All Chapters of A Billionaire's Conundrum : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
148 chapters
Chapter fifty one
Jeremy woke before the sun the next morning, he was out of bed and out of the Milton Community before his secretary could arrive to announce that his partners were growing fed up with his absence and incessant postponement of meetings. He drove directly to the Kingston mansion with the location that Gilbert had sent to him that night. The instructions had been really clear, he didn't have to go with anyone and he didn't. Arriving at the gate of the estate, he pulled out his platinum card and showed it to the security who was shocked but then insisted that he had to confirm with his boss first before he was let in. Jeremy was used to the protocols and standards of the elite estates and mansions in the city, especially when it came to security. He hadn't expected the Kingston family to be any less on security, but he hadn't expected them to take it overboard either.As Jeremy drove in, he could see uniformed men line the driveway, almost like they had been expecting danger. Jeremy s
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Chapter fifty two
The living room is much different from the parlor that Jeremy waited in. It is much smaller and much less fanciful. As a matter of fact, it is a little gloomy, sad, and dark. The maids who were dressed in black and white uniform were replaced with women dressed in black with black hats on. "Take your seat, master Gilbert will see you now." The maid that took over from the last said and led him to an equally plush couch. "I see you came," Gilbert's voice came from above him and Jeremy had to look up. At the balcony just above him, the man stood, his eyes cast down at him, his face not friendly. "And you came along too," he said as he descended the staircase and came to the living room area, "How brave." He added. "What's there to be afraid of?" He asked casually and Gilbert smiled, almost like he had a dark secret that Jeremy did not know about. "You really have no idea what you're getting into, do you, Jeremy Harrison?" He asked as he too took his seat across from him. "Why di
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Chapter fifty three
Jeremy left the Kingston mansion angrier than he had arrived. They just wasted two hours of his day and he hadn't found out anything remotely useful about the family or even Hilda and Gilbert themselves. And the dark hallway within the building still made him ponder on what was locked beyond that heavily protected door, perhaps it was a vault, a safe? It surely couldn't be the Kingston safe, Sinclair said it was in possession of the council of lawyers and awaiting for the true heir to bring the code. Jeremy hissed angrily as he reversed into the street and sped off, "How dare she try to bribe me off with money?" He spat angrily into the quiet car. He should have known that Hilda would have a trick like that up her sleeves. But it only empowered Jeremy, he was now sure that he was a threat to them and he had to keep up with his research and find the right people who could help him, there was no way that Gilbert would be the true heir, it didn't matter that he was the lord's son, Jer
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Chapter fifty four
Fury coursed through his veins as he thought of what Bob had just done. His office was a mess, not much different from what had happened inside Sinclair's office just a day ago. He couldn't believe that he'd been careless enough too and let his secretary gain access to his office and go through his drawers and shelf. Although his furniture was still intact, he knew it was only a matter of time before they would tear it apart if they couldn't find what they were looking for. Bob returned shortly after, his face said everything even before he could open his mouth. "She's gone." He said. Jeremy nodded, he hadn't expected less, "And by she's gone you mean?" He asked, just for clarification. "The security said she complained of a bad stomach ache as she drove out, but I've checked her desk, it's cleared out, and everything is gone including the house plant she brought." He explained. "So, you're in this mess all by yourself apparently, what do you have to say? Were you stealing from
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Chapter fifty five
Mildred was silent as they all walked out of the house, she knew her whole life was going to crash down on her, she wouldn't be able to buy the beach house she'd already booked the realtor for that weekend. "I can't believe you never loved me, Mildred," Bob said, hurt. "Go be a crybaby elsewhere, Bob, I don't owe you any apologies." She said and got off the couch as he went into her bathroom. "The men will remain with you throughout today, no calls, no messages, no funny moves or you will spend the rest of your freaking life in jail," Jeremy warned her as he went off. Jeremy still couldn't believe that a mere secretary was compromising his company. It was indeed the least on the list that posed the hardest threats. He wondered what Sinclair would think if he found out that their offices had both been compromised a few days apart. It was such a baffling coincidence. As he got into the car, he was prepared to brace up for whatever info that Mildred would give to him. It was bound
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Chapter fifty six
Jeremy was eager to get to the airport, speeding like the devil was on his heels, he arrived at the airport shortly after. He was very curious, wondering what it was that Fred had to tell him and of course what the old man wanted in return. He knew for a fact that nothing was free and no information about the Kingston case and inheritance came cheap.Jeremy was a little skeptical too, he kept pondering on what had changed his mind, after the last time they had spoken, he sounded like he wanted nothing to do with the Kingston inheritance, now suddenly he had arrived in California unannounced and with news that he had valuable information for him. Jeremy arrived at the airport in less than 20 minutes, he was lucky to not get an overspeeding ticket. He had to linger around at the terminal for a few more minutes before he finally saw Fred with his luggage - if a duffle bag could pass as luggage. “Welcome to California, it's good to see you," Jeremy said as he offered a firm handshake
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Chapter fifty seven
"Will you help me?" Fred asked, sounding hopeful. Jeremy nodded, the man had been very helpful even from the very first day he took that flight to meet him at South Dakota. Even when he knew that he would be at risk for communicating with him, he did not turn him away. He felt duty-bound to help him reunite with his family. "All I need is information on the last location, I will have my investigators take it up from there." He assured him. "Thank you, Jeremy. I am in your debt." Fred said. Jeremy opened the small box that Fred handed him, inside it was an old-looking compass, a small map, and a key that looked to be made out of wood. "The location of the underground channel is being circled on the map, I don't know why you have so much zeal about this, you will face a lot of opposition, Gilbert and Hilda will certainly not give up on the inheritance that easily, but I wish you good luck, be careful and do not trust anyone," Fred said.Jeremy nodded, looked at the moon for a coupl
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Chapter fifty eight
Sinclair was clearly tired, he ran his hand through his hair, he looked like he would rather be anywhere than in the car driving to an unknown location. "This is the map and compass, it will lead us to an underground channel, that's the way." He said. Sinclair took the map, he looked at the old compass too, and frowned, "Why do I feel like this has some link with Fred, the second partner." Sinclair said, more of a statement than a question. "Maybe, maybe not," Jeremy replied vaguely as he took a sharp turn to his left and sped up the highway. "Something tells me you have this map all figured out and you just want me to follow you there," Sinclair said. And he wasn't wrong, Jeremy had to go to the maps scanned and sent to his investigators the moment that Fred gave them to him. He had gotten the coordinates before he arrived at the Sinclair firm and with his GPS, he knew the way to the location. "That is the joy of technology," Jeremy replied with a small smile. "So what if we f
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Chapter fifty nine
The police arrived just in time, but Jeremy and Sinclair had no use for them. As the sounds of the siren blasted outside, Jeremy knew it was time to leave, he didn't want to risk the police finding out about the secret entrance, he had a feeling that there was a lot more digging to do before he wrote off the place entirely. “That is our cue to leave," Sinclair said as he kicked at another debris, this time it was a piece of cloth that looked much like a face mask. "Let's get out of here, I know the police will get very nosey, but I don't think I am willing to answer questions or risk exposing Fred, the man is already too paranoid as it is without adding the police to his list of problems," Jeremy said and Sinclair nodded. The men made their way through the underground channel into the main building, they passed through a stairwell that was heavily barricaded with planks and rotting wood. As they got to the main floor, both men turned to look at themselves as they realized that the
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Chapter sixty
The house was quiet when Jeremy arrived. He could still see Mildred's car behind the house. Jeremy wondered who her source was but he was thankful that he had stopped just in the nick of time before she sold out valuable information to a rival company. "I haven't given them anything, could you just let me go?" Mildred asked, activating her feminine charm. Jeremy noticed that she had changed into her sheer camisole under her bathrobe. But the men that were guarding her house looked unaffected. “You are not getting out of this by batting your eyelashes, Mildred," Jeremy said as he walked past and settled on the couch. The man handed him her cell phone and could see the number of times she had been communicating with her so-called source. "I hate to think about the harm you have done already, Mildred," Jeremy said, his eyes fiery. "I haven't done anything, you told me not to communicate with the source without letting you know that is exactly what I did," Mildred replied defensivel
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