All Chapters of The great Dragon : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
184 chapters
Chapter 41: Your secret is safe with me!
Serpens slowly regained consciousness in the hospital bed, his body heavy and his mind clouded with dizziness. The sterile scent of antiseptic and the distant hum of medical equipment filled the room. As he opened his eyes, they felt leaden, and a wave of fatigue washed over him. He tried to sit up but winced at the lingering pain from his injuries.Moments of his encounter with Winter flashed before his eyes, a reawakening of the brutal fate he had suffered in the hands of Winter. Not in his wildest dreams had he expected to be so humiliated by Winter. He wished he could undo everything, but he couldn't. He had lost to Winter and it was just a bitter pill that he had to endure swallowing.Dr. Sun noticed his movement and quickly approached, her face lighting up with relief. "You're awake," she said warmly, checking his vitals. "How are you feeling?"She had checked up on him a couple of times already and each time she did, it always left her in awe. Serpens's wounds healing by them
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Chapter 42: A new ally.
Serpens was discharged from the hospital on the evening of that same day. Before the end of the day, all his wounds had healed up and there was no need to keep him in the hospital.“Thank you so much, Dr. Sun,” he greeted as Serena led him out of the hospital.“You're always welcome.” Dr. Sun replied, smiling back at him.He reminded her to always look after Rose, assuring her that he'd do everything within his power to find the draconic gem and make sure Rose regains consciousness.Dr. Sun gave him the assurance that he had nothing to worry about. “I'll always watch over your girlfriend,” she teased.Serpens couldn't help but smile, wondering how he and Dr. Sun had become so close over night. Even if his secret was gradually becoming known to everyone, he felt confident that those who knew about his powers were those whom he could trust to keep his secrets safe.Serena led him towards the road where they hailed a cab that took them home.Getting to the house, they saw inspector Lui a
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Chapter 43: You cease to be chairman as from today!
“I think Winter is hiding something from us?” Cheong was the first to speak up. “I agree with you,” Yul concurred. Tiara was quiet. She didn't know what to say but at the same time, she couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something strange with Winter.Ever since that night that they stopped Serpens on the road, he had suddenly become withdrawn from the rest of the team. He doesn't attend their meetings anymore and wouldn't even call to ask for permission prior to the meeting stating the reasons why he'll not be able to attend.“Cheong,..., I want you to pay him a visit on our behalf and find out what the reason for his recent conduct was.” Yul instructed, his voice authoritative.Turning to Tiara,” Babe, I might not be able to take you home. I have a meeting with the board of directors.” He said as the meeting came to an end.Cheong had to leave with Tiara while Yul went ahead to attend the meeting with that board of directors. His father had called to let him know that h
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Chapter 44: I've lost my powers!
“Welcome sirs,” the young waiter greeted as Old Serpens and Mr. Leonardo walked into the restaurant. It's been a while since they both saw each other but Old Serpens had to call for this meeting after he heard what Yul Brynner had done when Serpens had brought a highly priced Anrowana for him to buy.Now, hearing of the recent setback facing Brynner's holdings, Old Serpens thought it wise to strengthen his business strategy and ensure that Brynner's holdings never got to the point where his company was getting to.As they say to discuss, their conversation punctuated by the clinking of silverware and the soft murmur of other diners. Old Serpens wore a tailored suit and an air of seasoned sophistication. “So you were saying something about Brynner's holdings facing some business challenges.” Leonardo began, as he took a sip from the glass of wine which stood in front of him on the table.“What's that?” Leonardo pressed further.“It’s concerning,” Old Serpens said, his voice gravelly w
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Chapter 45: With or without my powers!
Inspector Lui stood up, a warm smile tugging at the corner of his lips as Dr. Sun approached him. He extended a hand, his eyes beaming with blessedness."Thanks for coming," Inspector Lui said, pulling out a chair for her.It'll be the first time in a very long time that inspector Lui has asked a lady out. He's been so busy with his job as a CIA agent that he had forgotten that there comes a time in a man's life when he'll need to find the perfect woman for him.His recent encounters with Dr. Sun at the hospital over Serpens's case had made him realize that there was indeed a heart within him that also yearned for love and affection."Of course," Dr. Sun replied, taking a seat. "I’ve been sulking all day in the house and I really needed something to take me out of the house,” she admitted, a playful smile tugged at the corners of her lips. “Really?” Inspector Lui's surprise was palpable.“Yeah, yeah,” Dr. Sun smiled. “So what are we having?” She went further to ask.“Let's see what t
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Chapter 46: You have something that I need!
It's been exactly two weeks since Serpens fought with Winter and got badly beaten up. Rose was still in the hospital as her only chance of ever waking up to see the light of a new day rested on Serpens finding the draconic gem.School had been hectic that fateful day. They've had a lot of practicals and new projects to attend to. Professor Layton had gone on a sabbatical leave to meet his wife and daughter who stayed in another city.As Serpens walked home from class one fateful evening after a stressful day, his mind was only preoccupied with the day's lessons and upcoming assignments. Coming close to the corner of his street, he heard loud screams.“Help! Help!!” Came the scream.He quickly rushed to see what was happening.“A strange creature had set the place on fire.” He heard the people say as his attention was suddenly drawn to a chaotic scene. A house, engulfed in flames, sending thick plumes of smoke billowing into the sky. The acrid smell of burning wood and the frantic sho
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Chapter 47: Dinner at my place
As Serpens lay on his bed that night, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that gnawed within him. He had no idea that Winter would go to such lengths to show off his powers. He missed his own powers and wondered if the day will ever come when he'll have them fully back again.Just then, his phone buzzed and it was a call from Mr. Leonardo. They've been waiting for him to call and tell them how his fishing expedition had gone.Mr. Xian had been waiting for his delivery and Serpens was their only hope.“Hello, Serpens,” Mr. Leonardo began. “What about the fish you promised to deliver yesterday? The client is waiting.” He stressed.Serpens eyes opened wide. He didn't know how to tell him that he had failed to catch the fish because he was unable to transform to his dragonic form.But, all the same, he knew he had no choice but to tell him that he was unable to get the prided catch and they should possibly look for someone else to help them with it.“I'm sorry Mr. Leonardo,” Serpen
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Chapter 48: There's something about you, Dr.Sun
Inspector Lui's drove to Dr. Sun's house that evening, a feeling of excitement washing over him. The steets were quiet that evening, the street lights casting a warm glow along path.As he neared Dr. Sun's house, a flutter of nervousness filled his stomach. He hadn't felt that way in a long time, and the anticipation of seeing her made his heart race.He just couldn't deny the fact that Dr. Sun had touched a part of him that he never really believed he had. It was like, the mere thought of her was enough to put a smile on his face. He pulled up to her driveway taking a moment to recollect himself before stepping out of the car. Walking up to the door, he knocked gently. “I'm coming,” the voice from inside responded. It was Dr. Sun, her beautiful feminine voice resonating with the gentle hum of cicadas providing a soothing background melody.Within moments, the door opened and there stood Dr. Sun, looking radiant in her elegant evening dress. Her smile was warm, her eyes sparkling wi
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Chapter 49: No one can stop me, not even Serpens!
Inspector Lui and Dr. Sun sat together, hands intertwined. It was like the time should just stand still and never end. They shared another beautiful kiss, enveloped by the romantic atmosphere surrounding them. They went further to talk about Serpens and how he was dealing with the fact that his powers were no longer with him.“I hope he is handling it well?” Dr. Sun said, her voice gentle and filled with genuine concern.“Serpens is a strong kid. He'll pull through. I know his powers will return.” Inspector Lui replied.“You think so?”“I know so,”After another couple of minutes, it was time for Inspector Lui to return home.He took Dr. Sun's hands in his, staring into her beautiful eyes. It was completely Magic. He felt lost in them.“We'll see again, maybe weekend.” Inspector Lui said, his eyes filled with warmth and affection.Dr. Sun nodded, “Yes we will.”She hugged him the tightly, her head resting on his well built masculine frame, as she listened to his heart beat with the r
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Chapter 50: I believe in you, Serpens!
Inspector Lui arrived at the water fountain in Brookville where inspector Chan had summoned him to. From where he parked his car, how could tell that all was not well.The scene was chaotic , with the flashing light of police cars casting eerie shadow over the gathered crowd. Panic was written in the faces of the few people who were around.Yellow crime scene tape cardoned off the area, and the murmur of concerned voices filled the air. “This is terrible!” A concerned passerby exclaimed.Pushing his way through the throng of onlookers, inspector Lui's heart sank as he approached the centre of the commotion. There, lying on the ground, was a young man was a young man, his lifeless body splayed out in a gruesome display.“Oh my God!” He exclaimed, as he beheld the lifeless form on the ground. His heart had been ripped to pieces, a whole left there to let everyone know what had been done.A knot tightened up in his stomach as he noticed a distinctive mark on the man's chest - a skull cru
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