All Chapters of A Billionaire's Conundrum : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
148 chapters
Chapter sixty one
Mildred was shaking like a leaf in autumn, her hands placed on her chest. Jeremy almost felt pity for her but then he reminded himself that she was the one who got herself into the mess in the first place. She wished that she had never come in contact with that anonymous source or tried to manipulate Bob into getting that file for her. "What did they say to you?" He asked. Mildred shook her head, her mouth opening multiple times but she could not say a coherent statement. Jeremy slowly held her by the shoulders and made her sit down, he ordered a glass of water and she gulped it down at once. "They threatened to come for me, they think that I have sold them out." She said, her eyes wide in fear. Jeremy shook his head, "You will have to stay in your apartment, at least until I tell you that it is safe, don't worry, I won't let them hurt you." He assured me. Mildred nodded, "He asked me for the document of the contract with your recent partner at the Mercury Healer, I did as you i
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Chapter sixty two
The previous night was the worst night of Jeremy Harrison's life. He could feel a nagging in his head, a voice that could not be silenced until eventually, his 5 o'clock alarm rang and he rolled out of bed, feeling as tired as he was when he first got in. Jeremy had not slept more than an hour and thirty minutes throughout the entire night, he was restless, having been unable to reach Sinclair for the entire day, he reluctantly went home, still pondering on the F sign. When he got out, he returned the first phone call he missed, it was from Bob, his assistant. "Sir, someone is here at the office to see you." The man said. Jeremy looked at his watch, it was a few minutes past 8 a.m, all he had managed to do was take a quick warm shower and nibble on a few slices of toast before dressing up for the day. "Who was it? What do they want?" Jeremy asked impatiently. "It's Mr Domino Sinclair, sir, he arrived a few minutes ago and he is still in the waiting area," Bob replied. Jeremy cur
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Chapter sixty three
"A fourth partner?" Jeremy asked, surprised. Sinclair nodded, "I haven't told you about this, because I wanted to protect you, like you said yourself, I don't even know why I am helping you and I don't want you to get hurt." He said. "What are you talking about? Everyone knows that lord Kingston only had three partners," Jeremy said, finding it hard to believe what Sinclair was telling him. "No, lord Kingston had four partners, his own son, Gilbert Kingston, although he was never really concerned about the family business and the Kingston Empire, he still included his heir in the partnership and had people work on behalf of him. The second partner which I am sure you know of is Fred, Fred was really close to lord Kingston and he became a partner and was included in the will. The third partner is your father, he was the most valuable scientist in the Kingston Empire, some even said that you were lord Kingston's favorite, until the conspiracy started and your father was ashamed and
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Chapter sixty four
"Don't tell me it is who I think it is," Jeremy said, he wasn't looking forward to crossing paths with the Jason family ever again. "Since you think this is the best for you, I have no choice but to help you," Sinclair said as he retrieved a single card from his pocket and laid it on the desk. "The Jason family is rather private, if you want to get in, you will need help." He said. Jeremy shook his head, he would not be needing any help to get in, he knew them better than anyone else, he'd been living with them. "If it is really the Jason family that I think it is, then I won't be needing any help to get in, I'm sure as hell that they'll be surprised to see me, I just don't think they'll be quite welcoming." He said. "Well, I'm sure you know best," Sinclair said but left the card on the table. Jeremy took it and pocketed it, but he doubted that he'd ever need it. "You have to be very careful, there is a lot that is going on inside this battle that you have no idea about. There
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Chapter sixty five
The next day, Jeremy woke up pretty late, it was already mid-morning when he finally made a stop at the office to have a few meetings that had been postponed for way too long. Bob briefed him about some of the partners who were threatening to leave if not speak with or have a meeting with the founder of the company himself. Jeremy still gave the same reply he'd given for the past few years, he was just working for the Mercury Healer, and no one knew who the founder was. That morning, his secretary had looked at him funnily, Jeremy suspected that he might have discovered that Jeremy was not only the CEO but the founder of the Mercury Healer, but Jeremy to not indulge the man, he simply told him to keep the partners call my eyes much as he could on a show them that it was safe to invest in the company. As Jeremy arrived home later that evening, pulling off his tan suit and plain black trousers, he recalled the event of the day, when Sinclair was unavailable, no doubt handling the ca
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Chapter sixty six
Jeremy remained cool as Matthew Ryan strolled around, meeting with other drug dealers and cartel leaders; they were all happy to be associated with the only son of the powerful Tutu Cartel. Fury coursed right through his veins, Jeremy knew the Tutu Cartel, they were not the best in the city but they were quite tricky, and made sure to show up at the biggest event to associate with important people, that way, many people were loyal to them thinking that they actually were very powerful and well connected, it was just a game of bluffs and Matthew Ryan's family had mastered it quite well. Jeremy excused himself from the party just a few minutes later, he knew that it wasn't safe to confront him inside the club, he had to lure Matthew outside. "Hi, do you know who Matthew Ryan is?" He asked one of the men who had just arrived at the club in a Ferrari. The man looked at him closely, he clearly could not recall him from any of the previous meetings, but he shrugged it off and figured ou
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Chapter sixty seven
Ella was in despair, from the club, she locked herself in her room and did not say a word to anybody. Abraham was very worried and spent the rest of the night trying to make her, albeit fruitlessly. Jeremy had gone home after several attempts to get Ella out of the room proved abortive. He could understand her anger, she was betrayed, and he could tell that she was ashamed too. He knew that the only way to allow her to heal was to leave her alone. Despite telling Abraham this, he lost sleep at night still trying to coax her out. The next morning, he got a call from Abraham that made him arrive at the Coatas family house again. "You are the only one that can make her come out, please, help my daughter." He begged. "All she needs is a little bit of time, she will come around, sir," Jeremy said. "No, what if she hurts herself in there?" Abraham asked worriedly. Jeremy sighed, he knew that the old man was right, people could act oddly when grieving. "I will check up on her," he said
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Chapter sixty eight
Ella turned and looked at Jeremy, she was most surprised by his declaration. He had never told her that he wanted to marry her, she believed that he found her unappealing. "I hope you are not trying to play with my daughter's emotions," Abraham said, "she has gone through enough already." "I want to marry Ella," Jeremy replied decisively. Matthew Ryan was shocked, he turned to Ella with wild eyes and pointed at her, "What is the meaning of this, have you been cheating on me?" He asked angrily. "And what if I have? You have no rights over me," she said, facing him squarely. Jeremy pulled her beside him, he did not want to get upset anymore, she had passed through enough already in the hands of Matthew. "Do not waste your breath on him, he's leaving the house now or I will have the guards throw him out," Jeremy replied. Matthew looked like he was going to refuse but Ella stepped in, "How about I tell my father what you wanted to do, what you wanted the company documents for?" She
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Chapter sixty nine
Jeremy did not move from his seat even as she spoke, he simply turned his neck in her. direction. "It's good to see you too, Rebecca," he said sarcastically. Rebecca was shocked to see him, she was just in a pencil skirt and a shirt, she had her handbag in her left hand and the car key to her Lexus on the right. "What are you doing here?" She asked, sounding more curious than upset. "That's not a very warm way to welcome a familiar face, is it?" He said, his tone light, almost joking. "You are as special to me as any stranger I have just met seconds ago, do not flatter yourself, what do you want?" She asked. "I have come to discuss with you about__" "Do not bother yourself, I am way out of your league, you can never have me back." She snapped and swayed in her right skirt, showing off her curves. Jeremy could not deny the fact that she was still very beautiful, but he wanted nothing to do with her. "Did you think you could ever find someone as pretty or successful as me? Forget
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Chapter seventy
Rebecca's eyes widened, and her mother audibly gasped, her hands going to her chest. "Isn't that the partner that your uncle said was the bane of his existence? " Her mother said before she even realized that she'd spoken aloud. Jeremy smiled, he was proud of the legacy that his father had left behind, one thing that even Sinclair did not know was that his father had been a very powerful partner and he was feared by the rest of them. Even Hilda and Gilbert had looked quite surprised to find out he was there to take his father's place. "How could you hide this from me after so many years of being married?" Rebecca asked, trying to make him feel guilty. "Really? It is not like you didn't have a few secrets of your own." He replied stiffly. "I don't regret leaving you, you are a chameleon." She spat angrily. Jeremy shrugged, "I guess I am glad that I never spoke to you about my heritage, who knows what you would have done to sabotage me." He said, glad that he'd never disclosed who
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