All Chapters of I Activated The Three Master Systems : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
96 chapters
031 - Pledge My Loyalty
Two Weeks Later.“Chairman George, The board meeting will be held in an hour. Young Master George needs to be present to defend his actions. Do you think he'll be able to make it out in time?”One of the George Family's most trusted workers asked. Hendrix George who was dressed in a black undershirt, black brogues, and a black suit clicked his tongue as he made his way to the luxurious Limousine that was parked right in front of him.“Don't worry about your Young Master, he'll be fine. Meanwhile, keep an eye out for that little bitch upstairs,”“Yes, Master!”The servant bowed. Hendrix George nodded. He boarded the Limousine. Staring at the worker from the wind-down window, he made an eye gesture that only they understood and the latter bowed. Smiling, the car soon drove off, leaving the exhaust of smoke.“Young Master George always gets himself into trouble. Sigh! What else can I do other than clean up his mess?”He sighed. Striding back to the George Family's residence, The worker f
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032 - System Installation Successful
“It's done!” Aiden reported. He stood a few steps away from where Adams was working out. Adams put down the weight lift. He turned to Aiden, Perplexed, he asked, “What's done?”Aiden stared at his young Master. Unhappiness is evident in his expression. “What do you mean? Didn't you order me to infiltrate the George Family's Mansion?”“Oh, that!?” Adams soon realized what Aiden meant. He expressionlessly rolled his eyes. Sitting on the floor of the gym room, he sighed.“It feels weird!”“Why am I even after that douchebag Evans? Isn't it a good thing that he took care of Samantha, saving so many problems?”“Oh, yeah, he did! But it didn't change the fact that he had almost ruined your life. I mean right from college, he's always been after you. Besides, isn't it the same Ex-fiancee that has been insisting on booking an appointment with you? Tsk! Such a shameless golddigger,”Aiden wasn't feeling remorseful at all. His gaze remained on his Master. He was wondering why his Master was thi
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033 - Seraphina?
Compared to him who has superpowers, Evans is after all, just human. Aiden was right! If he wants to make it up to the top, he needs to clear all obstacles.Evans had been an obstacle right from the start. It is now time to end the game once and for all. There could be only one of them in reign in 'A City. It's either him or Evans Adams turned around, holding his phone. He looked up from his phone and gazed at Evans. His brows furrowed."Hey, are you alright?" He asked. Adams noticed Aiden was blinking unusually. His head kept moving sideways like a system robot, encountering some glitches."Oh, boy! You say you don't need my help? Why are you dancing so weirdly?" Adams couldn't help but laugh as he asked. Staring at Aiden whose hands were now on his waist as his body moved back and forth, he didn't understand what was going on with him."Ah! Young Master Adams, I think someone out there is trying to unlock my avatar. This is... Not good!!" Aiden's voice was fading. He now sounded
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034 - G Corporation
“Oh, hello, you recognized me!”Seraphina Parker spoke sarcastically.A tinge of mischief was evident in her voice. Damn! How wouldn't he recognize her? That was the last woman he had intercourse with.It was still freshly imprinted in his mind. The wonderful moment in the square cubicle."What are you doing here?""Applying for the job of the CEO's personal assistant. I was surprised to discover this person is you. Hmph! You don't seem like a person that fits this job description the last time I met you."Seraphina scrutinized Aleric and then she clicked her tongue. Turning to the guard, Aleric disclosed. "You can tell the manager of the HR Team to stop the interview. She's hired."The guard was perplexed and in shock. He shook his head and soon leered at Seraphina. If a sinful lady could kill the legendary icon, Sani Abacha of the Nigerian Freedom Fighters by feeding him a poisonous apple, Indeed there was nothing that beauty couldn't do. "Alright, CEO." The guard responded. He di
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035 - Buying Shares
G Corporation Conference Room:"No, Mr. George, this is becoming out of hand. We are investors, we invest our money into this business to earn profit and not suffer from losses. How can you tell us to calm down after such a huge thing has happened?Maxwell Fisher, G Corporation's Primary shareholder shouted at the top of his lungs. For weeks now he had been trying to call for a board meeting but somehow, Hendrix George managed to suppress him.Maxwell was unhappy about the drastic drop in stick of G Corporation. He is a businessman and he understands that if something isn't done urgently, his investments are going to suffer greatly."I already said that this will be sorted out. Please, you have to calm down. We've risen and fallen over the years however, we are still firm and unshakeable in the country's top companies ruling the economy. This is just another drop back. Evans and I are working on it. Besides, the new technology facilities will soon be out and it'll awe the market."He
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036 - I Want Them All Dead
G Corporation Conference Room:Seeing the proud smug on Ashley Woods' face, Evans George was enraged. He glanced at her petite figure like she was already a slice of dead meat in his eyes."What gave you the right to enter this meeting? Do you understand the meaning of "confidential?"He growled. Ashley shrugged her shoulders."I won't have been able to get through the door without a passcode right? It's not like I knew the passcode before. There's only one answer to how I was able. To get inside here..."Everyone was quiet as they looked at her. Was she for real? G Corporation Conference Room wasn't a place where anyone could enter and leave as they pleased. The room is guarded with a code. Each individual has their entry code which is unique per person. It was most especially because only the shareholders and board of directors are registered and granted the codes."You must be joking." Hendrix George huffed."Am I? I guess Mr. George didn't realize that one shareholder was missing
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037 - Save Old Mike
"Hack into G Corporation CEO's office surveillance cameras," Adams instructed. Raphael did not waste any time.He quickly began operating on the laptop Adams Smith had passed to him and soon he had successfully breached the surveillance just as he had previously done to get footage of the event in the conference room. Adams watched as Evans George walked inside the room. He slammed the door harshly. The glass door unsurprisingly did not break into pieces despite the force. He could feel Evans George losing control and slowly taking his bait. Adams massaged his temples, watching as Evans George made a call."Do your job and make sure it's clean. Kill them, I want them all dead!" Adams read Evans' lips as he spoke. His eyes darkened. He was right. Although all businessmen had enemies they needed to deal with, deep in his heart, Adams couldn't shake the fact the George Family was way rotten beyond what they portrayed in the public.He always had the same eerie feeling whenever Julius
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038 - The Car Has Been Tampered With
"Shit, she escaped!" A burly man carrying an ax exclaimed in anger.A slim man beside him hissed in exasperation. "That was just a small fucking bitch yet she managed to outsmart us and escaped. Who the fuck was driving that car? He deserves to meet an accident and die miserably.""That's enough, you two. We can't possibly tell the boss she escaped right? He'll chop our head and feed it to his wolves. What do we do now?"The three guys sighed. The burly man scoffed."Feed my head to the wolves? Tch! If he can't kill the girl by himself why then is he expecting us to be able to kill her? He made the first attempt to kill her right? It's all over the news. He didn't succeed. I don't think he'll do anything as much as killing us although punishment is inevitable."The Slim tall guy puffed his cheeks with air. He agreed with the burly man."You are right brother. In the Clan, they all brag that even fourteen experienced mercenaries out together can not be compared to Sevan. Who are we to
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039 - Stop The Car
The truck was on the loose. It was driving directly towards them. Without being told, Old Mike figured out who could have planned all of these. He gritted his teeth and slammed his hand on the car door.How could he have let his guards down and underestimated a shady family like the George's? Old Mike looked behind him, Charles George, Maxwell Fisher, and other previous investors and shareholders at G Corporation were also driving in this direction. He nodded, now fully aware of the plan. Dragging out a big from underneath the chair, he passed it to the petrified chauffeur."Take this. Put it on ASAP." The shocked chauffeur hesitated to accept it. After all, it was a life-saving suit. Shouldn't Old Mike be saving himself with the suit? Why did he give it to Him?"Your wife only gave birth yesterday. You should not let her become a widow. Quickly wear it or you'll die badly and never get to see them again."The chauffeur didn't think anymore, he accepted the suit and wore it without a
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040 - Level Up
He quickly sprang into action, determined to save Old Mike and complete the task assigned to him by the system. Suffer from a 99% loss of his good life? Never. Adams boarded a cab that drove him directly to the highway. He arrived just in time to witness the blast of both cars. He watched the car and truck fly to the sky and then back to Earth before it exploded. His heart ached. He remembered Evans George's orders. How can a man be so heartless? With adrenaline coursing through his veins, Adams raced towards the burning car, ignoring the warnings of the onlookers.What am I supposed to do now? I can't possibly jump into that fire, right? How do I save this damn old man?[What are you implying? Don't forget you have the skills and abilities of a ruthless young Master. Activate RUTHLESS YOUNG MASTER MODE and complete this task.]Ohh, Ruthless Young Master Mode ACTIVATE.[IGNITION PROCESS ACTIVATED.BOOTING: 20% 60% 80% 99%... LOADING... 100%STATUS: RUTHLESS YOUNG MASTER MODE SUCCESS
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