All Chapters of The great Dragon : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
184 chapters
Chapter 81: Back to the fifteenth century!
After what felt like an eternity but also an instant, the speed of the time machine began to slow down. The colors outside the windows gradually coalesced into recognizable shapes and forms. The thrum of the machine softened, and the lights dimmed slightly, signaling their arrival.With a final, gentle jolt, the machine came to a stop. The interior lights stabilized, casting a warm glow over Serpens and Xin. They exchanged a look of excitement and anticipation before cautiously opening the door.Stepping out, they found themselves in a different world entirely. The air was fresher, carrying the scent of blooming flowers and freshly turned earth. They were surrounded by a vibrant landscape, with rolling hills, dense forests, and a clear blue sky overhead. The architecture of nearby buildings confirmed that they have arrived in a past, entirely different from the one they had chosen."Where are we?" Serpens asked, surprised. "This isn't where we are supposed to land. The time machine w
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Chapter 82: A sacrifice to Aquron!
Lady Urim lay on her straw-stuffed mattress in a dimly lit room, her face contorted with pain and sweat glistening on her forehead. Her breaths came in ragged gasps as she gripped the edges of the bed, her knuckles white with the effort. The room smelled of herbs and burning candles, an attempt to ward off evil spirits and ease her suffering."Hang on, the midwives are in their way," one of the female servants said, as she gestured towards another servant to call for the midwives.Lord Jong, although had longed to have a son, knowing fully well that he'll be sacrificed to Aquron, couldn't help but wish that the baby turns out to be a girl. It was the only way to save the life of the child."Lord Jong, you just have to prepare yourself for whatever it is that the outcome will be," his own friend and dragon slayer, lord Tai said, placing a comforting hand upon his shoulders.Lord Tai had too sacrificed a son to Aquron and knew exactly the feeling. He too, had wished that the child would
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Chapter 83: What if Winter wasn't born?
Serpens and Xin decided to follow the soldiers behind as they took the little child away."We'll be needing horses," Xin said, recognising the futility of trying to catch up with the soldiers on horses without their own personal horses."But where do we get horses? And besides, I don't know how to ride one," Serpens admitted."That's not a problem. All we need is a horse and I'll take the saddle." Xin replied confidently."Neigh..." They heard from Jong's horses which were still tied in the stable."I think we've got ourselves a horse," Xin said, a wide grin playing across her lips.She led the way to where the horses had been kept and there they were: horses of different colours of black, brown and white."Bingo!" She exclaimed. She quickly invited one of the horses and climbed onto it, ready to follow the trail of the soldiers."What about me?" Serpens threw his arms apart."Just get a horse before someone sees us." Xin replied.Serpens's brow firewood, "But I don't know how to ride
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Chapter 84:Good and evil must coexist!
Doromu gave the baby to a dragon slayer from the neighboring village. Unlike the citizens of Kanginn who had bowed to Aquron, the citizens of Hongli didn't do the same.They were brave enough to fortify their territories from the reach of the dragons. When Rama saw Doromu, he had almost plunged into an attack but Serpens stopped him."He's not dangerous," he protested. "He is badly injured and needs help with the baby."Rama kept back his sword as he listened to Serpens narrate his story.After hearing what Serpens had to say, Rama decided to take in the child and raise him like his own."You see," Serpens turned to Doromu after Rama had left with the child. "If I hadn't stopped the dragon slayer, he'd have attacked you. So you see, interfering in matters of my past is not as bad as you think it is.""Young dragon, whether you had stood in to speak for me or not, the dragon slayer would have taken the child anyway. Your interference wasn't what had saved me and the baby but our destin
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Chapter 85: The same city, different timelines!
"It's not working," Xin sighed in exasperation after several attempts from Serpens to set the time machine back to the timeline where they had come from. Each attempt made by Serpens was met with the harsh notice, "Unable to process command. Alteration of time and space continuum.""This is bad," Serpens sighed."We've altered time in space. That's what Einstein's theory of relativity was saying." Xin remarked.Serpens's eyes opened in shock. If what Xin was saying is true then it could only mean one thing. The future has been altered and only God knows what is happening currently at Drake town."What do we do? We need to return home now," Serpens said with a sense of urgency in his voice."But there's no way we can return home without the time machine. And bedsides, we still haven't gotten what we came for. The seaweeds."Serpens stopped to think for a while, the weight of everything happening heavy on his shoulders. He couldn't imagine being trapped in the past. That will afford Ba
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Chapter 86: Meeting the inventor!
"Good evening," Sonia Ryu greeted, her warm smile, a testament to her gentle spirit.Serpens almost melted at the sight of his mother. It was like a dream seeing the woman who had brought him to life once again. He wanted to call her mother, but he held back realizing he had come from the future so to speak."Good evening Ma'am," Xin returned the greeting as she Could see through Serpens the emotional battle he was fighting within."Looking for someone?" Sonia inquired.Serpens had to regain himself, "Yes, we're here to see Mr. Tsung Ryu," Serpens replied."Really? Come inside," Sonia ushered them in gesturing for them to take their seats."Honey..., you've got some visitors," Sonia quickly notified Tsung, who was at the last phase of building the time machine."Who are they?" Tsung asked, his voice echoing from his room."Oh, what's the name?" Sonia turned to Serpens and Xin, as the realization dawned on her that she had met them without asking what their names were."I'm Xin," Xin w
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Chapter 87: The SFX-chip!
Serpens and Xin left the house awhile Tsung and Sonia hurried off to grandma Suki's place. Observing everything that was happening, Serpens could tell that there was something really going on and whatever it was, it was really serious."We're very sorry but we have to leave to attend to something urgent. Maybe we could talk some other time." Tsung had said just before he and Sonia left for grandma Suki's place."What are you thinking?" Xin asked, noticing the disturbed look on Serpens's face."I think we have to wait. I need to know what really happened to my parents on the night they died. If we leave now, I won't be able to find out." Serpens replied, the weight of the situation heavy upon his shoulders."But..." "Please understand Xin," Serpens interrupted. He already knew what Xin wanted to say. Tsung had told them that if preadventures a person fails to return to a timeline in the future after missing a day in the past, and travels to a much closer past, he or she has to return
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Chapter 88: I'll get justice for your deaths!
Serpens kept an eye on Attorney Logan. He knew whatever he was about to find out that night would be the answer to the question he had asked for years regarding the death of his parents."Make sure you don't lose him," Serpens instructed the taxi driver whom he had paid to tail Attorney Logan's car. The drive was quite a long one but in no time, they arrived at the place where Attorney Logan had asked his father to meet him.It was both his parents that had come which made his heart beat. He had the feeling that what he was about to witness could probably make him cry but he was ready to see everything for himself.Tsung and Sonia stepped out of the car and met Attorney Logan who had equally stepped out of his car too and was now walking towards them."Attorney, why did you call us here?" Tsung asked, having the feeling that something wasn't right about the call he had received from him."I'll advise you to give up the SFX-chip," Attorney Logan began. "Hitler won't stop until he gets
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Chapter 89: You're under arrest
The night was almost gone. Serpens and Xin should be heading back home already as any further delay could cost them more than they had bargained for."We only have one hour before midnight. We should leave now," Xin urged hastily.Serpens's eyes met hers. He understood quite alright the urgency of the situation but he couldn't risk going back without the see weed that they had initially come to get."We can't leave without the sea weed Xin. It's the reason we came in the first place?"But where can we find it?" Xin asked, her frustration palpable."Grandmother Suki's garden, I believe." Serpens quickly hailed the first cab that passed by. He knew he had to hurry up as they were already running out of time.Traveling from one past to another past has affected the space time continuum and if they should stay past midnight, they might be trapped in the past or worse, faze out of existence.They reached grandma Suki's house only to meet police officers there. They had come to deliver the
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Chapter 90: Winter must not set Bahamut free!
"Officer, we didn't do anything wrong," Serpens sighed in frustration. "Then can you please explain to us what you were doing in a house that had been abandoned for over thirty years?" The bald headed police officer asked, his face devoid of any smile.Serpens's brow furrowed, unable to understand what the police officer meant by saying that his parents' house had been abandoned for over thirty years. His parents died when he was five and he was currently twenty one years old.He was already having the feeling that something was quite off, but hearing what the police officer had said coupled with the fact that he wasn't seeing inspector Lui nor inspector Chan or any of the familiar faces he knew in the CIA, only seemed to confirm that indeed, something was wrong."Xin, I think something is wrong," he whispered."What's that?" Xin inquired curiously, whispering as well."I think we've come to the future as you've wished." Serpens continued to whisper. "My parents died barely fifteen y
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