All Chapters of The Rise of Vincenzo Moretti : Chapter 11 - Chapter 13
13 chapters
Chapter 11
"It's the family's attorney, Mr. Pietro Lombardi—Bianca’s father, the man I told you about," Luca said, stretching the tablet toward Vincent. "He’s requesting a video call."Vincent's face showed his disapproval at the mention of speaking to this older man. He wasn't ready to speak to this man just yet, despite all the good things Luca had shared about him. Luca had explained how Mr. Pietro Lombardi had been a loyal and trusted ally of the Moretti family for decades, overseeing their legal affairs, properties, and businesses. Mr. Pietro had been like a brother to Vincent's father, Alberto Moretti.Before his death, Alberto had entrusted Pietro with the responsibility of delivering his will to Vincent. It was as if Alberto had foreseen his own demise and made this move to protect the Moretti empire from the vultures within the family. He knew he had many enemies, and Pietro was the safeguard of his life's work.With a resigned nod, Vincent took the tablet and swiped to accept the call
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Chapter 12
“Hmm... Alessandro is from Italy,” Bianca began, glaring at Vincent, who was engrossed in the paperwork before him. “He attended school and earned his degree in America.” “America? Why not Italy?” Vincent raised his head, shifting his gaze from the files to meet hers. “His father was an influential man who valued education highly. He believed that studying in America would provide his sons with a broader perspective and better opportunities. That’s why he made Alessandro and his elder brother study in a different country. His father was the one who initially owned Bianchi fiance, but Alessandro became the owner of his elder brother’s untimely death. The tragedy struck on the very day the elder brother was to take over the company. Their father couldn’t bear the loss and died of a heart attack shortly after.” “Alessandro had an elder brother?” Vincent’s brow furrowed, a puzzled expression crossing his face. He wondered why he didn't know of this. From all the documents he had gone
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Chapter 13
Anthony swallowed hard as he shifted his gaze to Vincent, who had just settled back into his seat with a serious expression.“I—I,” he stammered and pressed his lips together. Vincent’s eyes bore into him. "Relax, Anthony," he said, patting the man's shoulder. "I don’t have anything on you. I just want to know about your relationship with him.”Anthony exhaled as tension left his body like air from a punctured balloon. The relief in his eyes was palpable—he had thought he was in serious trouble. He didn't want to get on the bad side of his boss. But after hearing Vincent’s words, he realized that his boss wasn’t considering him as the problem.“Yes, I know him,” Anthony replied, his voice regaining some confidence. “Alessandro Bianchi, He's a business associate. We’ve worked together for years.”Vincent’s eyes narrowed as he turned to exchange a meaningful look with Luca, silently confirming that Bianca’s intel was right. "What do you know about him?""Is there a problem, Mr. Moretti
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