All Chapters of Operation: Nosoi: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
195 chapters
Chapter Eleven: An Undercover University Student
Days stretches into weeks, and Kai is still in his covert mission to locate Dr. Jason Akasi. He is now doing an undercover mission, pretending to be a normal and a regular student at Marquina University. He is trying to blend in with the other students, and so far, he is actually doing a good job at it...Kai woke up early in the morning. He pulled the bedrooms curtains and he let's out a small smile when he saw the bright light which is fully illuminating his whole room. The view of the beautiful, clear blue sky made him feel so much better."I hope I can finally find Dr. Jason Akasi today." Kai whispered to himself.After having a cup of coffee and toasted bread, he quickly went inside the bathroom for a quick shower. After ten minutes, he steps out from the bathroom, and went straight to his closet to pick some clothes to wear for school today.He checked himself in front of the mirror, and he smiled I satisfaction when he saw his reflection. Everything looks good...And once he ma
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Chapter Twelve: A Genius Scientist's Undercover
"I-I'm sorry for troubling you today. And I also want to say thank you for helping me." Artemus thanked the good Samaritan who helped him.The man was about to speak, but he wasn't able to do so when the doctor came back with a tray of painkiller tablet and a glass of water."Here, drink this painkiller tablet so that it can help you ease the pain." the doctor advised him."Yes, doctor. Thank you very much." Artemus thanked the doctor as well.He quickly popped the tablet into his mouth, then afterwards, and then, he drank a glass of water.After a few minutes, the pain was instantly gone, and he feels so much better compared to few moments ago, which he feels like dying already.Artemus thanked the doctor once again, and he made sure to thanked the stranger who helped him as well."I should go to my first class now... Goodbye." he politely said goodbye to the doctor and the stranger. Afterwards, he started walking out from the clinic
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Chapter Thirteen: Testing Themselves To The Limit
 Artemus quickly took a shower and got dressed. He didn't have the time to eat or drink something warm, so he just decided to have a late breakfast at the University Cafeteria.While he is cycling his way towards the campus, he suddenly remembers that his first class is Physical Education. He can still has to make a quick stop at the Boys' Locker Room to change into gym clothes.Once he arrives at the University, he parked his bike at the designated spot and quickly went to the Boys' Locker Room to get ready for his Physical Education class. Afterwards, he quickly ran towards the school gymnasium as if he is in the middle of a marathon.And once he reached the gymnasium, his classmates are already doing their warm-up exercises. He heaved a sigh of relief when he realized that their Physical Education Instructor isn't at the gym yet. And it means that he is not yet late, technically.Once Mr. McDowell enters the gymnasium, he started the class
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Chapter Fourteen: Let's Get It On!
Their first spurt was not bad at all. Their first runner is fairly fast, and passes the baton to the next runner without any problems.Artemus is now feeling anxious and nervous while he is waiting for the next runner to pass the baton to him. He has so many questions in his head right now.What if her fails to get the baton? What if he drops it? What if he started falling down?His train of thoughts stopped in a halt when he heard their second runner's voice."Artemus, here!" Jennifer calls out for his attention.As soon as Artemus got the baton from her, he started running like crazy A few seconds later he could see Kai waiting for him and he needs to successfully pass the baton to him.But Artemus unintentionally slowed down when he suddenly felt a sharp pain on his leg as if someone stabbed him But he still forced himself to run however the pain on his thighs got worse.The next thing he knew he collapses unto the ground while gri
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Chapter Fifteen: This Is The Moment.
"Look man, can't you give us a break? It wouldn't hurt you if we can have a breather, right?" Artemus cajoled at Kai. "You're just wasting your breath complaining! Look at Nick and Jennifer, they're doing pretty well. They're already running around the track." Kai informed him. Artemus is getting annoyed at each passing minute because Kai is obviously torturing him which is really unfair! At the same time, Nick and Jennifer stopped running, and went towards Kai and Artemus to become their referee... "Guys, you need to chill for a little bit!" Jennifer reminded them. “Why don’t we take a break first to cool off your heads, huh?” Nick added. The tension between Kai and Artemus is so intense that they need to be separated for a little bit. Kai took a deep breath before speaking again. “Okay. Let’s go and have a 15-minute break. I’m just gonna get us s
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Chapter Sixteen: This Calls For A Celebration!
After a few minutes."Okay, guys, get into your positions!" their PE instructor quickly announces, as soon as he made sure that all of the students have gathered around. Artemus shared glances with his other classmates, as they give each other encouraging looks. There are also other students who are giving their doubtful stares..."Okay, just pretend that there is no one around watching you, Artemus. You have to concentrate. And don't worry, we can all do this." Kai gave him a last piece of advice, while giving her a pat on his shoulder. “Okay. No one else is around. No one is watching you... Only you and your teammates are around." Artemus tries to encourage himself.A few minutes later, their Instructor raised the toy pistol that will be used as a starter. Artemus took a deep breath, while calming himself... He is going to be the first runner, and then she will pass the baton to Jennifer."On your mark... Ready. Set
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Chapter Seventeen: Becoming Artemus' Shadow
Many hours have passed since Kai's drinking party with Artemus, Nick and Jennifer has already finished. Kai is standing by his apartment's window, while staring at the breaking dawn. He is in deep thought, as the weight of a startling discovery is currently pressing heavily on his mind. The events of last night replayed in his thoughts, the laughter and celebration of their success at the baton relay fading into the background...He and Artemus and the rest of their friends were all happily drinking, as they celebrate their success. The drinks flowed freely, and Artemus' apartment was filled with joy and camaraderie. But amidst the celebration, Kai's attention has been drawn to something peculiar--- the sight of Atemus' room door left slightly ajar.A mix of curiosity and gnawing gut feeling compelled Kai to carefully and discreetly stand up, making an excuse to his friends that he needs to go to the bathroom. Artemus, Nick and Jennifer didn't seem to mind
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Chapter Eighteen: A Bizarre Love Triangle
As they resurfaced, their faces beamed with awe and wonder."That was incredible! I've never seen anything like it!" Nick smilingly gushes out loud."Yeah, it was absolutely breathtaking! You know what, this trip is getting better and better with you, guys..." relayed Jennifer, as a genuine smile spreads her lips.As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the horizon, they gathered on the beach, their toes buried in the warm sand."I'm so grateful for this trip and for all of you. It's been an adventure filled with laughter, relaxation and unforgettable moments. I couldn't have asked for better travel companions." Artemus is finally letting out his real feelings."I must say that this trip has brought us closer together, and I'm grateful for everything. Let's cherish these memories and continue supporting each other." added Kai, as he is feeling contented with the companionship of his friends.The four of them sat in comfortable si
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Chapter Nineteen: A Drunken and Heartbroken Nerd
As they settled down, opening bags of snacks and sipping their drinks, Artemus couldn't help but steal glances at Jennifer. He admired her from afar, silently longing for a chance to express his true feelings. But with each passing moment, the weight of unrequited love grew heavier on his shoulders.Deep down, Artemus knew he had to find a way to move forward, to cherish the friendship they shared and accept that sometimes, love doesn't go as planned. It would take time but he was determined to heal his heart and continue being there  for Jennifer as a friend, even if it meant burying his own feelings.He took a deep breath, reminding himself that life is full of unexpected turns. And perhaps in time, he would find his own path to happiness, even if it wasn't for the person he had secretly longed for all along.========================================Kai sat alone in his apartment, his mind filled with thoughts of Jennifer and the unexpected kiss th
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Chapter Twenty: Love Really Hurts Like Hell
As they walked outside the bar, Artemus mumbled an apology, his voice laced with regret."I'm sorry, Kai. I didn't mean to cause trouble. I just... I lost control." he drunkenly apologizes.Kai sighed, his concern for his friend overriding any frustration he might have felt."It's alright, Artemus. We all have our moments. Let's get you home and make sure you're okay." he reassures Artemus.Kai hailed a taxi, and he carefully helped Artemus get inside the vehicle. Afterwards, he also steps inside, and then he told the taxi driver their destination....After almost half an hour, they arrived at Artemus' apartment, Kai helped him inside and settled him to his room."Kai, you're... you're so handsome. And smart. And cool. No wonder girls really likes you. Especially Jennifer." Artemus is babbling, in a drunk manner.And now, it's all making sense to Kai. The reason why Artemus is behaving like this is because he is heartbroken. It became
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