All Chapters of A Billionaire's Conundrum : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
148 chapters
Chapter hundred eleven
"What??" Jeremy snapped, he could not help himself, "Another heir?" He asked, his eyes wide and his jaw slack. Sinclair only nodded, it was best he told Jeremy all he could, there was no need to hide the information anymore. He couldn't believe he'd been blind to seeing that it just might be true all along, not until he received that call the previous morning, telling him that the heir to the Kingston fortune just might not be a myth. "I don't understand, none of this makes any sense, why would the lord have a secret child? Why would he have to keep him away, how could he ever do that when Hilda is alive and we all know what she is capable of doing?" Jeremy asked all at once, he couldn't believe he was going to face an even worse competition with another man who felt entitled just because they had Kingston blood flowing through them. "Sinclair, why are you telling me this?" Jeremy asked, then looking closely at how calm the lawyer was, he asked, "Oh, I think the better question sho
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Chapter hundred twelve
The two men finally arrived at the bar and Jeremy was out of the car before Sinclair turned off the engine. He was mad and he doubted there was anything the lawyer could say to make it better, but he was a level-headed man and he knew getting mad like Sinclair had said wouldn't bring answers. If Sinclair knew about the supposed heir then it was possible that he knew more and that 'more' was what Jeremy was interested in before he acted. Sinclair led them to the VVIP section of the bar, far away from all the loud music and bodies dancing. Jeremy was amazed at how much people wanted alcohol and didn't even mind thinking so early in the day. "It amuses me when I realize that some people just can't function without bars, clubs, and cafes, it is as if they all want to be somewhere," he muttered dryly, sounding slightly irritated. "You seem to be the only man I know who has no idea what beer can do for him, you'll find out," Sinclair said, laughing at his tone. Finally, they got seated
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Chapter hundred thirteen
A few days after Jeremy was being told of the unknown heir, he launched a powerful search in the city for him and it was shortly after known by the other partners. Eugene walked into the Kingston estate that morning with a frown on his face - which was fast becoming his signature expression. He was apprehensive and had to speak with the only partner he could trust - Hilda. Hilda and Gilbert were in a heated argument as he got into the living room. The maid offered him a glass of wine and he took it, he was slowly getting used to them and figured that they'd need him too much to try hurting him now, he knew just when to be wary of the woman - or so he thought. "You have to act like the son you are!" She snapped at Gilbert who was seated on the couch, some blonde girl who looked way too young was perched on his lap, at that moment, she wished she hadn't accepted to have a sleepover at the Kingston estate. That night, it had seemed a cool idea to go out with the rich kid and get a fee
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Chapter hundred fourteen
"Abraham Coatas' daughter?" Hilda asked and Gilbert nodded, "Yes, her name is Ella." He replied, happy that his mother was impressed with him. "That's great! I've been trying to get closer to her father all this while, I never knew he had a daughter, why didn't I think of that?" She mumbled and then turned to Gilbert sharply, "You must do everything in your power to win her trust and get her on your side." She ordered. Gilbert nodded, "She's Jeremy's fiance though, he tried to claim her in the charity event the other night, I think they're getting married soon." He said and Hilda shook her head violently. "That's where you come in, Gilbert, you have that charisma and charm that the ladies cannot resist, I want you to woo her, lure her, do whatever you must, but make sure that wedding doesn't hold!" She said sharply and Gilbert smirked, "You can count on me, mother." He replied Hilda smiled and cupped his face lovingly, "I trust you, my boy, make me proud," she said and with that,
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Chapter hundred fifteen
Jeremy Harrison smiled as he got out of the car, his eyes set on a high building that looked to be a factory. He could not believe he'd been looking for one man for so many days. "Are you sure I'm at the right place?" He asked Hanson who was on the phone with him. "Yes, it's the noodles factory down south, right?" He asked and Jeremy confirmed, "I know what you're thinking." "Yeah, I was expecting a Kingston to be better off, if he's working in some factory then he should either own it or something close, but no, he's just a shift worker," Jeremy said as he pulled on his hat and moved down the steep path to the factory. He'd parked his Bentley a good distance away, hoping not to draw so many eyes to himself but even as he went down the path, he could see a few workers stop by and stare at him, maybe his suit? Jeremy had just finished up from the office when he arrived at the factory, he wished he had the time to change into something more plain - maybe a T-shirt and a pair of jea
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Chapter hundred sixteen
Sinclair walked into the Mercury Healer later that same day, he was holding a small suitcase and a lady was right behind him. As he got into the elevator, he pulled out his phone again and rang Jeremy and it went to voicemail. "Let's just hope he's in," he mumbled as he heard the elevator ding and strolled to his office. One tap on the door and he got in. "Hey, Sinclair," Jeremy said as he saw him walk in and on seeing the woman, he gave him a puzzled expression. "Relax, I did try to call to inform you I was coming, right?" He said and Jeremy sighed as he reached for his phone and saw the missed calls from Sinclair. "Yeah, I have been really busy, didn't want to get distracted." He replied and ran a hand through his hair. "Please, have a seat," he said to both of them and gestured at the couch adjacent to him. "What can I get you?" He asked. "A beer would be nice," Sinclair replied with a wink and the lady smiled, asking for water or coffee. "There's no beer in my office, Sincl
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Chapter hundred seventeen
The room was dark, just a faint blue light shed its slightly eerie glow around. It was one of those nights when Sinclair needed a cold beer and he had made a bad pick of bars. The bar was at the corner of town, it was supposed to be a quiet place where they could talk without eavesdroppers because, well, nobody would care what they were talking about when girls were gyrating on the dance floor and men were ready to get a feel. "You overdid it today," Jeremy said with a bored expression as he looked at the noisy crowd around him. “That's the whole point, it's supposed to be away from all the wealth and elite bullshit, someplace we can talk without looking over our shoulders," Sinclair replied and Jeremy only stared at him, long enough for him to crack a smile and admit that he didn't think the bar would be that bad. "Yeah, I didn't think the place would be this crowded, I admit." Jeremy sighed and asked him if the lady was running late. He'd finally agreed to bring a third party i
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Chapter hundred eighteen
The city was on the brink of chaos. Everyone was talking about the Kingston heir and Jeremy could not have been more upset with how quickly things had gone south in just a matter of days. "I knew it! I knew this was a bad idea, no one was supposed to know of the Kingston heir, no one but us," Jeremy snapped. "You'll have to calm the fuck down, Jeremy, you're getting ahead of yourself here," Sinclair warned. Both men were at the Mercury Healer that morning and watching the afternoon news. It was all over the public space, some people were even making speculations about the lord's whereabouts."I've spoken with the news agency, they'll make sure this is taken care of as soon as possible, all you have to do is calm down and put your head back in the game," the lawyer advised him. Jeremy hissed but remained on his heat. He had an idea how bad it was getting, the other partners were no doubt in on it by now and it was just a matter of time before whoever the heir was got wind of it and
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Chapter hundred nineteen
"Are you sure of what you're telling me?" Jeremy asked Hanson over the phone. His attention was taken off the work on his table, he couldn't believe his ears. “Yes, sir, I have a few pictures too," he said and then Jeremy heard his phone beep, clearly he'd dropped a picture. "Thank you, Hanson, you're misy helpful," Jeremy said just as he ended the call. He was fuming with anger as he saw the picture. Hilda and Eugene were both talking to a young man in a restaurant, his head was bowed down slightly and he wore a deep red baseball cap, his eyes behind a pair of Ray-ban. He didn't consider it a choice of fashion, it was clear the man wanted to remain hidden. "Fuck!" Jeremy swore loudly and slammed his fist on the desk at about the same time that his secret, Bob entered. The young man jumped at the sound and almost retreated before Jeremy called him back and asked what the matter was. "Ummm...I can come back if now is not a good time," Bob said meekly, Jeremy glared at him and he qui
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Chapter hundred twenty
Sinclair and Jeremy walked into the restaurant, both men took their seats by the corner booth, and before long the waiter arrived to take their orders. But it was obvious that everyone from the next table was staring at them warily and they even the other workers didn't meet their gaze. "They can smell trouble, Jeremy, we have to take it slow," Sinclair advised, seeing the eagerness on Jeremy's face. Jeremy didn't want to waste any time, he wanted to get whatever information the restaurant had to give and then go on to meet the heir quickly, he couldn't afford to be a step behind again, ever. "We should just place our order and let them get comfortable," Sinclair suggested and Jeremy nodded. Both men ordered a medium rare plate of steak each and a bottle of wine to go with it. "Not so bad for a low-class restaurant," Sinclair noted as he opened the bottle of wine, Jeremy hummed and forked his stake. "Not so cheap either," he replied, looking at the menu. Sinclair nodded. He had a
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