All Chapters of I Activated The Three Master Systems : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
96 chapters
021 - Beneath The Surface
As Adams and Aleric approached the conference room, he could not shake the feeling of unease. The symbol, the connection to the hospital, and his study room seemed too coincidental.He could not shake the nagging feeling that there was more to this than he realized. He felt even more perplexed after hearing Aleric's words.As they entered the conference room, Adams was met with a flurry of activity.Journalists and reporters were preparing their cameras and microphones, eager to capture the moment.Adams took a deep breath and walked up to the podium, ready to address the audience.“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,’’ he said calmly and confidently.“I would like to formally thank you all for honoring our invitation and attending this press conference on such short notice. “I want to thank everyone for coming today. I am pleased to announce the rebranding of the legendary Sky Enterprise. As of right now, Sky Enterprise will no longer be known as Sky Enterprise; instead, it will now
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022 - Past Fued!
At the George Family's Mansion, Evans George let out a loud growl as he threw his phone against the wall. “Urgh! How dare he?” He shouted, enraged.This was the new phone he had asked his secretary to get for him. However, Adams Smith has once again made him break the phone.“Plans? Nah, I do not plan. However, I've already envisioned Elemental, standing tall and invisible in the business world.”Adams’ words rang in his head again. Oh! He did not need someone to tell him that Adams was sending him a message. A hidden message within those words.Adams Smith was challenging him. He is once again challenging his guts, his power, and his authority. How dare he? How could a lowly man like Adams Smith threaten him?Evans punched the room's wall in anger. His fist was so hard that it punched a hole in the wall. No! Not again! Evans did not want history to repeat itself. He had always been superior to everyone.He was both feared and worshiped. He acted freely and did whatever he pleased. He
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023 - Make Your Father Regret
“I am sorry, but I have been too preoccupied with my studies to worry about worldly issues. Who are you, if I may ask? If you do not mind, I would like a detailed description of who you are and what makes you believe you can do whatever you want to people?”Evans George, who was used to people bowing before him and trembling at the sight of him, could accept that Adams had no idea who he was.He felt even more detesful when he thought about the fact that he had acknowledged the fact that he knew Adams Smith.It was only fitting, of course, that Evans George should know who Adams was. After all, Adams Smith was the representative of the class. His face flushed with rage at Adams' cool response. His authority had never been questioned, and Adams' audacity in challenging him touched a nerve.“You dare to question me? I am Evans George, the heir to the G Corporation empire, the most powerful and influential business family in the country,” he declared, his voice brimming with arrogance.
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024 - History Detection Mode
It seemed as if history was repeating itself. Hendrix George will do anything for him, but he will never do anything to Adams Smith. It was as if Adams were the exception.Evans curled his lips as he stared at his maniacal reflection. He was not going to let this go like the previous time. He will show Adams Smith who the real boss is!His spear phone rang just as he was preparing his revenge plan. Evans answered the phone with disinterest, “Yes?”“Evans, baby? Why were you not answering my phone calls? Why did you tell the guards not to let me into your room? I am your fiance! Can't you even trust me? Why can't you believe that the person isn't me?”Evans’ brow furrowed as he pulled the phone from his ear. He noticed the caller was none other than Samantha.Evans became irritated just thinking about the humiliation he would have to face, especially at social events, as a result of being engaged to someone with such a messed up past.“I told you not to call me! We are only engaged in
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025 - Bad Boy!
Adams averted his gaze from Lucas Walter, stunned for a moment, before reacting. What had he seen just now?So many questions flooded his mind at once that he unintentionally stood up from his chair.Adams glanced at Lucas and, without saying anything, hurriedly exited the room, slightly out of breath.“Young Master Adams Smith, is everything okay? You look pale,” Aiden inquired the moment Adams entered the car.Adams nodded at him and replied hoarsely, “Yes, I am fine,”Aiden could tell that something was wrong. But since Adams was not saying anything about it, he decided to leave it alone and not bother him.Adams rested his head on the chair. He closed his eyes and remembered the image of a young man from the past.He had never seen an image of that person before, nor had he read anything about him. What was it about the new barge that he had unexpectedly unlocked? Was it going to be beneficial for him or not? Adams did not know. ****“Finally, you are back!” Aleric complained. H
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026 - What Do You Want?
“It is not unusual for Lorenzo to face problems like this. He is, after all, a jeweler who works with diamonds. He should have been prepared for this,”“I do not think it is so simple. That is why he said he would come back to handle it himself. I am curious which Mafia clan will attempt to ambush his goods,”Aleric frowned as he tried but failed to understand the situation.“There is no Mafia group that would dare to challenge your father. Despite years of failure, only one Mafia clan remains steadfast in its determination to defeat him. Maybe he took advantage of the situation to get on your father's nerves,” Adams suggested as he strutted back to his chair.“Tsk! Cowards. If he is confident enough, why hide behind a mask? He calls himself Jaguar, but he acts like a chick. Even I am much more courageous than he is. He wears masks and commits crimes without accepting responsibility; he must be a scaredy cat!” Aleric scoffed and returned to his seat on the CEO's chair.He looked down
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027 - Flashes Of Cameras
Adams clicked his tongue as he drove. He had personally driven over to the Imperial Royal Sbarra without bringing Aiden, Raphael, or Aleric along. He blinked and continued to drive, the scene from the bar, replaying in his head. **** “You’ve stated what you want, What do I stand to benefit?" Adams paused for a moment and then he asked, “What do you want?" "What do I want? Is it that unclear? Hah, I want money, power, and influence. That way, no one will stand a chance to abuse me again.” "You don't get any of those things you've just mentioned. You earn it with hard work, commitment, and dedication.” Adams deadpanned, looking unsurprised by her demands. “You asked what I wanted and I only just stated it. Is it too much to ask for in return for the huge task Young Master Adams wants me to accomplish.” Ashley Woods probed, a little reluctant to accept that he was right. “You'll have to work and earn whatever you want. I shall open the way for you to achieve your dreams in a way t
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028 - Second Identity?
Disclaimer: This chapter features Evans and Ashley.“You've always asked me what I saw in him right? What got me attracted to him in the first place, and why despite everything you do to harm him, you always end up not getting the perfect result you anticipate. Well here, today, I'll give you an answer. It is because you are incomparable to him. Standing next to him, you're just a mere clown!”Ashley Woods' voice was a harsh yet loud tone as she completed her words. She grinned and then spat on his face. Suddenly the door pushed open and then came the flashes of cameras before Evans George could retaliate.The room was suddenly filled with bright flashes as several photographers burst into the office, capturing the scene of Evans George choking Ashley Woods. Startled, Evans released his grip on her throat and stumbled back. Ashley gasped for air, coughing and trying to regain her composure. One of the photographers stepped forward, holding up his camera. "Oh My God! Is it not a rumor
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029 - Ruthless Young Master Mode
“Tell us, did you or did you not put Miss Woods in this condition? She was such a wonderful secretary who has represented G Corporation globally. How could you have beat her to the point she's now a vegetable?"Evans stared at the bloody face of Ashley Woods. His body trembled in rage. She's the cause of it. He screamed in his mind. She sided with Adams and that is the punishment.He looked at the table where several resignation letters from his tech team employees were placed and his anger escalatedThinking about how difficult it was for G Corporation to pouch these people and hire them to work for their company over the past few years, Evans George felt his actions were justified.Tsk! She deserves to die! There were now less than ten staff left in the G Corporation tech team. He wasn't certain if those members had already drafted their letters or not. Will they be willing to work for them? He wasn't sure.This will soon become headlines. Why isn't she dead yet? She had approved o
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030 - Let's Negotiate
"Congratulations, Adams Smith! You have successfully leveled up and unlocked the Ruthless Young Master mode. In this mode, you will possess even greater power and influence, allowing you to assert your dominance and seek justice against those who have wronged you."A City First Hospital, room 1210.Ashley Woods lay on the bed. Her back rested against the headboard and her beautiful face had a pleasant smile plastered on it."So?" She raised an eyebrow, "I met up with the time right? I still get the chance to be hired by you since I've now been fired by my ex-boss." She asked, still squinting her eyes at Adams."How was my performance? I'm not that good at acting but I did try my best. Rate it..."Adams stared at the lady who was ranting non-stop despite having black eyes, a red face, and a bandaged head. He didn't expect her to use herself as bait and provoke Evans to the point where he'd abused her to this extent. However, he was extremely pleased by the outcome. "Adams!!" Ashley Wo
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