All Chapters of A Billionaire's Conundrum : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
148 chapters
Chapter ninety one
It was the conspiracy of the century as far as the Kingston family was concerned. The closest partner, Jeremy's father, had been caught in a compromising situation many years ago. It was an ugly one and he had barely gotten out of it alive when death snatched him through a brief illness. Jeremy knew that his father died of natural causes, after all, he was one of the best healers in the city and if anything went wrong, he should have been able to heal himself, but what he couldn't do was fight nature. Jeremy's father had warned him of what the conspiracy would do to his name if anybody uncovered it, although the lord had tried to conceal it after they settled, he was afraid that nothing hid under the sun forever and one day, someone would surely bring it to bear it. "What's happening Jeremy? Are you unable to speak now? I thought you always had a way with fancy words!" Eugene mocked, laughing loudly in the office. Jeremy quickly snapped out of his reverie and realized that the lor
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Chapter ninety two
It was a one-way cave, there certainly was no escape except through one door - that door was Eugene. "You have a choice to make, Jeremy, you can either fight this as long as you want but I can assure you that the entire city will know about your father's misdeeds long before you can have a rethink, or you can peacefully back out of this fight, after all you a very young, you have your whole life ahead of you, you can start something else," Eugene offered, he sounded like he was giving him a valid advise. Jeremy glared at him, "How dare you try to tell me what to do with my life? My father gave everything he had to that company, that family, that empire, and now you__""And now he is dead! Dead!" Eugene cut in before he could say anything else,"Don't you get it? Your father is dead and you are out here fighting his battles, frankly I expected you to be wiser," he said with a scowl. "I don't expect you to know what family or honor is, it is way beneath a man of your caliber," Jeremy
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Chapter ninety three
The lord of the Jason family left victorious that morning, he had gotten Jeremy out of the way for good - or so he believed. Eugene arrived at the Kingston estate many hours later, he had an appointment with Hilda and Gilbert, and he knew they were eager to know how his confrontation went. At the gate, the security allowed Eugene in after receiving a confirmation call from Hilda herself. Eugene had not been to the estate in a very long time, the Jason's family relationship with Kingston was not what it used to be. Eugene had learned his lesson, everyone was alone in the rat race, there was no brotherhood or allies, just pawns in the game. Inside the building, Eugene parked behind a brand new-looking Range Rover and paused for a few seconds to admire it. The Kingston family was no doubt swimming in wealth, he could not pinpoint where they got the money from but for certain Hilda and Gilbert weren't doing badly even with the lord's disappearance for a while. "Welcome, Mr. Eugene, ou
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Chapter ninety four
Jeremy was caught between a rock and a hard place. All his life was drifting away right before his eyes. Mildred, Sinclair, everything he'd had to endure in his quest to get the inheritance, it was all lost now. Hitting the brakes, Jeremy missed a moving van by an inch and swerved to the left, almost hitting the sidewalk. "Damn it!" He swore loudly and slammed his fist on the steering wheel, hammering it in frustration and making the car honk jerkily. He knew he had to get himself together, he'd been driving roughly for the past few hours. He was unable to get home, he was sure he couldn't get any sleep or any peace there either. So he got himself a full tank of gas and drove around the city, going nowhere in particular. Finally, he noticed that his circle was broken and he was driving down the neighborhood to Sinclair's. It was all new to him, he'd never felt so used to it in a very long time and Eugene managed to do it in just a few minutes. "What didn't you tell me, Dad?" He a
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Chapter ninety five
Six days later, Jeremy Harrison sat on a lounge chair in an upscale resort in Jacksonville, Florida. He was staring into the clear sky and listening to the gossip of the girls in the water beside him. But within, none of it made sense, his mind wandered to the things he'd rather be doing with his time. The calls he should be making, everything he had to do to get out of the mess Eugene had dipped him in. Jeremy might not have known the next step but he knew for sure that he'd never let Eugene or the Kingston family win, never. A few minutes later, the girls by the poolside gladly left after making several advances at him and seeing that he wasn't interested. Jeremy could not make any calls, he got information early - thankfully - from Hanson that all his private and office lines were being monitored and Eugene had planted multiple spies on him. It wasn't safe out there, he had to find a hiding place and so he did. A few days after he visited Sinclair, he simply packed his bags
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Chapter ninety six
Sinclair packed up his suitcase from the car and sighed with a small smile on his face. The case he'd just won was a tough one and he was glad to walk out of that court victorious. It was sure to make the front page of the tabloid for a few days. Marching down to his office joyfully, he didn't expect his secretary to tell him he'd had a guest waiting for him since noon. "Noon?" He asked as he glanced at his wrist watch and saw that it was 3:47pm. "Why didn't you call me?" He asked as he hurried down to the waiting room. "I did, sir, multiple times, but you weren't picking up." He replied. Sinclair swore he was in court and couldn't take it and shortly after, he'd been shaking hands and exchanging cards that he'd forgotten all about. "I'll meet them now, please," he said and pulled off his suit, draping it behind his swivel chair. Then he pulled out a bottle of water and gulped down, he was exhausted after speaking for that long. There was a tap on the door twice and his secretar
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Chapter ninety seven
"Give me the inheritance?" Sinclair asked, he could not believe his ears. How desperate could the two be?"You heard me, Sinclair, I know every man has a price, how about you make yours?" Eugene asked. Sinclair looked at him and then moved his eyes back to Hilda whose years had suddenly dried up and she was looking at him with an equally cocky expression. "You don't have to remain loyal to a man that is dead, Domino, Kingston is not coming back," Hilda said. "And how do you know that? The rest of the world thinks he's missing, how do you know he's dead? Is there something you're not telling us?" Sinclair asked and she waved it away like it was inconsequential, "Oh please, alive? Do you think lord Kingston would still be alive and watch all this happen? Watch his wife and lovely son struggle to find what belongs to them?" Sinclair scoffed, Kingston had never loved his family as much as he ought to and he could not even blame the man. Hilda was a devil from the depths of hell and Gi
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Chapter ninety eight
Later that night, Sinclair lay in bed, thinking about Jeremy and what he was possibly passing through at the hands of Hilda and Eugene. Together, the duo made a powerful team that even he could not deny. If they continued to work together, it would only be a matter of time before Jeremy was pushed off the case for good. It was almost midnight when he decided to call him. After missing the call the first time, Jeremy picked up on the second ring, "Don't tell me you're still trying to get used to the weather there," he joked as Jeremy said, "Hello." "There's nothing to get used to, it's...normal," he replied. Sinclair could tell that there was a lot more he wanted to say, but they both knew it wasn't safe to speak. "You know I can't speak with you for too long, my lines are being monitored as we speak," he said and Sinclair scoffed, "That's madness, they made you run from your own home and now they're trying to make you stay isolated too?" Jeremy sighed, "It's the price I have to pa
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Chapter ninety nine
Jeremy sat on the private jet, he was nervous and anxious. He had a premonition that something terrible had just happened. After trying to reach Sinclair all night and into the next morning, he figured out that a trip back home was inevitable. Something was wrong. Soon, the jet landed in California and the first thing he did was stop by Sinclair's house. He found out that he was not home. He met with his housekeeper who wasn't very clear on what was going on. "When did he leave?"He asked but the woman did not look like she had much to say to him, "He left this morning," she replied simply. "Did something happen? A break-in? A heart attack?" Jeremy asked, he was not just curious but bothered. Sinclair was a relatively healthy man. He'd seen him return from an early morning run once or twice and he had a whole gym facility at home and the firm. Could he possibly have had an underlying medical condition? "No, Mr Sinclair is fine, he just stepped out." The woman replied vaguely. He kn
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Chapter hundred
Sinclair did not turn down the offer of a bottle of beer as they left the remains of the Sinclair firm. He even made a joke about the signpost that refused to be burnt down despite the wreck.Later that same morning, at the exclusive bar where Jeremy took him, he brought a bucket of ice and three glasses. "What's the third glass for? Come on, I'm not that gone, I still need my senses to cry over my hard work, right?" He said as he handed him the third glass and gulped down his shot with a wince. "I thought it's high time you met Fred, again, he came down to California with me." He said. Sinclair frowned, he did not like the idea of fraternizing with any of the partners of the Kingston Inheritance. He'd gotten close to Jeremy and it had fetched him a lot of trouble - and his entire life being burnt to the ground. "I don't think I should be messing around with any of the Kingston partners again, one is enough trouble as it is," he said firmly, looking at the door as I'd he expected
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