All Chapters of Greatest Son-in-law's Evolution: Back so soon: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
160 chapters
It was difficult for Lina to believe that Doctor Gerald had said these words. Since she has always believed that he was an upright man. Where did all of that just go in a flinch?Meanwhile, for Doctor Gerald, he felt that he did what had to be done. He was one of the best doctors in the city.Admitting that he was not able to treat Mr. Anderson was going to be a really big blow and Xander might end up taking his place.This was something that he could not afford."That you once again." Mr. Anderson had a really weak smile on his face as he spoke.Lina could not contain her anger anymore and she turned around towards Doctor Gerald, removing all the formalities that used to be added to his name."Doctor Gerald." She blotted out angrily, making everyone in the room shift their attention over to him."What do you think that you are doing? Taking the glory when you know that you had nothing to do with what happened?" She thundered but Doctor Gerald faked ignorance, claiming not to know w
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Doctor Gerald's heart was shaky at first but hearing these words made him relax right on the spot.Meanwhile, Lina was still smitten by the shocks that held her. She knew that Vincent could be anything but adding the status of a liar to his name was something that she had never expected.Drawing a really deep breath, she clenched her teeth, hoping that one of them was going to be reasonable enough to stand for the truth but it turned out that she was wrong."Yes. We saw it with our eyes.""Xander is no more than a punk. How would he have been able to treat Mr. Anderson in the first place?""I can't believe that Lina would go gaga because of someone like him." The crowd kept on repeating, clouding Xander's and Lina's hearings.Heart raced. She could feel her heart beating hard against her chest as though it was going to burst through.Her hands were clenched against each other and finally, she turned around towards her grandfather."Grandpa. I have never lied to you before. Are you go
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"And who gave you the permission to leave whenever you want?" He quickly responded with a thick frown on his face.Lina stepped forward. She never realized that her family would stoop so low."Stop me if you can," Xander responded as he continued to walk towards the herb.Mr. Anderson was tired now and could barely say a word. He was drawing weak even though he didn't know why. But he was sure that Doctor Gerald would eventually be able to take care of it.The only thing that he could do now was watch as he couldn't even muster enough strength to speak."He took the herb from the table and turned around to leave. Turning over to Lina."It was going to be stupid for her to call her guild anyway. Since with theirs combined, hers was nothing to write home about.Though Lina was looking calm from the outside, on the inside, she was in trouble. She would prefer Xander's life to that stupid herb for the most part.She drew a really deep breath, trying to control her rising emotions before
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Henry had already recovered from the shocks that ran through his vines. He gritted his teeth angrily with a sense of anger rushing through his blood stream.This time, he knew that Xander was a martial artist, so he didn't take him anymore."Don't think of yourself as too highly punk... You were only able to face quite a dozen men. Let's see how you are going to face a hundred plus trained martial artists." He muttered with a dark look on his face.There was certainly no way that Xander was going to escape from this.The crowd that had fallen silent for quite a while were rejuvenated all of a sudden. Their scorn for Xander was brought back almost in an instant."Just because he was able to defeat just a few marital artists doesn't mean that he is even powerful.""I am sure that he was able to do that only because he had some dark arts. If not, how was he able to defeat quite several trained artists without even shifting a blow?" Another one of them said, their faces all twisted with s
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Xander turned around towards Lina and said to her,"We should leave already."Lina nodded her head and they walked away from the hall. Meanwhile, Lina led her off to her mansion which was close to the beach with a splendid view.Xander was lost in his stare for a while as he continued to look at the spectacular sight that lay before him.It was indeed one of the most beautiful sights that he had ever seen all his life.He turned around, walking towards the herb that was lying on the table, and noticed that someone else was there.It was Lina and she was playing with it, staring at the raw beauty of this herb.She continued to stare at it. Her hands gradually reach out to it. Xander knew how dangerous it was going to be if her hands poked into one of those.He reached out to call her off from what she was doing but before he could get to do this, the deed had already been done.She had stretched her hands right into one of them. Xander's eyes popped out from his head as he continued to
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Their lips interlocked and the sliding off of the door was the only thing that pulled them up apart.Xander looked forward to see who was at the door only to notice that it was a strange lady, kind of a prototype of Lina.He knew that from the looks on her face, she was not the kind of person that was going to allow him to throw questions at her.Once the time came, he was going to know everything. The first thing to prioritize at the moment was Lina's safety.He stared at her for quite a while, unable to dictate the action that he was going to carry out at the moment.But it seemed like he didn't have to do anything anyway. She sped off towards him with a deadly look on her face."You fool. How dare you molest my sister." She thundered at him.Raising her hand high up into the air, she attempted to throw a slap at him while he wasn't looking.But the energy that came from within him threw it all away. Her heart raced. The pain that she felt told her that Xander was powerful.But that
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Lady Willow paced throughout the room, her heart racing fast while Helena sat at the far end of the chair, her hands sucked deep into her cheeks.Their family funds were running lower than ever, they had taken so many loans that no bank would even take a look at them anymore.They needed to get some other options as soon as possible so that their family would be able to bounce back to its initial position.But then again, they were short of ideas this time, not knowing what they were going to domA deep breath was the only thing that they could all draw. A family meeting was called but yet, the place was as silent as a graveyard.Helena could not stand the silence that filled the hall anymore and she went ahead to ask."Mom, what about Mr. Broker? The head of the All Back Association that you had a meeting with yesterday. Wasn't he able to help?" She inquired with a really weird look on her faceBut a sad wiggling of the head was the first response that she got and she went ahead to
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Xander was already kicked out but he didn't stop fighting against the guards. Even though it would have taken him just a single stretch to have gotten him what he wanted.At the moment, what mattered most to him was to make sure that he got the cure that was needed for Lina and make sure that she bounced back to health as soon as possible.Hearts raced. But even though he was able to find the herb, there was certainly no way that he would be able to pay for it.But that didn't mean that he wasn't going to try at all. Wandering off into the vast street, he strolled off to the herb market where he could easily get the herb that he wanted.The sun was high up in the sky and he knew that it was going to take him a lot of walking to get there since Lina's home was more like at the edge of the city.He passed through the silent woods. He could still remember this place where he had met with Lina and had saved her life consequently.While he continued to walk, his ears caught up with a reall
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Jane took a quick pick at her sister Stacy before returning her stare to Xander with a shit look still on her face."You want me to apologize for this low life?" Her voice sounded like she just came back from hell.This time, Stacy didn't give a response, the furrows of her brows were enough for Jane already."Over my dead body am I going to apologize to this piece of shit?" She replied turning around to head back to the car.But she was knocked off by a strange force, flying right into Xander's hands who held her in place.He looked downwards and seemed to return to his senses, dropping her back to the floor."You!" Jane growled but her words were firmly ignored as she didn't notice what was before her.A group of men all in black covered up their heads and only left out their eyes so that they would be able to see.The time between Stacy recognizing who they were was short. They were assassins.But who could have sent them to kill the Mayor was the words that ran through her mind. B
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Jane's heart almost jumped out of her chest; they were still surrounded and the only one who knew martial arts was her sister Stacy.Well, she would have also known how to fight but has always been the celebrity kind of person.A large lump went down her spine. This could only mean that they were as good as dead already.Before she could tell what was going on, her sister stepped forward. Her feet were already knitted into a battle stance and she turned around towards Jane with whispers on her lips."Get Dad out of here as soon as you can and get help." She said, Her words were fierce, and Xander could not help but shake her head."But what about you?" Jane inquired. There were tears in her eyes."I am going to hold them off as much as I can. Just do as I have said." She replied.But she wasn't the kind of person that was going to coward away just like that. She was going to stand there.Jane shook her head, making Stacy frown. Stacy had always known her sister to be a stubborn person
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