All Chapters of A Billionaire's Conundrum : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
148 chapters
Chapter seventy one
Jeremy left the company that day, his day was absolutely ruined. His meeting with Rebecca's family was not fruitful in any way, in fact, he was sure that he had ended up pissing his ex-wife off and making future communication even more difficult. Bob was running after him as he strolled to the car, the secretary was no doubt bothered about the reaction of the partners, "Sir, they have promised to not invest in the Mercury Healer again," Bob said worriedly as he got beside his car. Jeremy sighed, even though he was not sure if the partners were bluffing or they would all honestly leave the company because they did not know who the CEO or president was. "If you ask me, I would say that they are bluffing," Jeremy replied. Bob frowned deeply, he was not sure that the partners were bluffing, "I'm afraid they're not, sir," he replied and shook his head. Jeremy looked at him closely, it was evidence that the man knew something that he didn't. "What is it, Bob?" He asked. "Sir, the pa
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Chapter seventy two
The nights seemed short as the days rolled by, Jeremy usually turned and tossed on his sheet, restless and bothered until the first light broke through his windows. No pills could help him sleep better and he wasn't even a fan of those either. The next morning, Jeremy rolled out of bed pretty late, he was not eager to face the day, not after a series of disappointments for the past few days. He was beginning to feel like he had come to the end of his journey, the end of the road. Sinclair was still yet to return from his case in New York City, and from the little information he gathered on the evening news, the lawyer had another case in Manhattan soon. It was obvious he would not be having his help for some time. Jeremy was still amazed at the sudden friendship that had bloomed between himself and the lawyer; he could not believe that several months ago, he was doing everything he could to sabotage him and ruin his case. Now, he was his only trusted ally when it came to the Sincla
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Chapter seventy three
Rebecca was furious, she realized that she had just spent her entire day waiting at the reception hall of the Mercury Healer only to be told that Jeremy was the only one who could approve her partnership. "I could never agree to a partnership with you, you are a nobody, quit pretending!" She snapped. Jeremy was torn between feeling sad or disappointed. He realized that all his years with Rebecca and her family had created an image of him in his head that would take longer to expel. As long as the Jason family was concerned, you would always be the son-in-law who was worth nothing. "I wouldn't even agree to a partnership with you, Rebecca, so don't flatter yourself," Jeremy replied coldly. Rebecca turned to Bob, trying to see if the secretary was fooling her, but the man shook his head as a response to her unspoken question. She looked at Jeremy again. The size of the office was large - too large as a matter of fact. The furniture looked like something that would cost a lot of m
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Chapter seventy four
"Hello, Jeremy," the man said with a wide and wicked smile on his face. "Long time no see," he added. Jeremy stared into the eyes of Joe, Rebecca's notorious brother. He could recall his last encounter with him, he'd been lucky to be pulled out of it just in time by Ella. But now he didn't need help, he was sure he could handle the man himself, especially now that his sister had upset him even further. "This is getting rather old don't you think?" Jeremy asked, a bored expression on his face. Joe shook his head, "Anyone who messes with my family messes with me, and you should know that I'm not someone you want to mess with." He said. "Are you forgetting so soon how the last time ended?" Jeremy sneered at him, the man bared his teeth and said that he'd just gotten lucky. "You're just lucky that one of your little toys saved you then, I'm pretty sure she won't be here to help you anymore." Joe said, pissed off, "I heard she wasn't even yours, you've been pretending to be important
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Chapter seventy five
Jeremy knew that Rebecca and her mother would not be very pleased to find out that Joe was being arrested, more so that he'd be tried and taken to jail for drug dealing. "I'm guessing this isn't the first time that he has harassed you," Sinclair said and Jeremy nodded. He'd thought he had seen the last of the rascal the last time they met but apparently, no one in the Jason family gave up that easily, not Rebecca, not her mother, not her brother. "So, do you want to tell me about him?" Sinclair asked, he was curious. He'd met with Jeremy severally, he was always the one chasing answers, it was never him being chased. "It's a good thing you're being hunted for a change, you're always the hunter," Sinclair noted jokingly. Jeremy smiled, it was clear that he had been the one chasing for a while now, Gilbert, Hilda, Rebecca, Sinclair, Fred. The list was rarely ending, it had been from one secret exposed to another and one trail to another, finding just about anyone that could be instru
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Chapter seventy six
Jeremy acted like everything was normal, he quietly followed Sinclair to the restaurant which was a good distance away from the law firm."This should be a good place to talk," he said and pulled up to the parking lot of the building. As Sinclair got out of the car, Jeremy weighed the gift in his hands and almost left it in the glove compartment but decided against it. Something told him that the camera being directed at him and the package was related, he just had to find a connection. At the last booth, Sinclair sat across from him and pulled out his phone, laying it on the table. "So, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?" He asked and Jeremy sighed. His lips suddenly heavy as he thought about the parcel in his pocket. How hard could it be to lay it on the table and let them both talk about it - like they always did other issues? "Can I trust you?" He asked and Sinclair nodded, "You know you can." He replied promptly. Jeremy dipped his hands in his pocket again and this
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Chapter seventy seven
"What the hell?!" He snapped and dropped the paper as it burned. "I'm as surprised as you are," Hanson said with a shrug, "when I first saw it, it didn't make any sense, I had to try and separate the ink, but here it is, I can't even deny it." He said. Jeremy stared at the sheet again, hoping he could see some letter, some stray alphabet, anything to make it obvious that it wasn't his name, there was none. Right below his name were a few other words that didn't quite make sense: Come, time, pursue, and urgent, were some of the words that he could make out. "What does this mean?" He asked, his tone sober. Hanson shook his head with a frown, he was as lost as Jeremy was, or even more so. "I don't know, it's as much of a surprise to me too," he said and finally pulled out the desk from the light raw. "What did you find on it? Any clues? Fingerprints?" He asked."There's a lot, over a dozen, I'm guessing this was a calculated effort to frustrate any investigations that would have bee
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Chapter seventy eight
Jeremy Harrison was disappointed to find out that he couldn't even trust the one man that he believed was on his side. As he left Hanson, his father's words echoed in his head. He was warned not to trust anyone. Sinclair was on that list. Jeremy pulled out the litmus paper and looked at it closely again, it had no traces of any ink, just like Hanson had said, it was invisible to the naked eyes and God knows what else had been written on that paper. Time, reach, urgent, Jeremy Harrison, it was all a combination of words that didn't quite make sense. It was part of a sentence and that sentence was lost to him, Hanson couldn't figure it out yet. Could it be that someone was trying to reach him urgently? Maybe he had limited time and someone had to talk to him. But why would they show up at the Sinclair firm when he didn't stay there? Jeremy sighed in frustration, the incessant worrying was beginning to form a migraine and that was the last thing he needed. With or without Hanson, he h
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Chapter seventy nine
"Fuck!" The cool said as he turned and faced him. He looked guilty, like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. " I don't think so," he said, his voice breaking at the end. "Okay, I don't need another cup of tea," Jeremy replied, he knew it was useless to ask the man what had happened inside, he'd only lie about it and feel attacked. He had to make him talk by himself, that way he could tell him everything he needed to know. "Okay, I'll be in the kitchen, whipping up breakfast," he said and tried to hurry away but Jeremy hissed and slammed the cup on the desk, the man jumped and turned to him, his face crumpled. "It was all his idea," the man said and Jeremy kept his eyes on him firmly, it was obvious that the man was going to open up soon. "What are you talking about?" Jeremy asked, acting like he had no idea what he was talking about. "I know you overheard us from the kitchen, we could see your car from the kitchen window," he said and nodded in the direction
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Chapter eighty
It took a few hours that afternoon before Titus was finally well-rested and woke up shortly after the doctor checked his vitals again for the third time. Jeremy sat on the sofa in the waiting room of the clinic. Titus was being rushed to a clinic in the Milton Community once Jeremy noticed the state in which he was in. He didn't spare a second in calling the guards and making sure he was taken to the clinic and given proper care. It didn't matter if he had betrayed him or was planning to sell him out to his rivals, all that mattered at that moment was the man's life, if not for his own sake then for the sake of his family that loved him. "Did he try to kill himself?" Ray asked him for the third time that afternoon in the waiting room. Again, Jeremy simply shook his head. He didn't believe that Titus had attempted to end his own life, no, he guessed that the old man had tried to escape from the second floor and it had ended badly for him. "Will he be alright? Is he going to die?" R
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