All Chapters of The great Dragon : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
184 chapters
Chapter 121: Locked away in the Mercury cell
Serpens waited all day for Xin to arrive from work until night fell upon him. He knew it was unlike Xin to want to work overtime time at work and not inform him. He decided to put a call through to her and find out from her if she was still coming home that night or would stay till the following morning.Everything they needed to leave was already in place and all that was left was the SFX-chip which was the reason Xin had gone for work that morning."Hello," the voice at the other end replied. It wasn't Xin's voice, and that got Serpens really worried."Can I speak with Xin please?" Serpens requested politely, until the voice at the other end became more recognisable to him. It was the voice of his nemesis, Winter."Nice to hear from you again, Serpens." Winter laughed."Winter!" Serpens exclaimed, as the realization dawned upon him that Xin was in trouble."What happened to Xin? What did you do to her?" Serpens asked all in one breath."Hahahaha" Winter continued to laugh. "You mean
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Chapter 122: Xin must not die!
Serpens, having nowhere else to go, now that he was being sought after, decided to put a call through to Tiara as she was the only person whom he could trust in the future aside Xin and Jeremy.He had first of all contemplated calling Rose, but realizing that he was now Jack Brynner's daughter, made him discard the thought. From his dinner meeting with her, the last time, he could tell that the Rose he knew from his timeline who was still probably in the hospital battling for her life was different from that Rose he had met in the future.Not only had she become more sophisticated, it was like she had lost touch with her gentleness, the most outstanding quality he had loved about her.Things in the future were really looking different from the way they were in the past. From where he had come from, Tiara wouldn't have been an option to call upon, considering how she had broken his heart and had betrayed her trust. But at that very moment, Tiara was his only bacon of hope.Dialing her
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Chapter 123: A call for help
As Tiara continued her explanation of the entire situation to Serpens, it became clear to him the dangers they had now found themselves in. The reason for all of their time travel was to find the seaweed that would enable them to breathe underwater and all of that was what had brought them to the future. But now it appears as if all hope is lost."So what do we do now?" Serpens asked, his confusion evident in his voice. "How do we save Xin?""I don't know Serpens but if I'm not wrong, there's one place Jack would likely lock her up in?" Tiara replied."And where could that be?" Serpens' brow furrowed."It's the mercury cell," Tiara replied."What's a mercury cell?" Serpens asked, his curiosity piqued."It's the most deadly cell ever made by man. The cell environment is made of advanced technology inbuilt in such a way that it slowly sucks life out of the prisoner, giving him or her just twenty four just to live. If twenty four hours elapses and the prisoner is not granted freedom, it'
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Chapter 124: Heated argument
Flynn had been working tirelessly in activating the SFX-chip in the fijsl launch of the dragonic creatures. It was the night of the launch and he and his team members were almost set in making everything go as planned.He was full busy with the activation process when his phone buzzed with an incoming call from Jack. Wiping his sweety face with a handkerchief, he swiped the phone with his other hand to answer the call."Hello, sir," he answered."Hello, Flynn what's the recent developments?" Jack inquired, calling to know how things were going. He was in the top most floor of his house where he could have a full view of thw city.He just couldn't wait for the dragonic creatures to be launched so he could see the city that had taken away everything from him, crumble before him. It was everything he could have ever wanted. To see the government of Draketown come begging him stop the dragonic creatures from laying waste to the entire city."Almost there, sir," Flynn replied, his focus un
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Chapter 125: Help is on its way, Xin
Xin could almost hear heartbeat stop as the walls of the mercury cell kept draining life from her. Hot tears kept flowing down her cheeks as she saw her end just right in front of her, shivering as though she was placed in ice.She tried holding on to the little string of life that was still left in her when she lost the will to live and slowly, her eyes shut, her heartbeat fading away until she finally succumbed to her greatest fear.*****Good to see you again, Xin,” Old man Xue's voice woke her up. “Grandpa!” Xin exclaimed, her surprise palpable.Something told her she was dreaming, yet it felt so real. It would be her first time seeing her grandfather ever since the day she left on her mission with Serpens, and now seeing him standing in front of her, she couldn't help but miss him.“You don't have to be afraid, Xin,” Old man Xue said, his voice calm yet firm.“Where am I?” Xin asked, as everything around her appeared to be outworldly, like he was some other planet or something.
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Chapter 126: Trapped in an elevator!
Xin swallowed hard as Old man Xue's words hit her hard like a ton of bricks. But she didn't know if she could really hold on a little longer just as her grandfather had said.The walls of the mercury cell were life sapping, like she had been electrocuted or something. "But grandfather, what if I'm unable to hold on? What if I succumb?" Xin asked, her voice filled with the uncertainty of the situation at hand."You can do it, Xin. I know you can. Remember who you are. You're the stone bearer - the one who is much needed in putting the world in balance."“I really hope so, grandfather. I really hope I'm able to hold on a little longer. But Just in case I fail, I hope I'll be able to stay with you here?" Xin pressed further, her nolstiaga very much palpable.Old man Xue walked closer, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulders. "If you succumb to death now, then this beautiful garden you see now will cease to exist. It'll be nothing but a dark forbidden forest. You must fight death, Xin
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Chapter 127: Trapped in the elevator ll
Thirty minutes earlier....Jack was deep in thought, pondering on everything that Rose had said. He couldn't believe that his daughter would have the affront to stand up against him.For twenty years jr had been working on perfecting that SFX-chip so as to carry out the launch of his dragonic creatures effortlessly, and he wasn't just going to stand back and watch Rose destroy all that. He had gone too far to want to quit now.Knowing fully well that Rose would do as she had said, he picked up his phone and dialed Flynn's number."Are you ready?" He immediately asked Flynn to answer the call."Almost ready sir," Flynn replied."I want you to help me keep an eye on Rose." Jack went straight to the reason why he had called."By why sir? Did something happen?" Flynn went ahead to inquire, his curiosity piqued."I wish I could explain, but I can't. However, I want you to do something for me.""And what's that sir?" He asked, trying to understand what it was that Jack wanted him to do.Fro
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Chapter 128: Between life and death
Serpens phone buzzed in his pocket and glancing at the caller, it was Rose. He exchanged glances with Tiara who nodded for him to go ahead and answer the call, hoping to hear some good news from Rose."Hello, Rose," Serpens began. "Serpens, we have a problem," Rose revealed, just before Serpens could ask how the situation of things were going with her.Serpens brow furrowed, "What problem are you talking about Rose?" He asked, turning to look at Tiara who looked surprised at Serpens' question."I'm currently trapped in an elevator and my dad is behind it. I've not been able to get to Xin and I don't know how much time she has left. I'm currently running out of air here and I'm not sure if I'll be able to hold much longer too." Rose replied, her breath heavy, indicating how distressed she was inside the elevator."Hold on, Rose," Serpens urged her. "We're coming to help you." He added, before dropping the call."What's the matter?" Tiara asked, seeing the panic look on Serpens' face.
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Chapter 129: Revelation and information
The Serpens from the past who had left Tiara to go ahead to the Brynner's Agency, arrived at the old cabin where Lan was. They'd both talked on the phone and he had agreed to meet with her in the cabin.Lan couldn't imagine the possibility of seeing another version of the same person he had been with all day. It sounded unbelievable, but she kept looking forward to it.Serpens arrived, just as Tiara had described for him, as the cab pulled off in front of the cabin. Getting to the door, he have it a gentle knock, and in no time Lan came forward and opened the door for him."Serpens," she said, her eyes looking up at him. "This is really unbelievable," she sighed.As they settled in, Serpens decided to narrate everything that had happened, all the way from the time he and Xin went to visit the clam girl in the Bohai sea, down to every of their time travel adventure, and then finally about the SFX-chip and the dragonic launch."SFX- chip was created for the first time by my father," Ser
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Chapter 130: Terminating the Launch process!
Flynn stood at the entrance of the mercury cell ready to hit the bottom which Jack had instructions him to hit. But while standing oin front of the cell, his conscience just wouldn't let him do it.He knew he had pledged his allegiance to Jack and had sworn to help him with his plans, but as he stood before the mercury cell that night, it was like an inner conflict was going on within him. Two voices speaking in his head."Go ahead, Flynn. Do it!" One of the voices barked within him."No, Flynn. Don't," the other voice came gentle and soothing.Flynn shook his head pondering over what next step to take when his phone buzzed with a call from Jeremy.He paused for a moment, wondering why Jeremy had called. Swiping to the left, he answered the call."Jeremy, Why'd you call?" Flynn asked."I was worried about you," Jeremy replied from his end. "Grandma has been asking when you're coming back home. It's been days since you left the house and she really misses you." "I'm fine where I am. A
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