All Chapters of The great Dragon : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
184 chapters
Chapter 11
When the hammer struck the glass, the security alarm blared throughout the jewelry shop."Hurry, hurry! Blast it, the alarm's on! Security's comin'!" one of the robbers bellowed."Boss, this glass's too thick," muttered the hammer-wielding robber, frustration etched on his face as he saw only a few cracks appear."Leave it to me," snarled another young man, his veins bulging as he seized the hammer. He smashed a hole through the glass and continued breaking it."This ain't good. The bulletproof glass is busted," Lan Qingyue, squatting nearby, gasped in shock."Shut it!" snapped the robber next to her, eyeing her necklace greedily. He reached for it. "Give me that.""No!" Lan Qingyue recoiled, falling back."Huh? You're pretty," the robber remarked, his expression lecherous."Don't move or I'll shoot," he threatened, aiming his gun at her."We ain't got time for this! Keep watch!" shouted the young man at the glass counter, seizing jewelry.Meanwhile, the other robber aimed his gun at
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" You"ve not seen the last of me!
Rose stepped out of the school gate dressed in a crisp white blouse and tailored jeans carrying a leather bag that slung over her shoulder having just completed her translation job.Her confident stride and the slight smile on her lips and refiected a job well done. One of the most difficult tasks a student could face in Draketown university was to face professor Layton Utah when it has to do with translation jobs but she was able to do it very well, so good that professor Layton nodded his head satisfactorily.Her eyes immediately locked unto Serpens who was sitting on his sleek Harley motorcycle. A smile escaped her lips as she crossed the road separating the school from where Serpens was seated with the other guys.As she reached Serpens, she placed a hand on his shoulders, her eyes locking through every other person's eyes. Her gaze shifted to Tiara's boyfriend Yul Brynner who was standing in front of Serpens, the other guys watching to see what was about to unfold.“Who the hell
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Chapter 13 "we"ll find out his source of power,"
Yul couldn't let go of the humiliation he had suffered from Serpens. He had always been the one whom everyone feared and respected. As the heir to the Brynner's holdings, one of the most renowned fish dealers in the region, he felt really insulted.So, in the dimly lit room of his upscale apartment, Yul and a couple of his friends gathered around a sleek glass table. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation and simmering anger.Everything that had transpired between him and Serpens was still playing very fresh in his head and he was not going to go down without a fight.Sitting at the head of the table, Yul was seething with anger, nursing a bruised ego and a slight swelling on his face. Tiara sat beside him, looking worried but silent. The room was filled with a low hum of expansive electronics and the faint scene of cologne."That guy humiliated me," Yul began, his voice seething with bitterness. "We can't let him get away with this."Across from him, one of his closest friends, W
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Chapter 14 who dares bully my sister?
Serpens and Rose arrived at his apartment, parking the Harley bike in front of the house. Rose was still reeling from the events that had happened earlier with Serpens and Tiara' boyfriend. She hadn't expected to see Serpens react that way The way he knocked down Yul effortlessly was still making her wonder where he learnt martial arts from.“Have you had martial arts lessons before?” She inquired, her curiosity piqued.Serpens's brow furrowed, “No.. not at all.” He replied. “Why'd you ask?” He pressed further.Rose shrugged, “Nothing..” she replied. “It’s just that, the way you knocked that guy out, only a true master in martial arts could do that.”“Really?” “Yes. My uncle is a martial artist. I learnt Judo and Taekwondo from him so I know a little about martial arts too.” Serpens remembered someone telling him that before. He could begin to see for himself that the dragonic power also enabled him with the skills of martial arts.“Who knows.., maybe I'm just naturally gifted in t
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Chapter 15: There's more to Serpens Ryu than meet the eye
Inspector Lui Zhang stood at the edge of the accident scene where old Xue's grand daughter, Xin Jiang's sport's car had crashed while competing with Serpens. The mangled remains of the sports car were still resting where it had violently crashed.He walked slowly around the wreck, noting the twisted metal and shattered glass. The car was a total loss, crumpled beyond recognition. Inspector Lui found it difficult to believe that Xin Jang had survives the crash without severe fractures, if not even worse. He felt something wasn't right.Turning to the officer who was with him, “There's more to this accident than what the young man who had called us to notify us is letting on,” he said, his tone inferring doubt.The other officer looked at him wondering what he meant, “what do you mean?” He inquired.“If Xin had survived this crash without serious fractures then, it's possible there's something more to who she is or the young man who had called us.”The two of them made their way to the
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Chapter 16: What are you hiding, Serpens?
Inspector Lui waited patiently near the campus entrance of Draketown university watching students mill about between classes. Ever since his meeting with Xin, at the hospital, he had made up his mind to look for Serpens himself and to find out what he did to Xin in aiding her quick recovery from the accident.He spotted Serpens coming out of the gate walking with a female friend. The girl was Rose. The two of them were chatting animatedly as they walked out of the campus gate.Stepping forward, Inspector Lui called out, “Excuse me,” Looking at Serpens from a distance, he didn't look like someone who actually looked out of this world. Even at the accident scene, it hadn't occurred to him until recently when he started hearing rumors of extraterrestrial beings with special powers arriving at Drake town.Serpens and Rose turned around and saw him waving at them. Serpens immediately recognised him as one of the police officers that had come to the accident scene when old Xue's granddaug
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Chapter 17: You're nothing without me!
Serpens and Rose stopped at the cafeteria to grab a bite but while they were eating together, Rose couldn't help but stare at Serpens, admiring his cute looks, her mind also reeling with the thoughts of the suspicions had been looming around him.Serpens caught her staring, a wierd look in her eyes, "What's is it? Why are you staring?" He asked, his curiosity piqued."It's nothing," Rose shrugged.There was a sudden uproar from outside the cafeteria. A very ugly creature had stopped in front of the cafeteria. It looked extraterrestrial, it's eyes bulging out of its sockets.The sight of it was so scary that everyone who saw it starred running. It's head was disproportionately large with an almond shaped eyes that were completely black, absorbing all light. It had no visible nose, just two small silts for nostrils and a thin lipless mouth that stretches eerily from ear to ear.Serpens and Rose came out of the cafeteria to see the police with their guns, forming a semi circle around the
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Chapter 18: No one gave me my powers!
Serpens couldn't hide the disappointment that etched on his face as he walked back home from class that evening. His whole day had been filled with series of disappointment. First it was his meeting with Mr Leonard where he ended up meeting Yul, unable to sell his highly priced Anrowana fish.Also, his meeting with Rose at the school's cafeteria didn't go as planned. Rose had called to inform him that she wouldn't be able to make it as she had an urgent meeting with one of her professors.The only good thing that happened to him that day was the fact that the old man who owned a small restaurant by the side of the campus had called him to help him fix the lightings in his restaurant and had given him a cheque of $2000. Even if the money was small compared to what he he could have earned if Yul hadn't turned out to be the investor who wanted the fish, he till appreciated the old man's gesture. Walking home that evening with the cheque tucked safely in his pocket, Serpens decided to p
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Chapter 19: I'll find the draconic gem.
Zorvath, the sea creature let out a breath of smoke causing a wave of fear to course through Serpens's veins. He was still grappling with the whole revelation that the weird looking sea creature was letting on.“Your destiny is to become the great dragon,” Zorvath revealed, the smoke enveloping him and Serpens, transporting them in the twinkling of an eye to a place where Serpens couldn't recognise.“Where are we?” Serpens asked, his surprise palpable.“The shores of the third world sea,” Zorvath, the sea creature replied, pointing towards the vast water body that stood in front of them.Serpens's mouth opened wide, as he beheld the endless sea before him. It was unlike anything he had seen in his life.The vast sea stretched endlessly, it's expanse swallowing the horizon in every direction.Serpens could feel that the sea was very much alive, pulsating with the rhythm of unseen currents.Still reeling from everything that seemed to be happening so fast, Serpens voice echoed with the
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Chapter 20: The day of fire and ice!
Serpens watched Zorvath breathe out smoke, sending him back to the front of his house with Zorvath nowhere to be found. He heaved a sigh, contemplating on and on pondering over everything that Zorvath had told him.Walking back to his room, he just couldn't help but wonder what exactly the draconic gem was and why Doromu had fused with him of all the people it could fuse it with. He wondered why the said Doromu had never spoken to him once since it was a part of him already.As he stepped inside, the familiar surroundings of his room offered little comfort. He sat on the edge of his bed, lost in thought, and his gaze drifted to a framed photo on his nightstand—one of him and his sister with their grandmother.Memories flooded his mind, transporting him to the sunlit days spent at their grandmother's old house. He recalled the cozy evenings by the fireplace, where she would tell them fantastical tales of draconic creatures, mystical gems, and ancient abilities. She would often speak o
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