All Chapters of The great Dragon : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
184 chapters
Chapter 31: Beyond what the eyes can see!
Within moments of Serpens stepping out, the rain intensified into a torrential downpour, a steady roar as millions of rain drops pounded the ground, creating rivulets that quickly turned into streams."Rose!" Serpens called out hoping she'd hear him. She knew Rose was still out and most probably be somewhere around."Rose, can you hear me?" He called out again, still no response.Serpens could hear the wind pick up, howling through trees and around corners, causing branches to sway and leaves to whip about.The rain pounded down in relentless sheets, the storm raging with a ferocity that made the world around him blur. Amidst the chaos, the continuous flashes of lightening and peals of thunder created a sense of awe and trepidation within him.Walking down in the rain, drenched to the bone, Serpens spotted a figure on the ground, laying motionless."Rose!" He screamed rushing to the motionless body on the ground, her skin cold and pale from the heavy rain. He felt her pulse and she
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Chapter 32: I'm your nemesis!
Sluggishly, Serpens made his way back to the hospital, his thoughts consumed by the fact that he had put Rose in danger and his powers were of no use this time around.His eyes welled up with tears as he slumped in the sterile hospital waiting room. The harsh fluorescent lights amplified the worrisome look on his face. He tried holding back the tears that were slowly finding their way down his cheeks. He turned to the wall clock, each tick amplifying his anxiety. It was like his world had shattered into a million pieces. “Rose, please don't die," he sighed.Serpens wished all that was happening at that moment was nothing but a terrible dream - one he'd wake up from to see Rose right in front of him.He couldn't help but blame himself for everything. His thoughts raced back to Winter who now seemed to be endowed with some sort of dragonic power too.Just at that moment, Dr. Sun approached, a folder clutched in her hand, her expression grave. Serpens sprang to his feet, rushing to mee
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Chapter 33: You're my third sege, Serena!
Frustration was beginning to build up within Serpens as he walked back home. Serena was still awake waiting for him to come back home. “How's she?” Serena asked, noticing the worrisome look on Serpens's face.Serpens was lost with words. He didn't know what to say. The guilt he was feeling for everything that had happened to Rose was eating him up.“She's in the hospital.” Serpens's revealed.Without saying any further words, he walked to his bedroom falling flat on the bed. His eyes darted towards his phone, the realization dawning upon him that he had left at home all the while he was out. He picked it up and noticed that he had missed several calls from director Lan.He noticed she had dropped a text message which he opened immediately.“I've been trying to call you Serpens. Hope you're fine? I just want to thank you for coming around tonight. I hope we can get to see each other next time? Have a wonderful night's rest?” He read.Dropping the phone, he noticed Serena standing by t
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Chapter 34: You can't run away from your destiny!
Walking through the quiet halls of the hospital, Doctor Sun decided to drop by at Rose's ward and see for herself just how she was doing.The last diagnosis she carried out on Rose was scary. It was as if her heart had stopped beating yet she was still alive. Her skin felt so cold that one would think that she was already dead.A couple of other patients were still in the ward, some already getting ready to be discharged home. As she walked past the other patients, lost in thought, she noticed the life saver that Rose was connected to not beeping anymore.Fear surged through her as she rushed to her side. She just couldn't explain it but there was this unusual connection she had towards Rose like she'd always known her or something.Reaching her bedside, a chill shot up her spine. The room felt unusually cold. Looking down at Rose, she gasped in horror. She was as pale as the sky blue around her, the cold breathed over her skin, frostbitten. It was absolutely freezing out and you cou
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Chapter 35: The Prophecy
Serpens was in his bed that night, his thoughts running around in circles. He didn't know what to do regarding Rose's condition anymore. He had tried all he could within his power to heal her but to no avail.In his troubled state, he decided to put a call through to professor Layton hoping he'd be able to help.“Hello, Mr. Ryu,” Professor Layton began, his voice low and steady.“Sir, I need your help,” Serpens replied, a sense of urgency in his voice.Professor Layton's eyes widened, “Is there a problem?” He asked, his curiosity piqued.“Yes sir,” Serpens replied. “It's about Rose,” he added.“What about her?” Professor Layton inquired.Serpens wasn't sure if discussing it over the phone would be better. “Sir, if you don't mind, can I come over to your place instead?” Serpens desperation came through.“Alright, Mr. Serpens. Let's meet tomorrow morning in my office after class.” Professor Layton suggested.Serpens heaved a sigh as he dropped the phone hoping that his meeting with prof
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Chapter 36: The missing map and compass!
“You have to find the draconic gem and restore it to the heart of the third sea.” Professor Layton Bagan. “If Aquron should find the gem before you, then there's no way we can stop Bahamut.”“So, if I should get you sir, Aquron has fused with Winter and the reason is for him to find the draconic gem too.” Serpens asked, just to understand better.“Yes Mr. Ryu,” professor Layton nodded.“But why? I thought you said the draconic gem was to defeat Bahamut?” Serpens asked, his curiosity piqued.“Yes, Mr. Ryu…, if Aquron finds the draconic gem before you, it'll absorb it's powers and with the power it'll set Bahamut free. Nothing should make you allow Aquron get the gem before you do.” Professor Layton instructed.“But sir… what about Rose?”“Rose will be fine. You just need to fill her lungs with your own dragon's breath of fire, to prevent her heart from getting frozen.” Professor Layton advised.Serpens felt relieved knowing that there was a way he could stabilize Rose pending when he'l
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Chapter 37: The whole world is depending on you.
“Good to see you again, Serpens,” Grandma Suki's voice woke him up. “Grandma!” Serpens exclaimed, his surprise palpable.Something told him he was dreaming, yet it felt so real. It's been over three years since Grandma Suki died and seeing her standing in front of him like she was still very much alive, filled him with a mix of surprise and fear.“You don't have to be afraid, Serpens,” Grandma Suki said, her voice calm yet firm.“Where am I?” Serpens asked, as everything around him appeared to be outworldly, like he was on some other planet or something. “Don't tell me I'm dead,” he added.“No, Serpens, you're not,” Grandma Suki began. “I was the one who called you here.”“But why?”“Because you don't yet understand what the fate of your world is. Everyone is counting on you, Serpens and you can't afford to fail them.” Grandma Suki said, her voice growing increasingly serious.Serpens eyes widened, as different thoughts raced through his mind. He was just twenty years old and at such
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Chapter 38: A clash of dragons
Serpens, fueled by a mix of anger and desperation, stormed through the alleyways of the city in his Harley motorcycle, his mid set in confronting Winter and retrieving the map and compass from him.It wouldn't be his first time standing up against him and he wasn't afraid. If he had done it, then he could still do it again. The base of the penthouse was where he had said he should meet him up.Upon getting to the base of the warehouse, he discovered that no one was there, fueling his anger even more.“Show yourself Winter!” He screamed. You're such a coward that you had to break into my house. You could have waited for a fight.” He blurted out angrily.Suddenly, his phone buzzed and it was a strange number. Swiping the phone screen to the side, he answered the call.“Hello, Serpens,” the voice at the other end called out to him. Serpens immediately recognised the voice as Winter's voice.“Winter, where are you?” He asked, his anger palpable. He remembered the last time he confronted
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Chapter 39: He has a sister!
Inspector Lui noticed the gaping hole on the roof just as the team of paramedics took Serpens on the stretcher, taking him to the ambulance which was parked outside.He noticed the shreds of woods and tiles which were scattered around and the edges of the breach which were jagged and splintered.“What the hell happened here?” He whispered to himself as he crouched down, running his fingers over the rough edges, noting the sheer force required to create such damage.Something didn't sit right with him; like it was as if a wild beast had torn through and not just an ordinary man.“What are you thinking about?” His colleague, inspector Chan inquired, noticing the look on his face. “Don't tell me that you're still thinking that kid is extraterrestrial. You saw how badly wounded he was when we got in.”“That’s the point, Chan,” Inspector Lui's voice cut through the warehouse.“What's the point?” Inspector Chan asked, his curiosity piqued.“You saw his clothes torn apart? You saw how much b
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Chapter 40: I'm unstoppable!
Inspector Lui was full of optimism as approached Serpens’s house, the neighborhood quiet and still in the early afternoon. Seeing the house where Serpens and his sister lived, he couldn't help but marvel at how a twenty year old could afford such an exquisite apartment.He nodded, as he walked towards the door, his eyes scanning the area. The neighborhood appeared to be friendly as the quietness echoed with the wind that brushed past him, sending fresh air into his lungs.He knocked on the door, waiting for a response, but there was none. After a few moments, he tried the doorbell, listening intently for any sounds from within. Again, silence greeted him.Growing concerned, he turned and spotted an elderly woman tending to her garden next door. He walked over and called out, "Excuse me, ma'am. Do you know where the people who live here might be? I need to speak with the young man's sister."The neighbor looked up from her flowers, wiping her hands on her apron. "Oh, I'm sorry, dear. N
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