All Chapters of The great Dragon : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
184 chapters
Chapter 151: The Orifice of time convergence
Before Serpens could understand what was going on, Zorvath faded away like a smoke disappearing into the Abyss. Just like one in an illusion, Serpens saw his eight year old self standing right in front of him."Welcome, Serpens," his younger self greeted him.Serpens couldn't hide his surprise as everywhere seemed to look so different all of a sudden. The architecture of nearby buildings confirmed that he had been transported suddenly to an unknown location, different from where he had been with Zorvath, a couple of minutes ago."Where am I?" Older Serpens asked, surprised. "This isn't the where I was standing a couple of minutes ago,"Eight year old Serpens' eyes lit up as a warm smile tugged at the corners of his lips, "I've brought you here to show you something you need to know."What is it?" Order Serpens asked, unable to understand what his younger self was saying to him. Nothing was making sense to him. Just when he thought he was a step closer to putting an end to the reign of
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Chapter 152: Drakona and the dragon lords
Back in the real world, Serpens.lay motionless on the ground, his body still and silent, like a statue carved from marble. His skin was pale, almost translucent, and his hair, a rich, dark brown, spread around him like a halo. Hid eyes, once bright and full of life, now seemed dull and lifeless, like two stones that had lost their luster.Around him, the group of middle aged men, their faces lined with concern and experience, walked in a circle, their movements slow and deliberate. They wore long, flowing robes of black, the color of passion, and their hair, a mixture gray and black, was pulled back from their faces, revealing eyes that seemed to bore into the soul.They were no ordinary men, but dragon lords, guardians of ancient knowledge and power. They moved with a purpose, their eyes fixed on Serpens on the ground, their hands weaving intricate patterns in the air. The atmosphere was heavy with tension, as if the very fabric of reality was being manipulated.As they walked, the t
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Chapter 153: The time keeper's riddle!
The dragon lords remained in their circle, the chants echoing through the stillness of the night. With their robes billowing behind them, they resumed their movements with purpose, their eyes gleaming with a fierce determination.Drakona led the charge, his staff crackling with energy as he navigated the treacherous landscapes. His long hair flowed like a river of moonlight, and his eyes burned with an inner fire that seemed to pierce the very soul."He's finally gotten to the gates, and is about to face the time keeper. We'll have to let him face the keeper all by himself now," Drakona said, his voice bearing the weight of the situation at hand.Still in the valley of illusion, Serpens and his younger self walked hand in hand down a winding path, the trees growing taller and the air thickening with an otherworldly energy.After walking a couple of distance, they approached a gate, its height and grandeur awe-inspiring. "We're here," younger Serpens said to his older self.Older Serp
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Chapter 154: The mystery of Time and reality!
Older Serpens and his younger self stood before the Orifice of Time Convergence, a place shrouded in mystery and legend. The air was thick with an otherworldly energy, and the ground hummed with the vibrations of countless timelines.As they approached, a brilliant white light illuminated the air, shining bright from the ground up to the sky. The light was so intense that it seemed to pulse with an inner power, as if it were a living, breathing entity.The mysterious orifice stood before Older Serpens and his younger self, its presence both captivating and unsettling. Its shimmering, iridescent surface pulsed with an otherworldly energy, as if it were alive. The air around it rippled and distorted, like reality itself was bending to accommodate its existence. I felt a shiver run down my spine as I gazed upon the portal, my mind racing with the infinite possibilities that lay beyond."Wow!" Younger Serpens exclaimed, as he has not seen anything like it before.Older Serpens, taking a m
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Chapter 155: what's going on?
As the first light of dawn crept into his room, Serpens stirred, slowly opening his eyes to greet the new day. The warm rays of the morning sun danced across his face, casting a gentle glow on his sleepy features.He stretched, arching his back and extending his arms above his head, feeling the satisfying crack of his joints as he shook off the slumber. A yawn escaped his lips, and he rubbed the remnants of sleep from his eyes, taking a deep breath to invigorate his senses.As he sat up, the sunlight streaming through the window illuminated his messy hair, casting a halo of gold around his head. He ran a hand through his tangled locks, trying to tame the chaos, and then, it suddenly dawned on him. He was right back in his room."What...what's going on?" he stammered, trying to process what he was seeing. He rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was dreaming.Serpens sat up on his bed, frozen in confusion, as memories flooded my mind. He recalled standing before the two guardian spirits, ac
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Chapter 156: An Artificial intelligence Agency
Serpens, with his grip tightened on the handles of his Hayley motorcycle, sped down the highway, his mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts. He was still trying to make sense of the strange memories and encounters that had been plaguing him. The Guardians of the Past and Future, his younger self, and suddenly waking up to find himself in his room. None of them was adding up.As he arrived at the hospital, he spotted inspector Lui, who had also died in the future he came from, standing outside with a couple of other people."Hey, glad you're here," Inspector Lui said, as Serpens parked his motorcycle. "Heard you went out with the director Lan Qingyue last night. Serpens, I'll advise you to be careful. You don't want to give her false hopes, do you?" Serpens couldn't hide the surprise on his face. He just couldn't understand what Inspector Lui was talking about, and why everyone was referring to his meeting with Lan the previous night, as nothing of such was coming to his mind."Well,
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Chapter 157: A Strange Reunion
After spending a couple of minutes with Rose in the ward, without Rose being able to recognise him, Serpens steeped out of the ward to ask Inspector Lui what he meant by the invitation from the Brynner's Artificial intelligence Agency.He remembered the Agency from the future where he believed he had been for such a long time, and what the Brynner's Artificial intelligence Agency almost turned to the world into. If it was really true that the Jack Brynner was about to launch the Brynner's Artificial Intelligence Agency, then it could only mean one thing, and that's the fact that the future which he had seen, has the potential of coming to pass."May I have a word with you?" Serpens said, as he excused Inspector Lui who was chit chatting with a couple of other persons around."What's it about, Serpens?" Inspector Lui inquired, his own curiosity piqued."You said something about the Brynner's Artificial Intelligence Agency earlier. What exactly is that?" Serpens probed further, feigning
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Chapter 158: Existence of a Parallel Universe
Lan couldn't hide the excitement on her face as she sat on her bed, lost in thought, a soft smile playing on her lips as she reminisced about the previous night's escapade. She couldn't believe that she had expertly slipped something into Serpens' drink, watching with a mix of excitement and guilt as he became disoriented and pliable. She had been looking forward to the day when she'd have the opportunity to have Serpens all to herself. Seeing that Serpens had fallen for her scheme and had consumed the drink, she wasted no time in leading him to a secluded bedroom within the club.She had indulged him in a night of passion, their lips locked in a fervent embrace. She knew it was her opportunity to have Serpens all to herself and she wasn't going to blow it all up.As she daydreamed, her mind replayed the sensations, the thrill of control and desire. She longed to relive that moment, to feel the rush of power and intimacy again. Her smile grew wider, lost in the memory."Oh, my Serpe
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Chapter 159: Jack's Opening Ceremony!
The night sky was a deep, foreboding shade of indigo, with clouds that seemed to swirl and twist like living shadows. The air was heavy with an unsettling stillness, as if the very wind itself was holding its breath in anticipation of something.The stars above twinkled like icy pinpricks, casting an eerie glow over the landscape. The world was bathed in an unnatural silence, as if all living creatures were hiding, waiting for some unknown terror to pass.The moon, a silver crescent, hung low in the sky, casting long, ominous shadows across the ground. The night seemed to be holding its breath, waiting for some ancient evil to stir, some long-forgotten terror to awaken from its slumber.In this quiet, ominous night, anything seemed possible, and the darkness seemed to whisper terrible secrets to those who dared to listen.Serpens stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his shirt collar and running a hand through his hair, as he prepared to attend the opening ceremony of Jack Brunner's
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Chapter 160: Jack's Opening Ceremony ll
The drive to the venue was quiet and Serpens was lost in his thoughts. He gazed out the window, the city lights blurring as they sped through the streets. Lan was sitting right beside him in front, but she remained silent, focused on the road ahead, as though she was the one driving. After a few minutes, they arrived at the grand building of the Brynner's Artificial Intelligence Agency, illuminated with festive lights and the hum of chatter and music seeping through the open doors.The whole place was now looking different from the way Serpens had seen it earlier during the day.As he stepped out of the car, he took a deep breath, steeling himself for the evening ahead. Everything was beginning to look like how he had once experienced it, when it was Rose who had invited him for the party and had sent her driver to come and pick him up.While he was still there waiting for Serena to come out, another car pulled up in front of them. Flynn and Jeremy stepped out of the car, their arri
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