All Chapters of Ascendance Of The Underestimated Son-in-Law: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
184 chapters
Chapter 21
Alex walked out of the shop and they drove to the Organization headquarters, on the way, he received a call from the Patriarch who was visibly pissed by the time wasted.Soon they arrived at the headquarters of the organization which was surprisingly not very far from the city center, Alex was about to head inside when his phone rang, looking at the screen, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of contempt."Hello, Alex."Camila voice was low and not as harsh as it used to be which made Alex suspicious, she usually yelled across the phone when talking to him but seeing her so gentle, it didn't feel natural."What is it, am busy.""I...I wanted to s...I.."She shuttered for a few seconds before ending the call, Alex was suspicious but it didn't bother him.He walked into the building that looked ordinary on the outside but the inside was decorated with high tech products and exquisite properties, the entrance has a face recognition machine that only allows members access.Alex stood in
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Chapter 22
Alex eyes darkened, he furrowed his brows And Austin continued speaking."The doctor and nurses at the entrance don't seem to know what happened suspicious person had passed through the entrance and Jessica wasn't spotted.""Drive me to the hospital."They quickly got into the car and drove straight to the hospital. On getting to the hospital and to the room, they once again met an empty room, the bodyguards faces were bone cold."What happened?"Alex asked a doctor already standing there, he happened to be the executive director of the hospital and had rushed in when he got the information that a important patient had been kidnapped under his nose, his face was flushed and panicked, looking at the legendary dragon lord, the Doctor named Xavier felt chills down his spine."I just just arrived after hearing of the incident, such huge thing happened under my watch, I will do everything within my power to find her, you don't have to worry."Dr.Xavier said with reassurance but
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Chapter 23
He stepped into the living room and saw Vivian watching her favorite TV channel, when her eyes met his, she stood up instantly and maliciously threw the iron status of a lion on the table at him, Alex dodged swiftly. "How dare you show yourself in here, are you already tired of the cold and harsh world outside?" "You actually came to freeload at this family again, aren't you ashamed of yourself, you don't deserve my daughter, you chimp, look at young master Liam, he's exactly your age but he's nothing compared to you." "I wouldn't waste my breathe on such waste, hurry up and leave before you dirty my eyes, I have no change to spare." Vivian barked maliciously but Alex was suspicious, she usually wasn't this extreme, it was as if she was hiding something but he waved it off, as soon as the divorce papers are signed, he would have nothing to do with this family. "I didn't come for your change Mother." Alex said with profanity he had never used before, distancing himself further fro
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Chapter 24
Alex eyes dimmed, he watches closely as Camilla walked out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped round her body, seeing Alex awake, she pouted and smiled coquettishly, seeing her like this, Alex couldn't help but frown, she always had an icy expression and won't even spare him a second glance since he married her.They lived as couple, but were only couples in name, they didn't have the physical closeness of other couples and therefore didn't share any intimacy.Without a single word, Alex picked up his shirt and and walked out of the door but Camila quickly ran and blocked his path, looking at him contemptuously, she sneered."You can't say anything now that you finally had your way...I won't let this slide..but since we are still married, it actually doesn't about we forget all in the past..."Alex raised his hands and hit her heavily on her face, the five prints if his fingers visible on her face, his aura was dominant and oppressing, his eyes were slanted as he o
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Chapter 25
Alex chuckled, a sales rep of a departmental store, even if he was, it wasn't that bad, compared to his former job."Well, jobs have no low or high status, even if it does, I don't care, am quite contented."Richard on hearing his words, sneered."What do you can't seem to understand, being in a high position and low position are two different things, you can't compare to, you have to admit that people are different from each other."His eyes scanned Alex body contemptuously, looking at Alex with unconcealed distain."Well, it might be...but like I said, I really don't care..and I have to get the groceries before the shop closes, so excuse me."Alex said, during his high school days, Richard had always been the first in class and received countless praises and attention from students and teachers, but when he enrolled in the school, it took just a semester to take that position from him.He scored higher in grades than Richard, and with his good looks, girls fawned over him,
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Chapter 26
Richard face was filled with fury, turning to the man who just spoke, he shouted."My feet of course...are you dumb, stay out of this and mind your own business."The face of Charlie changed drastically, he was just taking a stroll along the streets of the hospital and had heard the voice of this young man shouting from afar, he came to watch the show but never imagined that it was his master being insulted."If you don't go back to your mama today with broken arms and limps..then call me a fool.."Charlie said with a cold and sinister voice laced with deep killing intent, Richard was scared by his penetrating gaze, even Mr.Brown was more scared, seeing his demeanor, Richard eyes widened in realization, he pointed his middle finger at Alex nose."Birds of a feather do flock together...ha, you couldn't get to the top so you decided to stable your position at the an old friend, am truly impressed..hehe"Richard sneered disdainfully at Alex, his eyes full of mockery.Charlie
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Chapter 27
Jessica smiled bitterly and scoffed."Our Dominion group isn't just like any other corporation or conglomerate family..""My grandfather is very cunny, he didn't want his company to be in the hands of outsiders and retained almost 75% shares of the group on his name..""The corporation can't be easily bought...aside this percentage, his children held 5% shares each..making it 85% shares in the hands of the family, the other shares are held by the shareholders...and only few stocks of ours are available on the capital market..."Alex frowned, this method was indeed not that bad but it only became difficult for him to acquire the corporation."My grandfather would transfer his shares to the new chairman of the group in the future but he's currently not well and under medical surveillance..""My uncle took the opportunity to kill my family, my little brother was only thirteen but he wasn't exempted...just because of some shares...I will surely make them pay..."Alex nodded, its fine to f
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Chapter 28
Alex tilted his head to the other side only to come face to face with Leno, the renowned assassin who never fails to get his target.Leno exuded a frightening killing intent as he stared intently at Alex."I warned you not to come...lest I have no choice but to kill you."Leno face was masked with a red ribbon but his distinct features was still visible which made Alex recognize him at first glance."Am i the type to back out because of a mere threat, you know me better than this."Alex face darkened and his brows creased, he had to admit that Leno is a worthy opponent, his skills and can't be underestimated."What's the matter, who's he?"Great Tee who had been standing there the entire time asked skeptically, not that he was afraid of Leno but just at glance at him, he could tell he wasn't ordinary."Nothing to worry about."Leno scoffed and walked away, his huge frame and tall body made him stand out from the crowd, but something seems off and he couldn't pinpoint what exactly it i
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Chapter 29
The interior of the hotel was decorated lavishly and extravagantly, even the chairs and paintings on the walls were worth over ten million dollars, Alex and Great Tee grabbed a drink from a waiter walking past and gulped it down.Alex looked round him, apart from the Patriarch of the Wyatt and Williams family, the other guests were were all young and appeared to be in their mid thirties, they physique was different from ordinary people and their aura too.Seeing this, Alex lips twitched, they couldn't make it more obvious, could they.Soon all the guests arrived, even some top celebrities were present and soon after, the ceremony began.The young master of Mavis group was called on the stage to address his guests, he walked up with pride to the stage, he smiled wildly and broadly, grabbing the mic."Today, I stand before you all to announce a huge and much awaited news..."Drake, the young master of the Mavis group began."After much deliberation, the shareholders and stakeholders of
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Chapter 30
Leno eyes were fierce and crazy and his moves were deadly aimed at the heart, he wanted to kill him at one shot, Alex kept avoiding and dodging him, being on the defensive side, he didn't make a move but just continued observing him.Great Tee on the other hand was fending off the guards of the Mavis group, more black clad men were tripping in, making it impossible to go and assist Alex.Seeing him like this, Drake was even more annoyed, he held Camila by the hair and dragged her to the viewpoint of Alex, he slapped her crazily at her butt and laughed out loud as she gasped."What's more humiliating for a man than seeing his wife getting harassed in front of him...""I would like to know, how about I play with her for a little bit more."Hearing this, Alex was a little distracted, he turned to Drake with an expressionless face, even when he looked at Camilla, his gaze was deep, Camila froze."You can do what you like...she's not my wife."Boom.As this bomb dropped in their ears, the
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