All Chapters of The great Dragon : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
184 chapters
Chapter 131: Assault and Attempted murder!
Immediately after Flynn terminated the launch process, he went back to the control room and turned on the elevator, releasing Rose.For the first time in a long time, Flynn could see what he hadn't been blind to all these while - the fragility of life. He couldn't believe he had been so blinded by anger and the desire for revenge that he forgot to see that there were indeed innocent people in the world.Those who can't fight for themselves and who only live on hope and faith, that someday things will get better.He proceeded to shut down the charge uo system which Winter was connected to, disrupting the entire dragonic launch plan."What's going on?" Winter asked, realizing that the charge system had been interrupted."I'm doing what's right," he replied defiantly. Fearing that winter would attack him, he quickly pushed a button which brought an impregnable wall that immediately separated him from Winter."I'm sorry, Winter, but I can't be part of this madness any longer." He said as
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Chapter 132: The fatal accident!
Fifteen minutes earlier...The assailants who chased after Serpens and Tiara were indeed ruthless and relentless in their pursuit. They increased their speed, closing in on them and ramming unto them violently from behind.Serpens tried his best to make sure he outrun them, but it appeared fate had other plans for them, as he looked into the car's dashboard and realized that they were already running out of petrol. He couldn't believe that of all times, the petrol decided to get finished when their lives were in danger. He glanced at the rearview mirror and saw one of the assailants pulling out a rifle through his own window aiming for his tires. He knew this would be the decisive moment of his life.He had stayed in a coma for years and just when he thought everything would be back to normal, he had to deal with the harsh reality that death was calling on him once again.As Tiara's panicked cries filled his ears, coupled with the fact that the car was about giving them up to their a
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Chapter 133: A danger to get back!
Jack stood in solemn silence as the realisation dawned upon him that his plans had failed and that the dragonic project didn't go as he had planned. He couldn't believe that Flynn could betray him like that after trusting him so much.He had invested hundreds of millions of dollars into the project and nothing had come out of it. Flynn had not only terminated the process, he had also destroyed the SFX- chip, which was the reason he sent those men to kill him.He had been working on that SFX-chip for over twenty years trying to perfect it to suit his plans and just when he was about to celebrate being phenomenal, Flynn had to beyray him, leading to a total failure of his ground breaking project.He was still in deep thoughts when one of his walked in. "What's the latest development with Tiara and the gentleman that was with her on the car when the accident happened?" Jack inquired, his tone firm and serious."They're currently in the ICU sir. They had miraculously survived the acciden
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Chapter 134: What could have been!
Serpens immediately left the accident and hurried all the way to Jeremy's place. The way the call had ended, had raised suspicion within him and he couldn't help but feel that something bad had happened to Jeremy.He hailed the first cab that stopped in front of him, concealing his identity so that no one wouldn't identify him as the same Serpens Ryu who had been involved in an accident.On getting to Jeremy's place, he noticed that the place was eerily quiet. He stepped in to find the whole place in disarray, confirming his suspension that indeed, something had happened there.Going from one room to the other, he realized that there was actually no one in the house, not even Jeremy's grandmother.He was still trying to make sense of everything that had happened, when his eyes fell upon a note that was on the table, a bloody dagger attached to it.Serpens could almost feel his heart rip apart as he saw the note and the bloody dagger making him wonder what could happen and at the same
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Chapter 135: Sirens wailing,Help coming!
Serpens called Jeremy's number and listened to it as it rang. It felt like the world was falling apart and there was nothing he could do.He listened as the call connected and it was Winter who answered the phone."You got his message didn't you?" Winter began, his voice cold and dangerous. "Hope you're on way already?""Winter don't hurt the boy and his grandmother. Please, I beg you. They had not done anything wrong to you. It's you and I who have a problem, so don't drag others into it." Serpens pleaded."That's exactly why you have to be here soon if not, it'll be the end for the little boy and his grandmother," Winter threatened before the call came to an end."What did he say?" Lan asked as she could see the fright in Serpens' eyes. "Jeremy and his grandmother are in trouble and only heaven knows what Winter is planning to do with them, Serpens said, his voice a low whisper so the driver of the cab doesn't get to hear what they were saying.After a few minutes, Lan alighted fro
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Chapter 136: A desire to change and undo!
Immediately Winter heard the police coming, he morphed back into his human form pushing Jeremy's grandmother into the aquarium which she was sitting close to, while still tied to the chair.After that, he left Serpens to save either Jeremy or the grandmother."Good luck, Serpens, we'll meet again." He announced as he disappeared into the darkness.Serpens hurried to stop the milling machine from crushing Jeremy, but he was too late. Jeremy had died out of shock. He tried all his best to wake him up, forgetting that Jeremy's grandmother was drowning in the aquarium.The police came in at that moment and a couple of the officers hurried off to rescue Jeremy's grandmother, but they too had arrived late. The old woman was already dead by the time they brought her out of the water."Jeremy, wake up," Serpens cried. "Please don't die,"But Jeremy gave no response, his body slowly getting cold while he remained in Serpens' arms."Jeremy, please." Serpens' continued to cry. "This can't be th
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Chapter 137: Going back to the professor
Rose stormed into Jack's office, her eyes blazing with fury. After everything that happened happened that night, she just couldn't take it anymore. "Dad, how could you?" Her voice broke in tears. "How could you kill an innocent man? What have gained from his death?"Jack remained silent, refusing to say anything. Rose understood what that meant. Whenever her father remained quiet when being bashed, it only meant one thing, and that is the fact that he already buried his conscience and will not stop until he achieved all of his evil plans, but that didn't make her stop."Dad, I'm talking to you!" Rose exclaimed angrily, but Jack remained still all the same.Just then, the television popped up with the news of the death of Jeremy and his grandmother.Rose couldn't believe her ears as she listened to the reporter who spoke on the TV."Dad, did you do it too?" Rose asked. "Did you kill Flynn's grandmother and brother?""No I didn't!" Jack turned to face her, retorting angrily."You're l
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Chapter 138: Going back to the professor ll
"I don't understand what you're talking about," Professor Layton's brow furrowed. "What time machine?""I really don't know the whole story. But one thing I know is that Serpens has not yet failed. Whatever is happening now can be prevented from happening, if Serpens and Xin can return to the past. There's still hope for Draketown," Rose pressed further.Professor Layton paused for a moment, trying to understand what Rose was driving at. He suddenly remembered the last time Serpens and Xin visited him, claiming they had come from a different timeline, but in his anger, he ended up chasing them away."Wait a minute. Are you trying to say that Serpens had come to the future when the dragons had not yet been released? Because that's the only logical explanation that can make me see the possibility of all that you're driving at.""I guess so. Wait let me call him." Rose said, pulling out her phone from her bag only to see that she had missed several calls from him."Serpens had been calli
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Chapter 139: looking for a way to save Xin
The night was already far gone but Professor Layton and Rose took the risk of meeting with Serpens at the hospital. There wasn't any traffic, making the drive smooth.Professor Layton and Rose entered the hospital ward, the soft beeps of machines and gentle hum of fluorescent lights filling the air. The scent of disinfectant and the faint tang of sickness hung heavy over the rows of beds, each one a testament to the fragility of human life."So where is Serpens?" Professor Layton inquired."Must be in Xin's ward," Rose replied as they proceeded to Xin's ward which was nearly at the extreme end of hall way.They met one of the nurses who confirmed that Serpens was inside and had been there all evening."Thank you," Rose greeted the nurse wearing her ever beautiful smile.Stepping into the ward, their eyes were drawn to Serpens seated beside Xin, who was lying in the bed, surrounded by life-saving equipment, just how Rose had left her before going to confront her father.Serpens' eyes,
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Chapter 140: Dark arts of mercury
Serpens and Rose sat in the hospital room, surrounded by the continuous beeping of machines and the soft hum of fluorescent lights, a reminder of the fact that Xin's life was still in danger and that everything was still far from over.The weight of everything that had happened to them hung heavy in the air, a palpable force that seemed to press down on their shoulders. It was like everything that was happening, was happening so fast before Serpens' eyes that he suddenly missed the good old days with just him and sister, Serena living their peaceful and quiet lives.Serpens' eyes were filled with fear, his brow furrowed with worry. "What if she doesn't make it?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "What if we can't save her?"Rose reached out, her hand brushing against his. "Don't say that, Serpens," she said, her voice soft but firm. "We have to be optimistic. We have to believe that everything will be fine."Serpens shook his head, his eyes dropping to the floor. "It's hard
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