All Chapters of A Billionaire's Conundrum : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
148 chapters
Chapter forty one
Jeremy left the bar that afternoon, a little renewed, he had the answer he needed, he had a name and he had numbers - the address of the oil magnate and business mogul. Outside the hotel, he received a call from Hanson informing him that Ella was out of the state on a private jet and he couldn't track her destination. "I can feel it, something isn't right, make sure to call me once you get any information about her." He said and Hanson agreed. "Alright, sir, I'll be on the lookout." He said."One more thing, Hanson, give me all the latest deals of the oil magnate, Titus Miller, I need to get into his circle." He said. "Boss, he's currently on a case, he's trying to have the mafia boss jailed, and...he hasn't been in the public scene for several months," Hanson said. "I know, that's why I want to get into his circle, business functions, anything you can think of, tell me what he does and who it does it with, I need to get to him ASAP." He said, "On it boss." Hanson replied and the
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Chapter forty two
The morning air was crisp and it smelt strongly of coffee, freshly brewed. Bob, Jeremy's secretary, had arrived early that morning to give him some weekly reports about the company. The young man sat right beside him as he looked through the papers carefully. Jeremy knew that the success and failure of any organization was in management. For weeks, he had been unavailable at his office and he knew he had to be back or soon, he'd suffer loss, and the entire firm might suffer it too. "Reschedule all my meetings today, I'll take care of them as soon as I'm back." He said. Bob sighed and realized that he was down it outwardly, he clutched his mouth, horrified, and quickly apologized for it. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize I did that." He said. Jeremy signed too, "You have a lot on your mind, Bob, out with it." He said and the young man shook his head. Jeremy simply stared at him intently and he began to speak. "We have been having some clients leave, your presence is being missed sir
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Chapter forty three
Jeremy Harrison drove like the devil was on his heel. The journey from the farmhouse which Titus Miller used as a safehouse and the city was far apart but in a matter of less than an hour, he covered it. He arrived at the airport some minutes later and scanned the area. She was nowhere in sight and her phone was ringing but she didn't pick up. Frustrated, Jeremy had a call and all flights were halted and the planes searched. "Make sure no one leaves without my knowledge, lock all entrances." He ordered and the man obeyed instantly. As Jeremy paced at the terminal, he could feel his heart pounding, he did not want anything to happen to his girl, Ella. There was a ruckus at the far end of the airport and then, he saw Ella being brought out, her clothes rumbled, her hair a disheveled mess. "Jeremy!" She snapped as soon as she caught sight of him and ran to hug him. "I'm sorry I came late, are you okay?" He asked as she shook in his hold. Jeremy pulled away to gaze into her eyes,
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Chapter forty four
Jeremy was shocked but he schooled his hurt expression and did not jerk or respond the typical way she had expected. "When was he taken?" He asked politely without even asking her if she had a boyfriend or why. Ella suddenly looked away, unable to meet his eyes. She was uncomfortable in his presence and began to fumble with the edge of the duvet. "Are you okay? Do you need the maid to bring you anything?" Jeremy asked. Ella shook her head and looked at him oddly, she hadn't expected him to take the information lightly, almost like he wasn't affected. "I...listen...I know that we ought to marry once, my father betrothed us before you suddenly disappeared many years ago," she started and even if he insisted that she didn't owe him an explanation, she continued, feeling guilty for suddenly telling him about it. "I had to move in, I found Matthew, and he...he loves me and I love him and we want to be together." She said, Jeremy simply nodded and told her she had his approval, he was
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Chapter forty five
In the exclusive club, Jeremy sat at the VVIP section, watching as bodies grinded against each other on the dance floor and the music filtered softly around. The dim light thankfully hid the frown on his face, that was until someone came closer and noticed his scowl. Jeremy downed the third glass for the night and promised himself that he wouldn't take another. Ella was a sore topic for him. He had never felt for someone so strongly after his wife. In fact, he'd never realized how much he liked her until she told him about the man in her life. He was furious to know that she had someone else than him in his life and even openly confessed to loving him and wanting to save him. With a groan, he slammed the glass on the table and asked the bartender to replace it with sparkling water. As the glass of water arrived, he downed it at once and ordered another before pulling out his phone. He had promised to help her and he was a man of his word. He couldn't stand to see her hurt like tha
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Chapter forty six
"You're really the son of Harrison?" He asked, still doubtful and Jeremy nodded. "How did you keep you away for so long? Was he hiding you?" He asked the same question that Fred had asked him the day he showed him the photograph. "I found out everything I had to do before his death, he told me about the partnership and that I had to find a certain lawyer. I have been searching for you almost all my life, Sinclair, I hope you understand why I couldn't take no for an answer." He said. Sinclair didn't say anything, he was still furious that Jeremy was threatening him but he knew that he was right. As a partner, he deserved to be informed of the inheritance as much as anyone else and he knew that he was the only person who could do that, no other partner would be willing to help him, not when they saw him as a threat, instead, they would all try to eliminate him. "I guess you are right, I will tell you all you need to know, come with me." He said as he rose. That evening, Jeremy and
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Chapter forty seven
Domino Sinclair lost sleep that night. He tossed and turned and could not help but jerk awake every time he realized that it wasn't a dream, his firm had indeed been broken into and Joseph had stolen from him. At about 5:04 am, Sinclair was already out of bed and heading to the office. As he drove down the relatively quiet neighborhood, he wondered how he'd not noticed that Joseph was a snitch, he should have known that he wasn't to be trusted. From the various sick leave he usually took and then his insistence on working late at the office, he should have known he had something up his sleeves. A few minutes later, still upset with his ignorance, Sinclair arrived at his firm and crossed the tapes to move inside. The police had wanted taping off the area but he insisted that it wasn't necessary, he didn't want it to get out of hand, or into the press. "What the heck! I told them not to do this! It's not a crime scene for fucks sake!" Sinclair swore angrily and swiped off the tape as
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Chapter forty eight
"Titus Miller? The prosecutor?" Jeremy asked and Sinclair nodded. "He took the tape recording I had of the oil magnate, that was my solid evidence." He said and groaned loudly. Jeremy smirked as the man began to pace the office. He was mad, he was frustrated and he feared what Ajec would do to him when he found out that Titus Miller now had the upper hand in the case. "Can't you work without the tape recorder?" Jeremy asked. Sinclair hissed, "How is that even possible? Ajec is going to be sent to jail if I don't act fast! That was the only evidence that Titus Miller had gone into a deal with Ajec, it was a watertight case, goddammit!" Sinclair loudly and plopped on the couch with a groan. Jeremy could see that no matter how much Sinclair wanted to appear strong, he was somehow weakened by the Ajec case, he was working with fear and that was risky, soon, he was bound to break down or make a careless mistake. Jeremy wondered what the mafia boss had on him to be able to cage him and
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Chapter forty nine
The sun hung low in the sky when Sinclair and Jeremy finally arrived at a private place to 'talk' like Sinclair had put it. Jeremy knew why the lawyer had insisted that they leave the office, the whole place was compromised. From the destruction to breaking into the archive, it was clear that whoever had sent Joseph or worked with him - as Sinclair had pointed out - was looking for more than just a recorder, they wanted much more. The house before then was semi-detached, Sinclair drove behind the yard and disappeared from sight, no doubt trying to hit his ride and so Jeremy followed suit, parking just behind him. Sinclair got out of the car and slammed it shut after dropping his suit on the seat and uncuffing his sleeves. Jeremy marveled at how the man managed to remain considerably calm despite the events of the day. He felt bad, he knew that Sinclair needed rest, especially since his case was the next day. Jeremy swung out of the car and said to him, "We can do this another day
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Chapter fifty
Jeremy left the safehouse of Sinclair and got into his car, reversing out of the neighborhood as speedily as he arrived. Sinclair however stayed back and insisted that he would spend the night at the safehouse. "I'll spend the night here, I feel nostalgic, and I need to reflect on a lot of things, I don't think my house is safe either." He said as Jeremy left. Driving down the now quiet neighborhood later that evening, Jeremy realized that he'd taken too long, he'd gone too long and there were other partners ahead of him. He had to find a way to get the first batch of the code, like Sinclair has said, they were ahead of him and he had to level up. Jeremy pulled out his phone and called Hanson soon after, "Boss, I'm at your service." He said, his voice low. "What have you found out about Matthew Ryan?" He asked. "Matthew Ryan is not who you think he is, boss, I have found four reports of Matthew Ryan in the city and none of them look clean, unless, we're talking of a young school
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