All Chapters of A Billionaire's Conundrum : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
148 chapters
Chapter eighty one
Titus jerked up from the hospital bed as he heard of jail. He was not ready to go to jail. He had his son in rehab already and his wife was going insane slowly with worry, his daughter was beside herself, and the last thing he needed was to stay behind bars too, it would shatter his family for good. "I can't go to jail, master, please." He said, his tone pleading. Jeremy shook his head, "That's not my choice to make, it's yours, you have twenty-four hours to give me the information I need or I will be dragging your ass to court," he said and then turned to leave the room. "Please wait!" Titus called out, he came down from the bed despite the doctor's stern warning that he should rest and recover fully before being discharged the next day. "Please, you can't make me go to jail, I'll do anything!" He begged his knees on the floor. Jeremy sighed, he hated seeing humans like this, beggarly, pleading for mercy when they dug their graves with their greed and then thought that someone e
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Chapter eighty two
Jeremy Harrison was at a point in his life where he had met a fork in the road. Still unable to trust the only man he had his hopes on, Domino Sinclair, he had to turn to Hanson for answers. He was lost, fatigued, and weary of being wary. After Mildred's arrest and detention a few days ago, Jeremy paid her a visit in the cell and although her bail was quite cheap, he decided that she would handle it herself. Mildred had nothing to tell him, her story was twisted and he knew she was simply lying to save face. Jeremy skipped breakfast and went to the office, he had a few things to sort out before he returned to Hanson to get briefed on the Sinclair issue. So far, the homeless man was still at large. Although Jeremy had said that he didn't want to put him in trouble, he had still driven past the Sinclair firm more than thrice, hoping to see him, but the alley was empty and there was no sign of him anywhere. At noon, was still at the office, his tray of lunch before him after Bob ins
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Chapter eighty three
Jeremy was shocked to hear him say that, but he schooled his facial expression and did not give away his surprise. He simply shrugged, "What do you want?" He asked with a nasty glare. Eugene tossed a piece of paper at him but Jeremy did not make any move to grab it from the table. "That's something for a man like you, get it and stay off the case." He said and nodded at the cheque. That was when Jeremy stretched to pick it up. It was a check for 500 million dollars. He laughed at a loud and boisterous sound. Then he turned to the man and shook his head, "If you think that a few dollars will take me off the case then maybe you're more stupid than I have you credit for," he blurted. "How dare you talk to me in that manner?! Do you know what it means to be the lord of the Jason family?" Eugene asked, angry. Jeremy smiled, he had done his research, he knew that a new lord was being appointed after the former had passed on many years ago. The pictures of the new lord were nowhere to b
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Chapter eighty four
The next day, Jeremy just could not handle it anymore, he needed to talk to somebody and Domino Sinclair was his only option. That same morning, Jeremy called Sinclair and asked if he was free to meet him later in the day. Sinclair agreed to meet him, although he sounded a little odd over the phone. But before he got ready for his meeting with Sinclair, he arrived at the office to make sure that Bob had everything under control, he could not risk another retard like Eugene getting into the company unknown to his staff. he could still recall the last incident with Mildred which led to his security guards being drugged. "I had no idea that he was a rival or he was even related to your ex__" Bob stopped himself from completing that sentence as he saw the ugly look in Jeremy's eyes, "I meant, I did not know that he was here for the same purposes miss Anneliese," he rephrased instead. Jeremy nodded, he could not even blame Bob for letting Eugene in, after all, how was the secretary sup
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Chapter eighty five
"What? You won't say anything, cat caught your tongue?" Sinclair below at him, his fist slamming on the table angrily. "How did you know about the parcel?" Jeremy asked, he had been very careful, he'd spoken to no one about it, no one but Hanson, was it possible that Sinclair was communicating with Hanson? He wondered and immediately banished the thought from his head, it was very less likely. "It is my fucking office, do you think anything happens around here without my knowing about it? After the stupid move that Joseph made the other night, I could never be naive enough to let my office or the entire premises stay unguarded. Jeremy had nothing to say in his defense, it was obvious that Sinclair had found out about the parcel, and he wasn't so happy that he had hidden it from him. "So, let me tell you what exactly was playing in your head, you think I have something to hide and that was why you decided to hijack a delivery made right in front of my office, and you couldn't even
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Chapter eighty six
Sinclair was surprised, he took a closer look at the paper again and even retrieved a pair of glasses from his drawer to stare at it closely. Nothing was written on it, not even a blot of ink. "Is this some joke? I can't see your name anywhere on this paper, " he said looking at Jeremy. "It is some kind of invisible litmus paper, my investigator used some advanced technology to view it, he even said that a few letters had been destroyed when he was trying to make it visible, what is left doesn't make much sense, just words and phrases." He said and then handed his phone to Sinclair, showing him the picture of the paper he had taken right on the blue light in Hanson's tech room. Sinclair could see the faint blue ink on the paper in the photograph, he pinched the screen and zoomed it, right in the center of the page was the name Jeremy Harrison, above it was the word 'reach' then beside it was 'time' and 'urgent' which was blotted. "What does this mean?" He asked, intrigued by the s
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Chapter eighty seven
Jeremy Harrison had not been to a party in a very long time, he could not even imagine what he would wear to it. Earlier that day, about a few minutes before his lunch break, he had received a letter which was an invitation to a charity auction after-party. The world of the rich was funny in its own right, as much as he found the idea of a charity auction ridiculous, especially considering that the money raised often never got to see the less privileged it was intended for, by was rather hijacked by the very organizers, the idea of an after party was even much more absurd. But Jeremy had quickly called Sinclair to tell him about the invitation he received, the man advised him to go to the party, "Trust me you can't afford to miss this, whoever invited you wants you to see something and you are going to meet with a lot of influential people too, who knows who else you might need in this battle?" With that single advice, Jeremy had arrived home early from work to prepare for the char
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Chapter eighty eight
Ella finally agreed to go with him after he accepted her terms of returning her home safe. They left in the limousine he'd arrived in, Ella was dressed in a small red dress and although she would no doubt draw all the eyes on herself, Jeremy couldn't tell her to put it off, it fit perfectly against her form. "You look beautiful," he said and Ella smiled at him, but she didn't meet his eyes. Jeremy didn't know what else he could say to make her more comfortable in his presence, but he resolved to not push it, she'd come around, eventually. A few minutes later, they arrived at the party and Jeremy got the car door for her, Ella stepped out and sure enough, Jeremy could already hear catcalls around him. "Damn, she's pretty," he heard one of them say. "Hot as hell," another agreed more audibly. Jeremy ignored them both and walked quietly into the party, his IV was accepted and someone led him up to the VIP section. "What is this place?" Ella asked quizzically, looking around, "It
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Chapter eighty nine
Jeremy tried to calm Ella that night and managed to take her home. She was still shaking when he took her into the car, "Where did you get that?" He asked but all she did was shake her head and look at him in terror. She was terrified, she couldn't speak, and her limbs shook. Jeremy looked over at her, she didn't appear visibly hurt, her dress was intact, and so was her hair. Apparently, all that was wrong was the box in her hand. "Do you know who gave it to you?" He asked and Ella shook her head wildly, she couldn't even place their face. "I don't... I...I don't know them," she stuttered, looking about the car like she expected someone to jump out from the backseat and harm her. "Did they say anything to you? A name maybe?" He asked and she shook her head wildly again. "They didn't say anything, I...I was just inside when I received a call and then I stepped out to answer it because the volume was a little high and I couldn't hear anything," she began to explain and Jeremy immed
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Chapter Ninety
It was becoming clear to Jeremy Harrison that his investigator was right, he was making even more enemies in the city. "I guess this is what it takes to claim my inheritance," Jeremy muttered to himself, "If this is the price I have to pay then so be it," he said firmly. Adolf Tom, as Hanson had told him, was a very powerful businessman, he was also a loyal friend and associate of the Kingston family. With the sudden disappearance of lord Kingston, some of the partners who wanted to remain relevant in business began to fraternize with Hilda and Gilbert just to get in their good books. Adolf was not going to be his everyday rival, from the information that Hanson had given him, it turned out that Adold had already planned to deliver the box to him at the party even without knowing what he looked like. And if his suspicions were correct, then he had simply alerted his men to give it to Ella while Gilbert was distracting him with a conversation so he could take his eyes off of her. "
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