All Chapters of A Billionaire's Conundrum : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
148 chapters
Chapter hundred one
Jeremy Harrison could feel the storm brewing even harder on the horizon, he could sense the real battle to come. With the Sinclair firm burnt to the ground, it didn't take a soothsayer to tell that Sinclair was out for blood and he would stop at nothing to bring whoever caused him such loss down. That evening, he'd made sure Sinclair got home safe and then sent some of his men to patrol stealthily around his house. He had to make sure his friend was alright. Although Jeremy didn't want to mention it, he felt guilty. Somehow he knew that Sinclair being on his side was the bone of contention. Maybe Eugene and Hilda felt like there was an advantage he had since Sinclair was his friend. But what they didn't know was that the man could only tell what he knew and from the time he'd spent with him, there was very little he could do to help anyone. Getting into trouble for his sake was something Jeremy hadn't quite expected. He should have been more careful when Hanson had warned him, but
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Chapter hundred two
Jeremy stepped into the house and quickly decided that he had to change his air freshener. The place smelled divine. Even the houseplants looked very healthy and he wondered if they were plastic or real. He looked at the wall clock on the mantel and then up at the staircase that spiraled beautifully down. It was a magnificent place and it must have cost a fortune. "You have a beautiful place, very fancy." He said and Liam mumbled impatiently, "I don't think you're here as an interior decorator," he snapped. " never know," Jeremy replied with a smile and took the largest couch before even asking, "May I sit?" Liam looked like he badly wanted to tell him to get off his property at once or maybe even throw him out himself. But the mention of his birth name made him put a pin on that. "Coffee?" He asked and Jeremy nodded, although he knew he could never take a sip of such coffee. Liam went inside shortly and when he returned, he was wearing a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, hi
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Chapter hundred three
Liam looked at him like he'd lost his mind - and maybe he had, but everyone was fighting dirty, everyone had lost their freaking mind! "Have you lost your mind?! You're sending me off to death!" Liam snapped at him, his eyes wide with shock. Jeremy remained calm, there was no way he was going to back down, not when he'd found the only person who could get him what he wanted. "It's not as risky as you think, you've been working with them for years, they trust you, all you have to do is get the documents, make a copy of it, and bring it to me, done." He replied. "You think it's that easy? You've got to be kidding me," Liam said and laughed at his tone, he'd been with the Kingston family for a very long time and he'd seen his brutal Hilda and his son could be, the last thing he wanted to do was get on their bad list. "This is suicide, you can't make me do it," Liam said firmly and shook his head, taking his seat with a terrified look on his face. "You'd rather throw your life away?"
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Chapter hundred four
A few days later, Jeremy was seated beside Sinclair at an exquisite furniture store. It was filled with all kinds of expensive and foreign leathers that looked good enough to eat. The wooden pieces were so neatly polished they looked like granite. Each furniture cost a lot of money and Sinclair laughed as Jeremy led him inside. "Are you kidding me? This place costs a fortune, you can't possibly think I'll buy anything from here." He said as they went to the sitting area and sampled the sofas. "I wasn't asking, I want you to have some," Jeremy said he didn't know how else to make the lawyer understand how sorry he was for what had happened to his company. Jeremy could not shake the guilt away no matter how much he tried. He believed it was his fault that Sinclair had been targeted. "Come on, Jeremy, I've said this before, the fire wasn't your fault, Hilda would have done it anyways, she's always believed I was betraying her for not taking sides with her after the lord's disappearan
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Chapter hundred five
Sinclair insisted on going with Jeremy to the meet-up point with Liam, Jeremy did not think it was such a good idea but he knew how badly Sinclair wanted to get to Hilda and be involved in the case - especially after the fire. They arrived a few minutes before midnight, Jeremy parked the car at the edge of the games reserve which Liam had picked out for their meeting. It was a tinted car and Sinclair sat right in the back seat. "I'll have a backup ready just in case this is a trap," Sinclair said as Jeremy turned off the ignition, Sinclair didn't trust the Kingston family one bit but Jeremy was more relaxed. "I don't think Liam will try to act funny, he has a lot at stake, as much as Hilda would try to get even with me and destroy the evidence, that's about all she can do," he said and then nodded at the car that was parked a few feet across, just at the other edge or the sidewalk. "But his life would be ruined, he could go to jail for even attempting to steal from Hilda, and trust
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Chapter hundred six
A few days after the incident with Liam and his thug, Sinclair and Jeremy were dressing up for a charity ball that was organized by the Kingston family. Sinclair had been informed by a very reliable source that there would be a ball later than evening and Hilda herself would be in attendance, he couldn't wait to meet with her and stare right into her eyes after the atrocity she'd committed. "You're sure she will be there?" Jeremy asked as he pulled on his bowtie and turned in front of the mirror. Sinclair smiled at his reflection, he was looking very handsome in a tan suit and a pair of black sunglasses. "Sure as hell, she can't miss such a big event for anything in the world, I heard the best of the city will be in attendance too, Hilda likes the spotlight, she always has," he replied. Jeremy frowned, "Makes me wonder why she won't just stick to what she knows best, making money off the wealthy and careless, I guess it doesn't hurt to lie to a room full of people," he said, he fou
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Chapter hundred seven
The room suddenly felt too small for Hilda Kingston. She'd picked out the best of banquet halls for the charity because she didn't need all that crowd at the Kingston estate, she knew too well how nosey people could get. But as she saw Jeremy she felt like the air was suddenly sucked out of the room and the ventilation was really poor. She gritted her teeth at the sight of him. Hilda disliked Jeremy. Not just because he was an heir of the inheritance too but because she'd never thought he would be such a thorn in her flesh. The first day that she'd heard about him, it was from one of her close associates who told her about a third partner who had suddenly surfaced and was struggling for the inheritance too. At first, Hilda had simply waved the man off and said she had better things to discuss, after all, Jeremy was just a boy and couldn't stand the heat. But a few weeks later, she learned about his involvement with Sinclair and knew that maybe it was time to get rid of him, but even
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Chapter hundred nine
Hilda was still fuming in the center of the room when the MC announced that the host of the event and to come up and give an opening remark. She could barely contain herself to get up there and even when she did, Jeremy could still hear the harshness in her tone. He smiled, she was the seasoned actress, she managed to somehow look flawless despite the envelope which was still in her hands and he was sure no one else could detect the coldness in her tone. Jeremy looked at Sinclair who was just by the side of the stage, they locked eyes and both men winked at each other Sinclair had also picked up on her cold tone. Sinclair stood up and made his way to him, a smile on his handsome face, "My God, I can't say how good it is to hear her sound like a broken music tape," he said and burst out laughing. "She certainly didn't see it coming," Jeremy agreed, "I gave her a copy of the evidence that Liam brought, she said I'd stolen from her." Sinclair snorted, "We all know who the real thief
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Chapter hundred nine
Ella Coatas walked right beside Jeremy as he left the party that night. She hadn't come in any of her father's cars or with a driver, so Jeremy offered to take her home. "You don't have to, I can call one of the drivers to come take me." She said, her eyes cast down. Jeremy shook his head, there was no way he was going to let her go home by herself after the scene with Gilbert. He looked at her again and sighed. Recently, Ella was beginning to seem like a scum magnate. First, it was Matthew and now she'd somehow got to know another bastard too - Gilbert. "You don't have to feel responsible for me, I can go home on my own," she said firmly. Ella was not used to being told what to do or treated like a child. She hated the times that Jeremy had to save her from one trouble or the other. She couldn't wait to go home and forget about the horrible night. "This ain't up for any debate, Ella, please get in the car and let me take you home," Jeremy said firmly, his voice a little harsh. As
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Chapter hundred ten
Sinclair showed up at the Mercury Healer the next day. Jeremy had decided to get back to his work and life. There was no need to hide anymore. He was now even with Kingston and Eugene. If they wished to present the evidence of his father's collaboration with Jong Ku before the council, it would just be a waste of time, there was ample proof that lord Kingston himself later endorsed the deal. It felt good to be back to work after a long time. Even his secretary was happy to see him and he found out that he had a lot of paperwork to do and meetings to hold within the week."I guess my vacation days are over," Jeremy whispered under his breath as he swiveled to the cabinet on his left and pulled out a stack of fresh papers and his sketch pad. Soon, there was a knock on the door and the secretary announced that Sinclair was there to see him. Jeremy winced as he remembered that the last time he'd seen the man was at the charity party a few days ago and they hadn't spoken since then. "He
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