All Chapters of Awakened : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
43 chapters
Chapter 1: Kyle Anders
"Your mother or your sister, choose." "Please… please. Not Mom or Sophie!" "Choose. Your mother or your sister? Choose who dies in front of you." "No, no… Please… why are you doing this!?." "Well, since you're not choosing… …then I'll just kill the two of them." "No… No!" It was a roar, a cry for help. But it didn't really matter because no one listened; before, when it happened, and after. No one listened to his cries, no one listened to the cries of a little boy. Everyone just watched. The only one that responded to him when it was happening was his mother, who was shaking her head as if telling him that it was not his fault. But it is… …and the world was not shy in showing that it was his fault that his mother died. "No!" "Kyle, if you're not paying attention in class then get the hell out!" "...Huh?" A nightmare, again—No, it would have been a blessing if it was just that. But for Kyle, it was a memory… a reminder of what he had done. It never l
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Chapter 2: You Mean Payback?
"Ma'am..." "Don't you kids know how to knoc-Kyle!?" The Necrus City High School. Although it was one of the smallest high schools in Necrus, it still boasted several alumni that made their names known throughout the entire country. "No, I don't think so!" Kyle is spending his last year as a senior in the school; his stay, completely sponsored by the government as a sort of personal relief fund for the tragedy he had experienced when he was younger. Suffice it to say, as a freeloader and a Lowborn, Kyle was not fully welcomed by most of the students and even some of the faculty. But if there was one person that made Kyle even just feel slightly welcome, it was Katherine Halsey. But then again, she didn't have a choice since she was the school's doctor; her clinic, almost Kyle's second home from the constant beating's through the six years he had been here. "What happened this time!?" Katherine, who seemed to be filling in some paperwork, quickly stood up from her desk, her
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Chapter 3: All My Fault?
[There are rumours that the Cerberus Guild are inviting you to join their company. Is there any truth in that, Sophie?] [Well, I guess. It's not really a secret anymore.] "No…" The sun was still out, and yet the only source of light that could be seen in Kyle's room was his phone; the face of his sister, being reflected into his eyes. The two didn't really look alike at all—his sister had orange hair and a small, cute face—easily making her popular with boys, as is most of her subscribers. [But aren't there also rumours that… Derek West is also joining the guild? He's being released today. How do you feel about that?] [There's… nothing to feel,] Sophia just shrugged her shoulders as she looked right at the camera, [I'd like to leave the past behind me.] [But he killed your mother… and posted it on LitTube.] [I can't really blame him for what happened, we were all young. I was just 10 then and I can't really remember much… …but I think my brother instigated the situation.]
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Chapter 4: Entering A Portal For The First Time
"It is your fault! And you know what... I think you're the one that should have died!" And all of a sudden, everyone and everything turned quiet. Even the guards that were pinning Kyle down could not help but instinctively let go of Kyle, just looking at each other in shock. The people that were watching the scenario, whispering and letting out gasps of bewilderment. Even Sophie gasped, not believing the words that came out of her mouth. "You, think I should die?" Kyle stood up very weakly, almost falling on his knees again as his eyes which were hidden by his hair started to falter while looking at Sophie. "Why? Was it really my fault?" "Brother.." Sophie's head started to tremble as she backed away; she saw a glimpse of her brother's eyes, completely still.. and almost lifeless, "Brother, I'm s- But before she finished words, Sophie suddenly turned around and ran away. "Sophie!?" One of Sophie's friends, a girl with long blonde hair, could not help but stare at Kyle fo
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Chapter 5: Spider Monster Lady
"...Huh?" The Underworld--not much is known about this realm beneath the world of men. The humans know only what the gods have told them. But if there is one undeniable truth, it is that the Underworld is where the souls of men ferry to once they meet their end. And if their souls are judgged evil, they are deemed unworthy of rest and will be spawned back as monsters. That is why Kyle believes that the monsters will never truly disappear, because the number of evil men outnumbers those that are not. The humans make their hell a reality. One would think the Underworld would be a gloomy place because of this, but no, Kyle has seen his sister's explorations in the novice and training areas, and it looked just like the surface... except one could see half the world on the horizon. As the Underworid is beneath the Earth's surface, the Earth's surface is beneath the Underworld, relatively speaking, Once you pass through the Portal, the gravity starts to invert making what is sup
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Chapter 6: An Awakening? {Pt1}
3-Headed hounds, giant eagles with the body of a lion, a literal half-human half-reptile with small snakes as hair. There were also sorts of monsters that existed in the Underworld, completely different from each other and varying in strengths. And yet, there was one thing that was consistent amongst all of them-none of them could talk. Even those that have human heads and faces are not capable of speaking to men. Many Explorers have already tried, some have even captured monsters to experiment on them when the technology needed for such procedures became available, and yet to no avail. And yet right now, in front of Kyle, with its mouth dripping with blood-a monster spoke. "Did.. you just speak?" Kyle slightly flinched, standing up from the frosty ground as he looked the spider lady in the eyes. "Gruhh..khee?" "..Oh." But as the monster opened its mouth again, the only thing that escaped its lips was a mumbling screech. It opened its mouth again, but no words that Kyle cou
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Chapter 7: An Awakening? {Pt 2}
Awakening. The process when the blood of the gods that lay dormant in a human's veins starts to wake up, hence the name. People could usually trace what part of society one belongs to by checking their history and bloodline, but it is truly only when one awakens that people could truly judge one's potential. Awakening commonly happens right in the middle of puberty, with the average age being 12, It could be early or late for a year or two, but it happens for everyone; even for Lowborns. But for Kyle, nothing ever really woke up-a testament to how diluted his blood was, is what the doctors said to him. But now, as he turned 18, Kyle could feel every strand of muscles in his body throb as the blood of the gods in his veins started to burst forth. The blood of the gods is powerful. Once it wakes up, it restarts your entire existence; it alters your instincts. Their blood literally injects power into your brain, giving it knowledge it never had before. Special talents, abilit
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Chapter 8: An Awakening? {Pt 3}
"Back is itchy. My back is itchy." The ability to know someone's desires. Kyle wasn't a fool, he knows that in the hands of a more intelligent person, this kind of ability would be one of the most overpowered skills to have. But why, why would the heavens give someone who lived a life of solitude like Kyle this kind of ability? "Ha.." But then again, no matter how intelligent one is; a plan usually shatters in the face of overwhelming strength-and that is exactly what the arachne means for Kyle right now. He wanted to try and see what would happen if he filled up the five hearts and turned them all red. He got Iucky earlier when the arachne's neck was itching because he was lifted in the air. But now, her back is itching. Her legs were still tapping from Kyle's.. magic touch, and as she was even backing away, it gave Kyle, ample time and space to think everything through. Should he just run away? No, that was absolutely not an option. So, what was Kyle even supposed to
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Chapter 9: Arachnea {R18}
The same words repeated in Kyle's mind as he watched the arachne very gently fondle her own bosom. The edges of her fingers, being filled up due to how soft and arge they seemingly were. Does.. he really have no other options here Kyle thought. "Hm.." The arachne seemed to have noticed him hesitating; her head, slightly tilting to the side as the smile on her face turnd into light bewilderment. But then, very slowly, the smile once again appeared on her face. She lifted one of her soft bosoms closer to her face, before leaning her head down and sticking out her tongue. She then turned to look Kyle hys straight in the eyes... before touching the tip of her tongue on her own teat. "!!!" And like a throb that echoed throughout his entire body. Kyle felt a sort of warmth rushing through his veins-like a surge of power that made him feel like he could survive anything the world throws at him. Unfortunately for him, that surge of power all settled at the already raging rod between
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Chapter 10: Meeting Someone New
"Are these your clothes?" "Yes... Thank you." "Why were you naked?" What was Kyle even supposed to reply to that? That he took off his clothes because it was liberating that his life was about to end? Or that he was deliberately trying to kill himself? Which one would be the more sane response? "It's.." And when Kyle finally opened his mouth, the rescuer who handed him his clothes back was already gone. Kyle was already back on the Surface; right outside the dorm and being assessed for any injuries. While everyone around him was running around. he was just asked to sit on the side and wait for instructions. They gave him a pair of pants and a jacket, but they were too small so he wasn't even able to zip the jacket up. Fortunately for Kyle, they were at least able to give him a warm, damp towel to cover his head, which was throbbing like crazy earlier from the gravity shift upon returning to the Surface. Now that he was looking at the Portal he fell into, he realized how
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