All Chapters of The great Dragon : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
184 chapters
Chapter 141: Winter's threat, Jack's rage
Professor Layton spent the rest of the night thinking of the possibility of actually turning things around if truly they would be able to carry out the blood cleansing and re-transfusion into Xin's system.As the first light of dawn crept into the sky, professor Layton made his way to the hospital, his heart heavy with the weight of what lay ahead. He had called Serpens and Rose and had told them about what he had discovered while searching for the solution to Xin's predicament.*So, you're saying if we're able to remove all of Xin's blood from her system, we'd be able to save her life, after thoroughly screening the blood before transfusing it back into her system?" Serpens' inquired, curiously."That's it Serpens. We just need to let the doctor know and then hope he agrees to carry out the procedure." Professor Layton said."Why not? Allow me to speak with the doctor," Rose volunteered. "If this is our only way of saving Xin, then what are we still waiting for?" Serpens and profes
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Chapter 142: Hope in a difficult time
Serpens welcomed the new day bathed in the warm embrace of the morning sun, a sense of purpose mingled with a tinge of yearning in his heart. Rose had taken him to one of Brynner's guest houses where she felt he would be safe. They had both stayed together in each other's arms that night.Though they had not intended to have any form of romantic relationship, the emotional turmoil within them had clouded their sense of reasoning. They had kissed a couple of times, but somehow things didn't escalate between the two of them before they returned to their senses."I'm sorry," Serpens had apologized. "We shouldn't be doing this, not with everything that is happening,""I'm sorry too," Rose sighed. She knew she shouldn't be thinking of making out with Serpens, especially not when they were in the middle of so many crises. But she just couldn't deny the fact that she was missing the presence of a man in her life, and having been Serpens' girlfriend from five years ago, before his sudden disa
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Chapter 143: A successful operation
Rose was in her room when Serpens came knocking. After pondering on everything, he had decided to have a word with her."Come in," Rose ushered him in."You're not coming to the hospital?" Serpens asked."I don't know, Serpens." Rose sighed."Is it because of what happened between us last night into this morning?" Serpens pressed further."It's not that, Serpens. It's just that....""Shhhh" Serpens hushed her, placing his finger across her lips."Rose, I just want you to know that once everything is done and we've returned to our timeline, we'll know what really is in store for us." Serpens' spoke softly.Rose remained speechless, staring into his dreamy eyes. She just couldn't help but admire those eyes, making her miss those times when she'd stare into them, having him all to herself.She really wished she could have back those days and not have to compete for Serpens' attention with anyone. But with Xin in the picture, it wasn't looking like a possibility. She knew they all needed
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Chapter 144: Xin, find Rose
The news of Xin's successful operation soon spread through the whole of Draketwon like wild fire, much to Serpens' surprise. He wasn't expecting the news to be all over the place, but it appeared the lead doctor was bent on receiving global recognition for being the first person to have carried out such an operation.Every media house, newspaper and television channel carried the news, and Serpens' just couldn't hide his fury and his frustration. He wasted no time to call the doctor and ask him what was really going on."Doctor, what is this I'm hearing? Why did you have to make the procedure a thing of public attention." Serpens' queried."Because I deserve the accolades," the doctor replied, a sense of pride evident in his voice, increasing Serpens' frustration."Accolades?" Serpens brow furrowed. "Do you have the slightest idea of what you've done?"The doctor, was however not moved by Serpens' querry, and just before Serpens' could continue his querry, he dropped the call yo atten
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Chapter 145: Romance in the midst of darkness
With the news of Xin's successful operation now all over the place, he just couldn't wait for her to be fully conscious, and then they could finally go back home.The only thought on his mind at that moment was how they could get back to their timeline. As he sat in the silence of his room, he thought of all the people he had lost. He thought of his sister, Serena, and what the chances were to really get things to turn differently.He remembered the promise he had made to his parents, how he was going to be a good big brother to her, protecting her and making sure that no harm comes to her.His thoughts also drifted to Tiara and the sacrifice she had made just to make sure he was able to succeed in his mission. He thought of Rose and the situation that they had now found themselves in, and finally about Xin, whose awakening was all that was left to rewrite the fate of Draketown.The shrill ring of his phone shattered the silence, drawing Serpens' attention away from his troubled thoug
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Chapter 146: Offering comfort in the midst of despair
As Serpens approached the hospital, the bright lights of the building brought him back to the reality of the moment. There was a police car which was parked outside, informing Serpens that the police had already been informed, and that was not enough to convince him that the attempt on Xin's life wasn't just a tiny matter.Upon entering, he found one of the nurses and the Professor Layton engaged in a tense discussion about the attempt on Xin's life. Serpens' pulse quickened as he absorbed the gravity of the situation, his concern for Xin's well-being, immediately eclipsing all other thoughts he still had left about Rose and their almost shared romantic episode."What really happened?" He inquired as he approached Professor Layton.He noticed the frightful look on the face of the nurse like she was afraid of something life threatening. He had worn his disguise before leaving the house so that no one would recognise him as Serpens Ryu. He always wore his disguise whenever he left the h
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Chapter 147: Through the memory lane
Serpens returned from the hospital only to be met with the surprise that the door to the cabin was left open, and the lights left on. It was unusual, because the Rose he had always known would never sleep with the lights on. "Rose!" He exclaimed, rushing into the cabin. He needed no one to tell him that Rose was in danger. He remembered having instructed Rose to shut the door behind her before leaving for the hospital.Upon entering the cabin, he realized that the whole place had been turned upside down. It was obvious that someone had entered the cabin while he was away and whoever it was, had probably come for Rose."Rose!" He called out, hoping she could be somewhere around the cabin.He called several other times but there was no response from her, causing a feeling of unease to suddenly wash over him. He couldn't bring himself to imagine something bad happening to Rose, not with everything that had happened to all those that he loved.He just couldn't bring himself to handle any
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Chapter 148: Through the memory lane ll
Serpens immediately hailed a cab directing the driver to take him to the agreed location. He was already getting tired of Winter's endless summons and was determined to put it to an end already.The night was called and ominous and Serpens could feel his pulses increasing as he stepped out of the cab into the alley which was as quiet as a graveyard."Winter, show yourself," he called out, the sound of his voice echoing back into his ears."Rose!" Serpens also called out hoping one of them would hear him. The feeling in the pit of his stomach was so disturbing that he felt he was hearing strange sounds emanating from within the alley."Rose, can you hear me?" He called out again, still no response.Serpens could begin to hear the wind pick up, howling through the alley, informing him that Winter was somewhere around him.He turned around, but yo his surprise, there was no one there."Show yourself, Winter!" He barked, believing that Winter was trying to play tricks on him.He decided t
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Chapter 149: Breaking free a second time
"Winter, please it's time to put an end to all of these. Enough of hurting innocent people. It's time to let go of the past and then see the bright side of the future," Serpens pleaded, his voice echoing through the alley, as he fixed his gaze on Rose who was still hanging from the rope which Winter had bounded her with.Winter smirked, his hands gripping the rope more tightly, pulling it down with a fierce intensity. "This isn't going to end until I'm satisfied that you've lost everyone who was ever dear to you,"Winter's words were like a hammer hitting a nail, piercing deep into Serpens' heart. He just couldn't stand the thought of losing anyone anymore. He had suffered too much losses already, and wasn't going to just stand and do nothing while Winter choked the life out of Rose.Serpens' eyes met with Rose, suspended from the rope which Winter continued to drag closer, her eyes wide with fear as she struggled to break free. The sight of Rose struggling for her life was heart brea
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Chapter 150: The crossroads of destiny
The news headlines in the city that night was all about the fight between Serpens and Winter who had suddenly disappeared from the city after being pulled away by a strange force.Helicopters were flying all over the place, search lights illuminating the landscape as they searched for the dragons which had been fighting.Professor Layton navigated his car through the chaotic streets, the city's nightlife transformed into a scene of utter pandemonium. "Two dragon-like creatures clashed in the distance, their roars echoing off the skyscrapers as they breathed fire and destruction," the news was broadcasted all over the television stations in Draketwon.Professor Layton's eyes widened as he drove closer to the epicenter of the battle. Flames had engulfed buildings, and debris littered the streets. "Stay back," the police ordered as they tried to gain some control over the whole situation.People were running for their lives, screaming and crying as they tried to escape the mayhem."Eve
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