All Chapters of The Rising Phoenix: Devisee’s escapade.: Chapter 291 - Chapter 298
298 chapters
One-time fling
Jason was certain that he had heard a lot of things that left him dumbfounded and very shocked, but nothing seemed to carry more weight than what he heard from his Grandfather who decided to give him enough time to process what he said to him. “Your son?” Jason asked with a whisper, hoping that his Grandfather was going to shake his head to indicate that he was joking or probably meant to say something else. The old man maintained a look of seriousness on his face alongside the Butler who bent his face as soon as Jason turned to look at him. “Grandpa? Tell me you are joking. This is a joke, right? This has to be a joke. Tell me it’s a joke.” “Unfortunately, Jack, this is not a joke. I wish I was joking, but this is not a joke.” Lord Walker affirmed his words after a few seconds, causing Jason to huff out some air while his mouth was left agape and his eyes widened. Suddenly, his body seemed to be in conflict with the condition of the room as perspiration began to pour from s
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Jason remained silent, looking at his Grandfather who refused to say any other word as he struggled to get a grip on himself. The ambiance of the room was entirely engulfed by a sudden tension that refused to leave, causing everyone to feel this awkwardness creeping into their bodies while they barely even looked at each other. “What happened afterward, Grandpa?” Jason became impatient waiting to hear the rest of the story while his Grandfather sighed softly before he continued. “Everything went back to normal, and I thought I was not going to see her or the boy again until after five years when someone started to show up here, and even seemed to be following David around. At first, we felt that the strange occurrences were just mere coincidences until David started to receive threat notes slipped inside his car and sent to him as parcels. The sender threatened to kill him for taking what was his.” “David told me about the threat messages he was receiving, and we decided that
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There were a few seconds of silence in the room while Lord Walker continued to look at his Grandson whose reaction was impossible to read. Almost immediately, Lord Walker’s phone began to ring, causing everyone to turn to look at Harry who was holding the phone inside his jacket. Harry also looked at the phone which had not been ringing for a while, especially ever since Jason was found. “Who could that be?” Lord Walker asked the Butler who slowly dipped his hand into his jacket and brought the phone which was still ringing and vibrating at the same time. “It’s an unknown caller,” Harry announced while looking at Lord Walker who couldn’t stop himself from being more curious to know who the caller was. “Find out who it is.” Lord Walker instructed while Jason adjusted himself, turning to face Harry who answered the call and placed the phone on his right ear, listening to hear what the caller was going to say from the other end of the line. “Who is it?” Jason asked with a low t
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The Only Way
Hearing the suggestion the Butler made, Jason and his Grandfather began to give it a thought instantly. But while Jason was considering it as a good idea, Lord Walker was struggling with himself to make up his mind. “Grandpa? I think he has a point. We should definitely get to him before he gets to us. He sounded really dangerous, and we have to be very careful.” Jason said with a low tone, and then he turned to look at Harry. “Get the boys ready, Harry. We are going to find him before he comes to us…” “No!” Lord Walker said at once, causing Jason to look at him with so much curiosity written all over his face. “No, Jack. Don’t for that…” Lord Walker at once. His utterance caused Jason to widen his eyes in shock, wondering why he made such an utterance.“Why not, Grandpa? He poses a great threat to us.” “Because…” Lord Walker paused for a few seconds while Jason kept his eyes on him, waiting to hear the rest of what he intended to say. “Why Grandpa? Why don’t you want us
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Make Amends
Left with no choice, Lord Walker had to agree with what his Grandson said. Taking in a deep breath, he exhaled sharply and leaned forward while Jason kept his eyes on him, alongside the Butler who hoped to hear something he expected from him. “I guess you are not going to let me do this alone, Jack.” “Not a chance, Grandpa. We are in this together, there is no way I am going to let you do this alone, not when I can help it.” “But…”“Mmm-mm! No, Grandpa, no. We should agree at once. It’s either this or we are going after your son.” Jason insisted with a frown after he had cut the old man short. Lord Walker sighed heavily, several thoughts ran through his mind, but he picked the one that he needed to think about at that moment, discarding the others that were definitely going to come back to haunt him later. “Fine. Whatever you decide, Jack. Whatever you decide stands.” “Thank you, Grandpa.” Jason nodded in satisfaction, and then he turned to look at Harry who waited to hea
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Left Out
Harry handed over the phone to Jason who demanded it almost immediately after he was done with the call and texted the address of the glasshouse to Julian. “You have done well, Harry,” Jason said, and then he turned to look at Lord Walker who looked dissatisfied with the way the call ended. “What is it, Grandpa? You don’t look too happy.” Jason took a step closer to his Grandfather, wondering why the old man looked so troubled. “We didn’t get to know what he wanted to say. I think he needed something from me. Maybe he needed me to get him something. I think he might want some money to get fresh clothes, or even get something to eat. I wonder how he has been surviving ever since he got out of prison.” “Escaped you mean?” Jason said with a smirk on his face. He kept his eyes on the old man who stared at him for a few seconds without being able to say a word in response to the things he said to him. “You shouldn't be worried about a grown man, Grandpa. I am sure that he had pla
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Effects of the Past
Harry nodded in agreement and walked out of the room while Jason and his Grandfather kept their eyes on him until he was out of sight. Jason sighed heavily after a few seconds, pulled the chair close to himself, and sat on it while his Grandfather kept his eyes on him with an expression that showed that he had a lot to tell him but didn’t know where to start. The next minute they spent in the room was occupied by a suspenseful silence that almost lingered much longer until Lord Walker cleared his throat and sighed softly. “I am sorry, Jack.” Lord Walker broke the silence, looking at Jason who sighed almost immediately. “For what, Grandpa? Why are you apologizing?” “Because I know you must really be disappointed in me, Jack. You have every right to be, but I need you to forgive me.” Jason sighed again, leaned forward to his Grandfather almost immediately, and put on a smiling face. “I am glad that you are trying to make amends, Grandpa, that should count for something. Th
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Premium Rose
Jason looked at the red card his Grandfather handed over to him. The design captivated him, and he admired it for a few seconds before lifting his face to look at his Grandfather who was waiting to get his attention. “What is this, Grandpa?” Jason lifted his face to look at Lord Walker who chuckled softly, and remained silent for a few seconds before giving him a response. “That’s a premium rose card, Jack.” “Premium rose card?” Jason returned his gaze to the card while his father nodded to affirm his words without discarding his smile. “What’s this used for, Grandpa?” Jason expressed the ignorance and curiosity that lingered in his mind while Lord Walker scoffed at how naïve he thought his Grandson was over things like that. “You really don’t know what a rose card is, Jack?” “Am I supposed to know what it is, Grandpa?” “Probably, you should have heard about it at least.” Lord Walker hoped that Jason was going to give him a positive response, but when he shook his head t
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