All Chapters of Greatest Son-in-law's Evolution: Back so soon: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
160 chapters
The leader of the sect stepped forward this time."Wasn't that easy now?" He muttered.Afterward, he turned around towards the sect and beckoned to one of the bigger men who were standing in the group."Get the Dunk." He said."And that kid. Kill him." He added.Xander had not gone far. He was searching through the woods if he could see anything of importance.He was still within high range and Stacy could see him from where she was lying, not able to stand up from the floor.For a while, she continued to stare at him until a sad sigh escaped from her lips.As for Xander, he wasn't worried even for a single moment. Even though he could hear the crashing sound behind him.They had told him to go away, and that could only mean that they could take care of themselves. He was not going to meddle in other people's stuff.But while he continued to search through the woods to see if he could find any rare herb, a dagger came flying off to him from behind.Aimed at the point on his neck that
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Everyone was still awe-struck by the sight that lay before them that for a while, they would hardly speak.Could it be that they were dreaming or the events that lay right before them were true?Even the leader already had thoughts running through his mind. There could be only one possibility and that would only mean that he was hiding his ability.He was trying not to believe that. Knowing the consequences if that was true. They were going to be as good as dead within a matter of moments.But taking a quick look at Xander's battle stance, he wasn't even like he knew anything about being a martial artist.Talk less of being trained before. Whatever it was, he knew that he had to be careful in dealing with the person who was standing right before him.The force that Ben had applied during the attack was enough to tear Xander into shreds.But there wasn't even a single harm done to his body. He was looking even better? The wind had blown his hair, giving it a better shape that was goin
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Ben had always been the one closest to the leader. Even though he acted though towards him, it was only because he wanted him to be Strong.He was angry with him today because he wasn't supposed to go on any mission just yet.But Ben had always been stubborn. Wanting to do things his own way even though his father had warned him a couple times about his decisionHis wife always said that he was the one that Ben took after. Since he had always been dating right from the point that he was young. Up till this time.But at least, he had not ended his life and had stayed alive. Ben was his last up. How could he slip away into the cold hands of death so easily.What was he going to tell his wife who was also on her sick bed and had personally kissed Ben before they set out on this mission.This was his first mission. Ben had told them that he was tired of staying back and there was no way that he would be a good heir that way.He said that he needed to be brought to the forefront of the war
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The eyes of everyone in the woods were transfixed at what lay before them. It was difficult for them to believe it.The leader of the sect fell back in his steps. Even though he would have been able to stop it, it would have taken him quite the amount of energy to do that.But for what Xander just did, it was way too easy too easy for him to have stopped the rumbles of energy from the looks of it. Could it be that they had made a mistake because that was the only explanation for it?Apart from the naturals who were already as good as dead, he was the only one who Could stop them. Together with the leaders of his assassin clan. Heart raced. Taking this news back to them would only mean that one of the naturals was back in the world.And that was going to be a good thing. It was only going to plug everything back into chaos and that was something that he could not afford.So he was going to go on with the previous explanation and believe it. It could only be a mistake and nothing oth
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The fight began.For Jane, she already thought that the fight wasn't going to be an intruding one since the winner wasn't far-fetched."The wide mouth should be sent to his grave already. This is certainly going to be more like an exercise or even less for Master Kave." She said with a down look, her words loud enough for Xander to hear.Even though he was in a critical position, he could not help it but turn his head towards his direction."Is she really serious? Shouldn't I be praying that I should win the fight? At least they are going to have a chase to escape?" He replied aloud, flinging the words into the air but it could only be directed at one person."I don't raise my bar too high. False hope is the worst thing that anyone can give to themselves. Especially when it involves weaklings." She added.Xander was in a battle position but he wasn't losing to a lady."What have I even done to her? Not like we had a fight or something. Or could it be that she fell in love with this b
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The toxin was supposed to start acting up on him immediately. Stacy was still stunned as to how quick the needle had been that none of them had noticed.But in the real sense, Xander had only decided to ignore it since it was going to be fruitless acting up either way.The frown that was hovering on his face deepened even more as he rose from the floor.Meanwhile, Kave waited with a deadly smile on his face for him to fall to the floor.First, he was going to feel strange emotions rushing up throughout his body. Sweating after which he would pass out within a few minutes.Xander reached out to the needle and pulled it off. He had experienced death once before and this was certainly not going to kill him.With hearts still racing, they stared at him. Even Jane was nervous this time. Even though she still wasn't on Xander's side.Soon, an outburst of laughter could be heard ringing through the room and it was from Kave.He thought that Xander was being childish, thinking that by pulling
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Xander frowned. After seeing how weak she was, this wasn't the kind of person that he would want to fight with.A single pouch would be enough to send her knocking off to space."Do you want your sister dead?" He inquired with a deadly frown on his face.Jane's eyes twitched for quite a while. Her confused self stared at him for quite a while as she didn't understand what he was saying."Die? Stop trying to scare me." She replied with shaky hands."I know that you are a con artist but what are you even thinking that I am too easy to be fooled?" She growled.Those words that had just been spoken were enough to send cold shivers down her spine. Even though she didn't see Xander as someone trustworthy, these words still knocked her off.Her hatred for him only grew deeper, talking about someone who meant so much to her in such a manner.She wished that she could tear him apart with her bare hands already but after seeing what he was capable of doing, she wouldn't dare to do that."From
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Now everyone's direction was still focused on him. Their eyes were so keen that they had not moved their stares away for quite a while.The Mayor was beginning to feel a really strange sensation going through his spine and he could not stand it anymore."Is someone going to tell me what went down here? Or do you guys just keep going to keep moping at me?" He inquired with a close-to-angry look on his face.Their hearts raced as they didn't know where they were going to start from. Even though she was weak, Stacy stepped forward.She also felt like she had a responsibility towards her sister since she was the eldest among the both of them.Going over to her father, she turned her in a strange direction, and without spitting out another word from his mouth, he did the sWaves of shock quickly ran through his head. His heart almost jumped out from his chest. That was one of the most gruesome sights that he had seen in a long time.Who would have done such a thing?The curiosity that wash
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Stacy was the last person that was going to put up with both of them. Staring right into their eyes, her face was already blazing up with fury."What do you mean by she is right Dad? We didn't see him using any dark acts and he could have always walked away from the whole thing. It's only thanks to him that we are still alive." The frown that was hovering on her face deepened even more.Mr. Joshua had never seen his daughter defend anyone in such a manner so he had to break their bond as soon as he could.They had an obligation to society and his child wasn't going to be seen with a thug like him.Their hearts raced faster. They continued to stare right into each other's eyes. Finally, Mayor Joshua broke the silence that was beginning to engulf the place."Then do you have any other explanation for what happened?" He inquired with a really weird look on his face."I am sure that he had only been hiding it from you and nothing other than that." He replied.But still, Stacy wasn't going
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Xander thought that it was causal. Not like he had even expected him to hear what he had said"Isn't that what I just called helping? Why are you suddenly angry and behaving like you just got your head bitten off by a snake? Rich people. Do they all have this odd behavior that everyone is after in the morning." He muttered under his breath.Not even bothered that someone was already boiling over with rage."Do you realize who I am? And what can I do for you?" He thundered."Do I care what you can do to me?" He replied.He tried to step forward toward Xander but he stomped his legs on the floor using only a little amount of his strength tending the Mayor flying back."Dad!" Jane and Stacy quickly stepped Forward thinking that their dad was hurt but it turned out that he wasn't.He looked upwards with a deadly glare on his face wishing that he could tear Xander apart already.But he stopped. Knowing that they would only be meeting a dead end, considering how powerful he was."I am goin
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