All Chapters of The great Dragon : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
184 chapters
Chapter 91: You let us down, Serpents!
The following morning, the chief granted Serpens and Xin bail. Just before they could leave, he gave them a card. "Just in case you don't have anywhere to go, you can put up with him. Just give this to him and you'll have somewhere to stay."Serpens took the card from him, his eyes widened in surprise as he saw the name of was addressed to, "Professor Layton,""Be careful out there. You're out against forces beyond our understanding." "Thank you Chief," Serpens nodded. "We will.""You're not planning to go there are you?" Xin asked, pointing at the card that he was holding, as they left the station."Of course not, we have to get back home as soon as possible."They hailed a cab and it took them back to Serpens' parents' house. They were careful to make sure the neighbors didn't find out that they were back. He knew once he could get the time machine to take them out, there will be no way the police can find them again.Unfortunately for Serpens, as he activated the time machine, it
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Chapter 92: Meeting the kid scientist
"Please listen to me professor," Serpens tried to protest but Professor Layton wasn't ready to listen."Trapped in a timeline? Do you think I'm a fool? My wife and my child are dead because of you! I don't want to hear anymore of your absurd excuses.Xin had to step forward, seeing that professor Layton wasn't ready to listen to Serpens. "Professor, please listen to him. He's telling the truth. In order to prevent this, we really need to get back and we can't do that without your help?"But professor Layton was beyond reasoning. His grief had turned into a fortress of bitterness, impenetrable by their pleas. "I said get out of my property. I don't want to see your faces ever again."Without giving them a chance to explain, he slammed the door shut with a resounding thud. The sound echoed through the empty house, a stark reminder of the void that had consumed his life. He stood there for a moment, his chest heaving with the intensity of emotions, before turning away from the door.Left
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Chapter 93: A messy future, indeed!
While Jeremy was going, Serpens turned to face Xin, contemplating whether or not to tell Jeremy that they had come from the future and had a broken time machine which needs fixing.Jeremy had really impressed him when he talked about building a time machine and something in him told him he could trust Jeremy."Do you think we should tell him about the time machine?" Serpens asked, glancing at Xin.Xin nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, I think we should. If anyone could help us fix it, it's definitely going to be him. You can tell he's a genius. It's no wonder the other kids were trying to bully him.""Hey wait up!" Serpens called out to Jeremy who was still within reach as he hadn't gone too far."What's up?" Jeremy turned around, a serious look on his face. "Did something happen?" "No," Serpens replied, walking towards him. "It's just that..." He paused and then exchanged glances with Xin, who gestured for him to go ahead."It's just that we have a time machine,""Are you serious?" Jeremy
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Chapter 94: A difficult decision
Serpens and Xin moved towards the house, and as they approached, he couldn't help but feel sad that his sister would not be there waiting for him as usual. The only consolation he could give himself was that there was still a chance to prevent all that he was seeing and that was for him to return to the time from which he had traveled from.Stepping into the house, he noticed the windows broken, and the paint was peeling off the walls. "Hard to believe this is home." He muttered to himself as memories of his happy days with Serena flooded his mind, making the current state of the house more heartbreaking. He just couldn't imagine how he'll continue to live if Serena were to die for real.For one reason, he was happy he came to the future. It opened his eyes to see the consequences that are likely to come upon Draketwon should Winter really set Bahamut free.As they moved through the house, they found themselves in the kitchen where the smell of Serena's cooking once filled the air. N
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Chapter 95: Attending the party
Serpens stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his shirt collar and running a hand through his hair. He had picked up the shirt from one of the bags which had been tucked away in the room.He hesitated for a while contemplating if he should actually honor Rose's invitation or just stay back. He turned to Xin, who sat on the edge of the bed, watching him.“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” Serpens asked. “It could be a good distraction for both of us.”Xin shook her head, offering a small smile. “No, I think it’s better if I stay here. Besides, you need some time to clear your head without me tagging along.”Serpens could understand her reason for not wanting to go with him to the party but at the same time, wished he could make her change her mind."Remember, we're meeting with Jeremy tomorrow. We have to live as soon as we can." Xin added, reminding him of the importance of their shared mission.As they were still talking, the sound of a car pulling up outside the house caught t
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Chapter 96: We need to get that chip!
Serpens’s eyes widened in shock as he listened to Jack's speech. The SFX-chip, just like he had seen from the past, was not just any invention; it was his father’s creation, a project shrouded in secrecy and intended for the greater good. Hearing it claimed by another was a blow on his face. He finally realized why Jack killed his parents. This was the plan all along.He stood there, stunned, as Jack continued to elaborate on the chip’s capabilities, boasting about its potential to revolutionize technology and warfare. The guests applauded, once again as he stepped down from the podium.All through the party, Serpens couldn't shake off the feeling that something about the city wasn't just right. In his second day of being in the city, there hasn't been any sign of Winter or Bahamut whom everyone claims had been set free.The fact that Jack Brynner could throw a party in the midst of what is believed to be a city where lives are no longer safe, made him wonder what exactly was going on
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Chapter 97: A new line of technology!
Serpens and Xin waited patiently for Jeremy at the agreed location. For some reason, Jeremy was yet to arrive and Xin couldn't help but to continue staring at the wrist watch she was wearing."We should have taken his number," She sighed."It didn't occur to me to do that. But let's wait, I know he'll show up." Serpens replied reassuringly.After a couple of minutes, Jeremy with his tousled hair and his infectious enthusiasm practically bouncing with excitement. "I'm sorry for coming late," he swiftly apologized."We thought you weren't coming anymore." Xin replied."Sorry, I had to attend to grandma. I'm all that she's got left to take care of her." Jeremy explained."What about your parents?" Serpens inquired, his curiosity piqued."There was a sudden wave of sadness that washed over Jeremy as he bowed his head down. "They're dead. They died when the mysterious creatures broke out and destroyed the entire city.""I'm really sorry about that," Serpens expressed his heartfelt sympath
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Chapter 98: We can't leave without the SFX-chip!
After Flynn left the room, Jack gazed out the window, unable to take his mind off Serpens. Something in him kept telling him that there was something strange about Serpens. He felt like he had seen him before from somewhere but couldn't quite put his finger on it.He couldn't shake the feeling that Serpens might be a threat to his plans, wondering where Rose knew him from. But one thing stood out for him and that was the fact that once the attack began, there would be no turning back. The future was his to shape, and nothing would stand in his way.Just as he was in deep thoughts, his phone rang and it was Kim Qingyue calling."Hello, Kim," he answered."Hey, Jack," Kim replied. "Do you have any plans tonight? I'd love us to meet." Jack paused for a moment, trying to put a thought on his schedule and to see if he'd be free for the night. "I think I'll be free tonight. You want us to meet?" He inquired."Yeah, it's been a while. I'm really sorry I couldn't make it to your party last
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Chapter 99: Keep an eye on them, Flynn
Jeremy hurried home, excitement bubbling within him after the successful repair of the time machine. He just couldn't wait to break the good news to his brother Flynn, whom he believed would be home already.As he entered the house, he saw Flynn on the phone, speaking in a hushed but serious tone. Deciding not to interrupt, he walked straight to where his grandmother was sitting, knitting by the window. He leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek."Had a good day, dear?" his grandmother asked with a warm smile, her eyes twinkling behind her glasses."Yes, Grandma," he replied, beaming. "It was amazing, actually."Flynn, having finished his phone call, approached him with a mix of curiosity and mild concern in his voice. "Where have you been?" he asked, trying to sound casual but clearly interested in his whereabouts.Jeremy grinned from ear to ear. "Just went out to help some new friends I made. They had a broken time machine and asked me to help fix it."Flynn raised an eyebrow,
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Chapter 100: No secret Relationship.
Lan rubbed her hands on her eyes over and over again as she read the text message over and over again wondering who had sent it as the name of the sender wasn't displayed.She couldn't help but imagine how happy she'd be if the text message was actually telling the truth. Before the dragons broke lose five years ago, no one seemed to know what had happened to Serpens.It was like he just disappeared from the face of the earth. Every attempt to reach him proved futile. Even when she decided to ask Serena about his whereabouts, it turned out that it was too late as Serena had already been killed by the creatures.She tried calling back the number that had sent her the text message but it wasn't going through."Could Serpens really be alive?" She thought within himself.Kim arrived at the Brynner's cottage somewhere in the city. It appeared Jack had prepared very well for her coming. After their reunion at the Business Summit five years ago, they've been having their secret affair, start
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