you were dismissed? Violence? Drugs? Harassment?" Sinclair asked, virtually looking for whatever he could pin on the witness and have him disqualified. "Objection my lord, my client never said he was dismissed, he said he had to take a brief leave, that doesn't mean dismissal or being fired." Mr Michael said. "Well, it's one and the same thing, he was being told to leave." Sinclair insi
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Chapter forty
It was mid-morning when Jeremy set up a meeting with David Wood after a phone call with Hanson didn't exactly go the way he planned. Jeremy needed information about Sinclair's newest case, he's gotten a tip that the loss of David's case did not affect another case which he'd been handling for quite some time Sinclair was bound to put in all his anger and rage into the next case. After waiting at his phone and home line patiently for the next two days and receiving no call from Sinclair, Jeremy realized it was high time he acted before the barrister did. As much as he knew it would be an unforgivable threat to his career if he made Sinclair lose yet another case, Jeremy had no choice, he had to keep hitting the man until he reacted. As Jeremy drove down to the fancy hotel where David Wood lodged, he thought of how resilient Sinclair actually was. The man had no doubt seen the failure right before it hit him but he'd stood his ground up until the last minute when the judge made the
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