All Chapters of The great Dragon : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
184 chapters
Chapter 71:Get back to map and the compass!
Jack Brynner stepped out of the sleek black limousine, straightening his tailored suit as he gazed at the grand entrance of the conference center. The annual business conference was in full swing, with men in sharp suits milling around, exchanging firm handshakes and business cards.Since Yul's death, he had not not attended any of the business summits in Draketown. Highly priced fishes were becoming a rare commodity and a lot of investors were ready to throw in their money for an upscale.The Brynner's holdings were facing more competition than ever before as more businessmen were investing in the business. Two of his prominent competitors were the Qingyues's corporation and the Chang's Group of companies.Walking towards the registration desk, Jack scanned the crowd, taking in the familiar faces of competitors, partners, and old acquaintances. Suddenly, his eyes locked onto a woman he hadn't seen in years—it was Kim Qingyue, Director Lan's mother. His heart skipped a beat. Kim had
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Chapter 72: It's a trap!
Kim arrived at the upscale restaurant, a sophisticated blend of modern and classic decor. The ambient lighting and soft music set the stage for an intimate evening. She couldn't remember the last time she ate out with a man after Sam died. Sam had died when Lan was just ten years old. Since then, she had lived her life as a single mother who wasn't ready to open her heart ever again no matter how many men came her way.She spotted Jack at a corner table by the window, his silhouette familiar and comforting. She couldn't help but admire him. Even with the passing years, Jack was still looking as handsome as ever.As she approached, Jack stood up, a warm smile spreading across his face. They greeted each other with friendly kisses on the cheek, a gesture that felt both nostalgic and natural."It's so good to see you again, Kim," Jack said, pulling out her chair."You too, Jack," she replied, settling in.A waiter appeared, offering menus and taking their drink orders. Kim opted for a g
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Chapter 73: Please don't die!
Serpens had to go back home after spending the entire evening at the hospital. His wounds were healing naturally and he was getting stronger. He only wished he still had his dragonic powers with him but that was no longer the case."Hope you're feeling much better?" Dr. Sun asked, just as he was about to take his leave.He managed a smile, "Yes, I am."With Rose's condition still the way it was and him not losing his powers, it was obvious he wasn't fine.Stepping out of the hospital, his phone buzzed and it was a call from Lan. They've not spoken to each other for a while now and she was already missing him."Hello, Serpens," she greeted."Hey, Lan," Serpens replied. "How have you been?" "Fine, just missing you."Serpens heaved a sigh, not knowing what to say. He thought he already told her that things were complicated and that his heart was with someone else."If you're not busy this weekend, let's meet." Lan suggested.Serpens couldn't refuse, "Alright, just text me the time and t
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Chapter 74: You're our only hope, Serpents!
Serpens and Serena, reeling from the shock, quickly called for an ambulance. Serpens wished he still had his dragonic powers to at least stabilize him before the ambulance arrived but sadly, he didn't.He tried to see if he could connect to his source of powers but he couldn't. Every attempt he made proved futile and it wore him out in frustration."Why aren't you working?" He cried in frustration.He stood up in anger and kicked his Harley bike which was parked by the side."How long will I have to feel so helpless? Why can't I just connect to my powers? Why does it feel like I'm losing my mind?" He asked himself, all in one breath.He turned towards Serena who was still crying and pulled her up. "It's enough. None of this was your fault." He said, placing his hand on her shoulder."Cheong, please don't die.. help is coming," Serena cried, as she stood up. "Help is on its way."Cheong wasn't saying a word, his breath had faded away. His eyes shut to the darkness of death but Serena s
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Chapter 75: The gem of ice is the key
Serena stayed in her room all night after the funeral and refused to come out. All attempts by Serpens to make her come out proved futile. He could understand what she was quite going through but he wished she could accept the fact that Cheong was gone and wasn't ever going to come back.Returning to his room, he decided to go through a couple of things from school even if he wasn't able to fully concentrate. Xin had called him earlier and they had already decided to visit the Buhai sea the following day. With Winter now being chased by the police and the CIA, he felt it would afford them enough time to get the draconic gem before he did.His phone buzzed and it was Lan. He had almost forgotten that he had promised to go out with her during the weekend and the following day was the beginning of the weekend, the supposed day of their outing."Hello," Lan began, her excitement palpable from the tone of her voice."Hey, Lan, what's up?" He greeted me."Fine, just called to remind you of
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Chapter 76: Go and rewrite history!
Serpens woke up feeling so scared. He couldn't believe he would have to sacrifice Rose in order to defeat Bahamut. There was only one way to stop the prophecy from coming to pass and that was to prevent Winter from releasing Bahamut.He decided to go to the bathroom to wash up and to steel himself for the day's task. It was the day he will be visiting the Buhai sea with Xin. It would be the beginning of his quest to prevent Bahamut from being set free.After washing up, he walked up to Serena's room. She found her sleeping. It was obvious she was still grieving Cheong. He could understand her pains. He had felt the same way when Tiara left him for Yul. It had torn him apart.He picked up his phone and put a call through to Xin. He waited patiently as the phone rang waiting for Xin to pick up."Hello Serpens," Xin said from her own end."Xin, how're you doing?" Serpens asked."Nervous, but I'm fine. I don't know what to expect as we begin this journey today but I believe we'll succeed.
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Chapter 77: You'll fail no matter how hard you try!
Serpens and Serena arrived at the cemetery quite early. The place was eerily quiet and it brought with a feeling of nolstiaga. It's been over six months since they last visited Grandma Suki's grave stone and it was already seeming like it's been years.Grandma's death had come as a big blow to Serpens and Serena. After the death of Grandma Suki, it felt like life had ended for the two of them until Serpens had encountered the dragonic power that had changed their lives."Grandma, sorry we've not visited you for some time now. We're really sorry," Serpens began."Yes grandma, we're sorry," Serena added. The two of them dropped their flowers and then proceeded to their parents' gravestones."Tsung Ryu and Sonia Ryu," were the inscriptions on the gravestones. Serena placed her hands on the gravestones running her fingers on each letter of the names."I don't really know much about you mom and dad but I know you guys were good people when you were alive," she began to say, her voice fill
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Chapter 78: The portal is in your father's lab!
Serpens and Xin arrived at the shore of the Bohai sea after asking Serena to go over to Professor Layton and tell him that he had sent her to him. "If he asks you who you are, tell him you're my sister." Serpens had said.Getting to the bank of the sea, Serpens could hear his heart beat. He held Xin by the hand as they looked at the vast expanse of water before them."Clam girl," Serpens called out. They waited for her to emerge as the waves danced from one part of the sea to the other.Suddenly, the surface of the water rippled, and the clam girl emerged, rising gracefully from the depths, her skin a delicate pearlescent hue, shimmering in the fading light. Her hair, a cascade of silken strands, glistened with droplets of seawater, adorned with shells and seaweed, giving her an ethereal, otherworldly beauty.Xin stepped back, the sight of the clam girl a bit scary and surprising at the same time. She had never seen anything like this before. It was entirely outworldly for her as her
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Chapter 79: It's a time machine!
Serpens and Xin arrived at the old house where he and Serena had grown up with their parents. It's been over fifteen years since he visited the place. After their parents' death, Grandma Suki forbade them from ever going there. She told them it was dangerous and that they were much safer living with her.Arriving at the place, Serpens was surprised to see that the house was still there, with no one living in it. It was unusual, as houses in Draketown were easily put out for mortgage by the government once the original owners no longer inhabit it and are not ready to sell it either."This is where me and my sister grew up," Serpens said, taking Xin by the hand and leading her to the entrance of the house, its weathered exterior covered in ivy and moss. The windows, cracked and grimy, offered only glimpses of the shadowy interior. The front door, barely hanging on its rusted hinges, creaked ominously as Serpens pushed it open, Xin walking behind him carefully.Stepping inside, Xin cou
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Chapter 80: The time machine!
The search for the manual guide wasn't easy. It was like there was nowhere they could find it. "Are you sure there's a Manual guide to this thing?" Serpens asked, doubting that one was ever provided for the machine."There should be. I know it's here somewhere." Xin replied, her optimism evident in her voice.Serpens feels frustrated and gives up the search, turning his attention to examine the intricate controls of the time machine, hoping he could decipher something and get to know how it works.Xin, who was so optimistic that there was indeed a manual guide to the time machine, kept searching as she turned her attention to the cluttered shelves and drawers around the laboratory. Her fingers brushed against old, dusty books and faded papers, her curiosity piqued by the fragments of a bygone era.Suddenly, she spotted a worn leather-bound book tucked between two large jars filled with strange, preserved specimens. She pulled it out carefully, revealing a manual guide with the title "
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