Chapter 23
He stepped into the living room and saw Vivian watching her favorite TV channel, when her eyes met his, she stood up instantly and maliciously threw the iron status of a lion on the table at him, Alex dodged swiftly.

"How dare you show yourself in here, are you already tired of the cold and harsh world outside?"

"You actually came to freeload at this family again, aren't you ashamed of yourself, you don't deserve my daughter, you chimp, look at young master Liam, he's exactly your age but he's nothing compared to you."

"I wouldn't waste my breathe on such waste, hurry up and leave before you dirty my eyes, I have no change to spare."

Vivian barked maliciously but Alex was suspicious, she usually wasn't this extreme, it was as if she was hiding something but he waved it off, as soon as the divorce papers are signed, he would have nothing to do with this family.

"I didn't come for your change Mother."

Alex said with profanity he had never used before, distancing himself further fro
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