All Chapters of I Activated The Three Master Systems : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
96 chapters
081 - Loneliness
“Dad, did you do all of these?” Baxter questioned. His body quivered as the thought of the unknown flashed in his head. What will happen to him and his family now that his Dad, the breadwinner, is caught in such a terrifying scandal?“Look, it's not as it appears, I have not committed any of these atrocious things," Anthony responded but Baxter wasn't a kid any longer. He understood his father did not want to come clean.Baxter's eyes narrowed his voice firm but laced with disappointment. “Don't lie to me, Dad. I'm not a kid anymore. I know what's going on. You've been involved in some shady dealings, and now you're in trouble.”Anthony's face reddened his denial swift. “I'm telling you, son, I've done nothing wrong. I'm being framed by my enemies. They're trying to ruin my reputation and destroy our family.”Baxter scoffed, his frustration evident on his face. “Framed? Really?” He chuckled, “That's the best you've got? I'm not buying it, Dad. I've seen the news, I've read the article
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082 - Their End II
Chaos erupted in front of the Green House as a sea of angry citizens gathered to protest the President's latest scandal. The streets were packed with people holding signs, chanting slogans, and demanding justice. The President's face was plastered on posters, with bold red X's marked through them.“How could you, Mr. President?” a woman shouted through a megaphone. “You're supposed to serve the people, not yourself!”The crowd roared in agreement, their voices echoing off the Green House walls. It is no longer in the past where citizens were quiet and tongue-tied, unable to protest or rebel against their president openly… This is 2024, the 21st century where anything is possible. Security guards stood helplessly at the gates, unable to contain the sheer number of protesters. Although they could tear some gas and the people campaigning against the president would run in this case, they didn't.The President, flanked by his aides, stepped out onto the balcony to address the crowd. But
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083 - Chosen To Save Himself
Evans stood up from his cot and stretched his arms above his head, arching his back to relieve the tension. He had been in this small cell for what felt like an eternity, and he was eager to get out and stretch his legs.As he heard the sound of footsteps approaching, Evans turned to face the door. The guard unlocked it and gestured for him to come out. “Time to go, Evans,” he said gruffly.Evans nodded and stepped out of the cell, blinking in the bright light of the corridor. He was escorted by two guards, who led him down the hallway to a small interview room.As they approached the room, Evans saw Samantha being led out of her cell, flanked by two guards of her own. She looked pale and nervous, but her eyes locked onto Evans' and she smiled slightly.The guards opened the door to the interview room and gestured for Evans and Samantha to enter. They did so, followed by their respective guards, who stood watchfully by the door.Evans and Samantha sat down across from each other, thei
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084 - All Tasks Completed
“Welcome, young master,”It was yet another beautiful morning in A City. With most of the dirty-hearted billionaires dead and others sentenced to terms in prison. Adams strode inside the interview room with a gracious stance. He had to maintain his steeze…“Over here,” a warder gestured to a magnificent chair that had been prepared for him in advance. Adams was pleased by the special treatment he was given. This was life… a life where he is respected and treated as he deserves.“Young Master, he'll be here soon…”As Evans was escorted out by the two guards, Adams couldn't help but notice the stark contrast in his demeanor. Gone was the arrogant and overbearing individual he had known for so long, replaced by a shell of a man who looked defeated and broken.He remembered the countless times Evans had tried to destroy him, the lies he had told, and the pain he had caused him and every single humiliation.“Ah, Evans George,” Adams said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “It's so good to s
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085 - Tragic End
As Evans walked away from the prison, he felt a sense of liberation wash over him. He took a deep breath, feeling the cool breeze fill his lungs, and gazed out at the bustling streets. People passed by, going about their daily lives, and Evans felt a pang of envy. He had been locked away for so long, he had forgotten what it was like to be a part of society. Fortunately, these people do not recognize him. His face was covered with beards and he was dressed in the old clothes that he wore when he was arrested. Evans felt his stomach growl. A cab was already waiting for Evans at the gate. He boarded the cab that took him directly to a restaurant. Evan's stomach growled in hunger as he perceived the aroma emanating from the restaurant. A smile plastered on his face as he thought about Adams. Perhaps, if only he had treated him any better. Despite everything, Adams still added food to his schedule. As he sat down at a table, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. It was as if so
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086 - Their End III
***Sophia pushed open the door to Adams’ room, her eyes scanning the space with nervousness. She had to find the black system, no matter what, or else Julius would certainly not be pleased with her. Her gaze swept across the room, taking in the messy bed, the scattered clothes, and the cluttered desk. She strode over to the desk, her heart racing with fear of being caught in the act. She began to search through the drawers, her fingers rifling through papers and pens, but finding nothing. She moved on to the bookshelf, scanning the titles, but none of them seemed out of place. She even lifted the mattress, checking for any hidden compartments. But as the minutes ticked by, Sophia's search yielded nothing. No black system, no hidden files, and no clues whatsoever. She stood in the center of the room, her hands on her hips, and a scowl on her face. Where was it? She knew Adams had it. She was sure of it. Julius wouldn't lie to her, right? She immediately rejected accepting to searc
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087 - Five Disks, A Complete System
**Julius's eyes blazed with a furry as he stumbled to his feet, Sophia's lifeless body still clutched in his arms. He cradled her for a moment, his mind reeling with grief and anger. Then, with a sudden movement, he laid her down on the floor, his eyes scanning the room wildly.“Adams,” he whispered, his voice trembling with rage. “This is all your fault.”He stumbled towards the closet, his hands shaking as he reached for the gun he kept hidden away. He grasped it tightly. “I'll kill you,” he muttered to himself, his eyes fixed on the door. “I'll make you pay for what you've done.”With the gun clutched in his hand, Julius stumbled out of the room, his mind consumed by thoughts of vengeance. He made his way to his car, his eyes fixed on the road ahead.“Adams,” he whispered again, his voice dripping with malice. “You're going to pay for this.”As he drove through the night, Julius's anger only grew. He couldn't shake the image of Sophia's lifeless body from his mind, and he felt tha
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088 - Their End IV (New Badge)
**In the darkness, Julius felt hunted by his past. Memories he thought he'd long buried began to resurface, taunting him with their beauty and horror. He saw himself sitting on a sun-drenched beach, Elizabeth by his side. She gazed at him with adoring eyes, her smile radiant as she took his hand. “I am glad I'm slowly able to walk out of the shadows of my past. It's all thanks to you Julius,” she said, her voice like music. “I'm so proud of the man you're becoming.” The waves gently lapped at their feet as they watched the sunset, painting the sky with hues of gold and crimson. Julius felt like the luckiest man alive, with Elizabeth's love, he thought everything she had belonged to him and he had the world at his feet. But the scene shifted, like a twisted kaleidoscope. The beach disappeared, replaced by a dimly lit room, the air thick with tension. Elizabeth's eyes, once full of life, now widened in terror as Julius' hands closed around her throat. “Julius, stop! What have I done
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089 - Arc (#1) Epilogue
Description: Arc (#1) Epilogue.Adams revealed a shocking secret: he had known about Julius' evil plans all along; Including all the heinous plans and evil killings however, he chose to remain silent and lure him into his bait.His friends were stunned, unable to believe Julius was so wicked. Although Aleric knew Julius was somewhat connected to Elizabeth's death and had lots of evil dealing which reflected how he had taken over D’Smith Enterprise, he did not expect he was as deep into being second Lucifer.They were relieved he was gone but saddened by Aiden's involvement in his death. Anyone could have killed him but it so happens that Aiden stepped in before Adams could. After those events, Aiden's whereabouts remained a mystery, but the group didn't pursue it, instead, everyone moved forward with their lives.Anna did not blame anyone after everything. She was mature enough to understand what circumstances could cause. She decided to take a break to grieve her loss.Adams also dis
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090 - Erica: Gaming (1)
Arc (#2): Introduction.Erica, a gamer who has spent over half of her life playing games, decided to create her own game. A virtual game, similar to the HQ virtual game. Unfortunately, something went wrong... Huh? Her game characters were not supposed to be real, right? Why do they appear real?[Game System Activated...] [Download and install now.]Who said that? She looked around but saw no one. Is she going crazy?[You have 35 days to save them; otherwise, they will die and you will be held accountable.] [Select game mode installation]Fuck! She wasn't hearing things… She got to save them. But wait… this doesn't look like the game she created!!!****Adams, trapped in a virtual game, must navigate the system, cultivate his Master powers, and become the ultimate winner to survive. Oops! Not only was he drawn in, but so was Aleric, Lorenzo, and Baxter.Blinded by the greed for power and ambition to become the ultimate winner, they must fight against each other… One exit pass, one winn
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