All Chapters of Awakened : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
43 chapters
Chapter 11: Samantha {Pt 1}
"Show me your face. Show me your beautiful face." "..." The woman's desires were loud, louder than Arachnea's. Is it because she's human? Did she sce Kyle's face when they rescued him? But he even covered his face before the thing between his legs when they arrived. Truly, a Hunter's eyes were fast... ...and perhaps he can use the woman beside him to confirm that? Kyle then turned to look at the five gray hearts above the woman's head again. A sort of idea has already formed in Kyle's head of what happens when he turns all the target's hearts red. Kyle then took in a small breath, turning to see if there were people looking at them. But as soon as he realized that everyone was busy with the Portal, he looked the woman in the eyes, before subtly pushing the towel on his head backwards. "Oh.." And without even a second later, a loud gulp whispered into Kyle's ears. One of the hearts flickered, but it did not turn red. "Have.. l already thanked you for getting me out,
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Chapter 12: Manifesting Strange Powers
"Open your mouth wider, Kyle." "..." "That... that's good. Hmn... hmn.. Okay, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with your mouth." Katarina's curious hums whispered through her clinic; the sound of her gloves, slapping in the air as she took them off after checking the color of Kyle's tongue. Kyle was currently scated topless on a stool; his body, being professionally checked by Katarina. Some changes, however, are less noticeable than others; some are even unnoticeable. Once the biood of a god that had remained dormant inside one's body awakens, there would usually be a slight change in one's body-increased muscle mass, a change of color, bone density, etc. "Do you see anything differently now? What did you say you were feeling again?" "Besides your eyes, I don't see anything different." Katarina then carefully placed the gloves that were wet with Kyle's saliva on the clean steel plate on the table beside her, "Nausea." Kyle sighed, "It feels like my body is bei
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Chapter 13: Copy Cat Abilities?? Just Wow!
"Kyle , what... is this sticky stuff?" Both Kyle and Katherine could really only stare at each other as some sort of white, sticky fluid now bridged his finger and Katherine's face. Kyle's silver eyes, completely blank as several thoughts entered his mind. Katherine also couldn't move, the only thing she could do was just hold Kyle's thick arm. "Wh-Heh?" And right when she finally decided to move, her face was once again showered by the white sticky fluid coming out of Kyle's fingers. If she wasn't wearing a pair of glasses, then her eyes would have surely been also covered by the sticky fluid. "Perhaps... you should let go of my arm, Dr. Halsey?" Kyle's thoughts finally stopped as he looked at his hand. "That's.. probably a good idea," a small awkward chuckle escaped Katherine's lips; her words muffled as she didn't really want the sticky white fluid to enter her mouth. But as she let go of Kyle's arm and started pulling away, a small wince whispered in the air. "A..ow...
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Chapter 14: The PIU Incident
"Can you wait here for a while?" "...Okay" Without allowing him to rest, the people from the PIU, Portal Investigations Unit, brought and escorted Kyle to the city's local precinct; making him wait in front of a door that no one truly ever wanted to see in their lives. They did not even allow him to wear his hoodie, making him feel slightly vulnerable from all the surveillance cameras littered around the building. The local police didn't seem to heed him any mind, however, as they were also busy dealing with the aftermath of the Portals inside their city-something that never should have happened in the first place. Throughout the thousand years since humans have battled the monsters from the Underworld, they have learned to prevent and block them from coming up to the Surface by using a special resource from the Underworld itself, and some human engineering. This resource is limited, however. And the places that have bcen covered with this material in the past, in time, b
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Chapter 15: Revenge Or Justice? {Pt 1}
"Where... are you taking me?" "Did you really think we would fucking beat you up next to the police station!?" "..Right" Kyle was now inside a car, with Bob in the driver's seat while two of his friends accompanied Kyle at the back. He initially thought they were just going to drag him into a dark alley like they usually do, but no. They took him to a parking lot and pushed him inside a car. They have been driving around the city for almost an hour now-were they trying to find a spot to finally get rid of him? He wanted to test his abilities so he willingly let himself be dragged away.. but could he actually be dying here? Kyle then subtly turned to look at the thugs on each of his sides; the two of them, gripping his wrist and pinning him to the seat. If Kyle contracted the muscles on his arms right now, will webs shoot out of his fingers? And if it does, won't Bob and the others panic-ceasing them to crash and die? Kyle was fully aware of their strength as they have bee
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Chapter 16: Revenge Or Justice? {Pt 2}
Kyle was completely dazed. His mind, fleeting in and out of consciousness as he tried to keep himself on his feet- he was used to this feeling, after all. For years, without stop, all he had known was pain. And throughout the years, he realized that he wasn't in pain because he was weak; he wasn't in pain because of his face; he wasn't in pain because he was a Lowborn. He was in pain because there are people out there who like inflicting it on other people, it just made it easier to hurt him because he was weak. Rex, as well as the three in front of him right now were some of those people. When Kyle was completely traumatized by the murder of his mother, he instinctively chose to just stick to himself from then on. Even as the gowernment threw him into Necrus High, he remained completcly stoic; his entire person, hidden from the world.. literally. But then, one time, Rex saw his face. And that was it. That was the entire reason why he has been bullied for 6 straight years
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Chapter 17: A Weary Night
"They're still alive." "Oh. Kyle was now seated on the floor. His back, against the wall as the blood that drowned his entire silhouette started to dry up, "l... do not really know what to feel about that, Dr. Halsey." "Kyle, this..." Katherine could really only place her hand on her waist as she stared at Kyle; her breaths, slightly stuttered as several thoughts also circled in her mind-but for some reason, one prevails the most. "Look.." Katherine then started wearing a pair of gloves she had in her pocket, "I took the oath of Asclepius, I am obligated to save lives and do no harm intentionally." "..but if you wish to end them, I won't stop you." "..." Kyle quickly turned to look at Katherine as soon as she heard her words, only to see her eyes staring straight at his. "But there will be consequences to that, but I am willing to go down with you," Katherine said without breaking eye contact, "l can heal them right here, right now. But there wil also be consequences to
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Chapter 18: Samantha {Pt 2}
"Are you sure we're allowed here?" "..Yes." "Feels like we're breaking the rules, Kinda makes you nervous, no?" "You weren't allowed to bring people in your dorms, Ms. Samantha?" "Just call me Sam, and no-I have never been. I was in the Hunter Academy, but that's not really a school. By the way, is.. ...this all you have? Did you just move here or something?" Even with Samantha's presence adding to Kyle's room, it still felt completely bleak and empty. Throughout his six years in Necrus City High, this was probably the first time that someone else was inside his room-and an outsider, at that. Kyle wasn't really actually aware of the dorm rules. Even though he had lived here for years, he didn't consider it a home , it was just a place to sleep and whittle his time away, four walls and a roof. No, throughout his isolation, the only thing he considered his home was his sister.. was. "Yes.." Kyle's lazy and somewhat smooth breath whispered in the corners of his empty r
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Chapter 19: Pleasure, Pleasure, Pleasure {R18}
"Nh!" The sound of Samantha's breaths moaned in the air as she pulled away from Kyle's lips, filling Kyle's once-empty room with a sort of sultry flavor. Samantha's tongue was slightly sticking out; a string of saliva, tempering the bond between the two. The temperature in the room seemed to rising with each second until it was almost unbearable. And yet.. it was weird, Kyle knew what they were about to do and what was about to happen, and yet he wasn't even feeling any sort of anxiety... he wasn't even excited. The only thing he focused on was how. How to give Samantha what she wanted and needed. 'I want to get to know you more.' And if she wants to know him, then Kyle will show who he is. "!!!" And then suddenly, like a wild beast unleashed, Kyle scooped Samantha into his arms and lifted her off the floor. She gasped in surprise but soon enough allowed herself to relax in his embrace, winding her arms around him; her warm breaths filling Kyle's neck as she started lic
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Chapter 20: The Decision
"Oh. oh my god, I don't think.. I can stand now." The birds have already long stopped their songs, and yet it was only now that Lina was finally able to calm her heavy breaths. If it wasn't for the air conditioning in Kyle's room, then she would have definitely been drowned in her own sweat by now. "I think... I will need to visit my doctor later. I.. I don't think what we did was healthy." The sun outside was already harshly seeping through the cracks on the newspaper covering Kyle's windows as he lay on his soiled mattress... which he now definitely needed to replace. "I.. I'm.. tired, but I also feel refreshed for some reason." "..." Kyle turned to look at the woman who was resting on his chest, only to see her face completely red; the short strands of her hair, sticking onto her flushed checks. Lina also turned to look at him, before just leaning closer and casually placing her lips on his, "I... need to go, Kyle.. my phone's been vibrating like crazy for the past two
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