All Chapters of The great Dragon : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
184 chapters
Chapter 21: Mr.Ryu, meet me in the office.
Serpens and the other students listened with rapt attention as professor Layton delved into the subject of sea dragons. If there was one thing the students loved about his class, it was in the simple fact, that professor Layton knew just how to relate every of his topic with a tale, either real or a legend.After a few more minutes of rigorous lectures and note taking, professor Layton finally decided to end the class with a tale of sea dragons - just what the students were looking forward to.He cleared his throat, his stern demeanor softening slightly as he began to narrate a tale that captured the room's attention."Today, we delve into an ancient legend," he started, his voice taking on a more reverent tone. "A tale of two guardian sea dragons, forces of nature said to embody the primal elements of fire and ice.""Fire and ice," Serpens whispered to himself, his thoughts going back to the text message that had popped up on his phone the previous night."These dragons, Doromu and B
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Chapter 22: Your grandmother was your first sage.
Rose stood under the shade of the giant oak tree that was just right in front of Serpens's lecture hall, her eyes scanning the crowd of students that were exiting the lecture hall, hoping to see Serpens among them but he wasn't.She checked the time on her phone, her impatience growing while waiting for him to come out. They've both agreed to go over to her place after school.After waiting for ten minutes with no sign of Serpens, she decides to put a call through to him. After a few rings, Serpens answered the phone. He was already on his way to professor Layton's office.“Hey, where are you? I've been waiting for you for a while now, you know?” Rose said, all in one breath.“I'm really sorry, Rose but I have to see one of my professors. It was impromptu,” Serpens explained.Rose frowned, disappointment evident in her tone. “Is that so? What happened?”“Its kinda complicated,” Serpens replied. “I'll tell you all about when next we see but for now, I have to see Professor Layton.”“Al
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Chapter 23: "It's payback time, Serpents!"
Yul was sitting in a corner in the Pavilion's restaurant. He and Tiara had agreed to meet after she was done with classes. They've not been able to spend quality time together after the incident with Serpens.Another reason was also the fact that he now managed the Brynner's holdings and it was a very huge responsibility for him. He had decided to take a break from work and spend some time with Tiara, making up for the time they've been apart.He glanced at his wrist watch, adjusting his cufflinks. Looking up, he saw Tiara walk through the entrance of the restaurant, looking radiant and her eyes sparkling with warmth and affection.He stood up to greet her and then they shared a warm embrace, holding each other for a moment before taking their seats.As they settled in, the waiter approached them to take their orders. Yul ordered the filet mignon while Tiara opted for the salmon. The waiter nodded politely and left them with their menus.Turning her attention back to Yul, Tiara leaned
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Chapter 24: The mysterious compass.
Serpens picked up the book which Professor Layton had given to him earlier that day in class. He was so inquisitive to find out what was in the book and why professor Layton had given it to him.The fact that his grandmother was his sage still baffled him. All those times she was telling them stories of dragons and their legends, he thought they were just stories and never in his wildest dreams had he thought those stories were for him.Still in thought, he wondered who the third and fourth sages were after Professor Layton had revealed himself as the second.Serpens opened the book, it's cover old and brown, it's pages yellowed with age. He flipped through the initial chapter reading about the ancient myths and legendary dragon clan that protected the world.As he delved deeper into the texts, he discovered a detailed account of the draconic gem - the very artifact of immense power, capable of influencing both light and darkness. The gem had once mediated peace between the guardian s
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Chapter 25: I'll have to see the scars from his bullet wound.
“I'm telling you, there's something about that kid, Serpens Ryu that isn't ordinary.” Inspector Lui Zhang insisted, his voice low and urgent as he leaned against his desk, talking to his colleague inspector Chan. “I've been keeping a close eye on him and I can say for sure that that kid is hiding something.”Inspector Chan leaning back in his chair, raised an eyebrow skeptically. “What is so special about that kid that you just can't let it slide. This isn't just about the accident involving old Xue's granddaughter is it?”“Come to think of it,” Inspector Lui began. “There must have been something he did to that girl. Even old Xue's granddaughter said it herself. She had fractures, deep injuries, but everything disappeared after Serpens held her.”“You think he has special powers…, or is involved in something outworldly?” Chan inquired.Inspector Lui nodded slowly, his eyes intense. “I don't know yet. But I'm going to find out. Whatever it takes, I'm going to find the evidence to prov
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Chapter 26: For your eyes only!
The following morning, Serpens made his way to grandmother Suki's old house. It's been over three years since he visited the place, since the death and burial of grandmother Suki.The house was an old house, a quaint weathered cottage in the outskirts of the city. Drawing closer to the house, he couldn't help but feel nostalgic. The house with its peeling paint, was still there, the way it had always been. Grandmother Suki's graden had grown so tall, really overgrown standing as a silent guardian of countless memories.A particular event from his part came fresh in his memory as he laid sight of the once beautiful garden which now looked like it never existed as the beautiful garden it used to be.He was at that time, a young boy, just ten years old sitting on a weathered wooden porch looking at grandmother Suki. The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over the sprawling garden. Grandma Suki, with her tender smile, was tending to her garden, her hands skillfully pruning the plants.
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Chapter 27: Who could this third sege be?
Later that night, Serpens lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. With everything he had discovered in Grandmother Suki's house, he couldn't help but wonder what else he didn't know about his grandmother.All his life, he had seen grandmother Suki as a gentle woman who was as transparent as could ever be. She wasn't the type who'd keep a secret, much more take it to her grave. “But why didn't grandmother Suki tell me everything herself?” He asked himself.His phone buzzed and it was a call from director Lan, the lady he had taken a bullet for.“Director Lan,” he began. “You called?”“Yes Serpens. And no need for the formalities. You can just call me Lan.”“Alright, Lan. So Why'd you call?” Serpens inquired.“I was hoping you could join us for dinner tomorrow night.” Lan said, offering her invitation.Serpens furrowed a brow, his curiosity evident, “What's the occasion?”“Nothing Serpens. Mother just wants to meet you and thank you for saving me the other day,” Lan replied.Serpens of
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Chapter 28: Awakening the stone bearer.
Serena suddenly felt drawn towards the computer which was still turned on in Serpens's room. The document was still displaying on the interface, the symbols and characters still morphing and twisting, pulsating slightly as if alive.“What's that?” She asked herself, her curiosity piqued.She leaned in closer, her eyes narrowing as she studied the text. To her surprise, the symbols started making sense to her. A strange feeling washed over her as if some latent knowledge within her had been awakened as she read, “The day of fire and ice is upon us. Bahamut which was locked away in the depths of despair will be released shortly,”“Fire and ice? Bahamut? What's that?” Serena asked herself.With no one to give her the answers, she continued reading. “Bahamut was only imprisoned for ten thousand years and this year makes it the ten thousandth.”Serena's eyes opened wide wondering what exactly the document was talking about. Nothing was making sense to her, yet she felt compelled to keep
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Chapter 29: To hell with you guys.
The evening was calm and inviting as Serpens approached the Qingyue's mansion. The thought of having dinner with Director Lan and her mother made him nervous. It was the first time a rich family would be inviting him for dinner and he wouldn't want anything to go wrong.Dressed in a three piece suit, he couldn't help a mix of anticipation, hoping he had not over dressed for the family dinner. He also had this feeling of gratitude for the invitation.As he stepped up to the front door of the motion, Serpens heaved a sigh. With a gentle knock, he tapped on the door and watched it swing open as director Lan herself came to open the door for him, her eyes lighting up with recognition."Hi," she said warmly, smiling at him."Hello," he replied, smiling back. "Thanks for the invitation.""It's fine Serpens. I love your outfit." She complimented him, making him smile again."Thank you," Serpens replied.Kim Qungye appeared beside Lan, extending a hand. "Welcome and thank you for coming. We o
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Chapter 30: A storm is approaching!
Yul and Winter exchanged glances and then burst into laughter. They've seen everything that happened at the lake when Serpens went to meet Zorvath.Having intimated him, they entered their cars and drove away leaving Serpens all by himself in the middle of the road. "See you, Serpens," Winter said, waving him goodbye.While on their way, Winter couldn't help but smile. The feeling of knowing that he would finally be able to get back at Serpens filled his heart with joy."Nice one guys,'" he said, appreciating every other person in the car."Serpens has no idea what's hit him," Yul smirked. With the evidence they now had with them, they knew it wouldn't be long before they bring Serpens down."So how did you find out he was going to go to the lake that night?" Yul asked, surprised at the cleverness of Winter."Let's just say I have my ways." Winter smiled.After a couple of minutes of driving, they stopped in front of Winter's house."See you tomorrow," they bid him farewell before d
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