All Chapters of The System of Power is Money : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
213 chapters
Chapter 51
Amel hurriedly ended her conversation with the stranger she had accidentally met.For some reason, Amel felt like there was something off about that man. Amel quickly looked for an excuse and then went to the cashier to pay."It seems strange. I clearly heard him talk about knowing me. What did he mean? I had just seen him for the first time," Amel mumbled anxiously.She turned on her phone screen, it already showed 4 pm. Soon Citra and Ethan would be home."I need to get back to the apartment quickly or Ethan and Citra will worry looking for me," Amel mumbled hurriedly, about to leave.However, before she could take a step, a hand suddenly stopped her movement.Amel gasped, swallowing hard.Her body trembled heavily, clearly feeling a sense of fear that made her hands sweat."Hey! Don't be afraid, I mean you no harm," said the figure who had accidentally met her earlier."Please, don't bother me. I already apologized for the accident earlier. I beg you, I'm just new around here," Ame
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Chapter 52
"Drink this first," Citra said, handing the girl a glass of water. It was clear how traumatized Amel still felt after facing everything that happened.With hands still slightly trembling, Amel took the water and drank about half of it.Citra then sat down next to the girl, putting her arm around her and rubbing her shoulders to calm her down."You're safe now. Don't be afraid anymore, okay? Next time, if you need something, you can ask the security guard for help or call me or Ethan. Don't go out alone again, okay?" Citra said, looking worried about the girl's condition.Amel, feeling guilty for not asking their permission first, had a remorseful look on her face. With tears streaming down, she looked down, glancing between Citra and Ethan."I'm sorry, sis. Ethan, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have done that," Amel replied, regretting her actions.Ethan, initially overwhelmed by emotion, slowly began to calm himself down. He then nodded and brought the girl into an embrace."Don't go out
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Chapter 53
Richard returned to his apartment, this time not in good condition but enveloped in the scent of alcohol scattered within him.Actually, everything was intentionally planned by Richard. He purposely paid someone to stage a dramatic kidnapping of the girl who had just finished school.However, unlike what he had imagined, instead of him being the one to rescue the girl, it was Citra and Ethan who came there."Damn it! I won't let you leave me, Amelia! You belong to me. I'll make you completely mine," Richard mumbled as he walked unsteadily.His body seemed uncontrolled, causing him to bump into the small cabinet and sofa there.He even ignored the ringing of his phone, indicating someone was calling him.He was solely focused on himself, still thinking about Amel at that time. Only that girl was on his mind.A few minutes passed until finally someone opened the door to his apartment, revealing a woman entering.Richard, still under the influence of alcohol, assumed it was Amel.A broad
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Chapter 54
Ethan quickly approached Citra, afraid that the man standing before the woman was a bad person.He immediately touched both of her shoulders."Are you okay?" Ethan asked, looking at her.Citra, snapping out of her daze, glanced at Ethan and nodded her head."Yes. I'm okay." Citra responded with a smile on her face.She then looked intently at Ethan, thankfully he managed to understand the meaning behind that look. This was supported by her encircling his arm with hers."Oh yes, dear. Let me introduce you, this is my cousin. His name is Nike. This is who I told you I met before heading to the office."Ethan then pretended to look toward the man in front of them, extending his hand to shake his."Ethan," Ethan said, flashing a warm smile.Nike glanced at him briefly before finally returning the handshake. "Nike. Citra's cousin who has a very close relationship with her," Nike stated firmly while forcing a smile at the man."Ah, I just remembered. So you asked my permission this morning
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Chapter 55
Awkwardness occurred between them. Because last night's events made this morning, not a single dialogue came out of either of their mouths.Even during breakfast or when they were in the same car like this. Ethan just focused on driving while Citra tried to busy herself with her cell phone, though it was clear Citra was just scrolling through the screen.When the uncomfortable feeling started to cross its boundaries, making both of them think about ending it."Come on, Ethan! You can do it! A man has to start first or this atmosphere will continue endlessly. Remember! Women do not have the ability to break the ice. So, you have to start first," Ethan mumbled to convince himself.While on the other side, Citra seemed to have the same thought."Oh well. It's better if I make small talk by asking about work and so on. Maybe the man should start, but it seems Ethan won't. A guy like him will just keep holding on and who knows when he'll end all this," Citra thought to herself. After let
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Chapter 56
"Shouldn't we go back to the apartment instead? Your suit is dirty because of me. Is that okay?" Citra asked, looking apologetic.Ethan shook his head, not bothered by it at all."Well then, let's just go in now."Ethan nodded, carrying the food he had bought earlier as they got out of the car."Come on, let's go! What else?" Ethan asked when he saw Citra seemed to be paying attention to something.He also looked towards the silver car."It seems he came here. I clearly recognize this car. It looks like it belongs to..."Before the woman could finish her sentence, someone had already cut her off."Good morning, my beautiful cousin! As promised, I came to visit my cousin's new workplace!"Ethan and Citra simultaneously turned towards Nike. The man had arrived carrying a large pizza in his hands, which he then gave to Citra."For you. I know you really like this expensive pizza," Nike defended his offering.Because at that moment, Nike could see out of the corner of his eye how Ethan wa
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Chapter 57
Citra tried to focus on what she was working on currently.However, since the incident this morning that made her truly uncontrollable, it made Citra unable to think properly at the moment.All of her thoughts were dominated by the realization that there was something that had been planned by her cousin.Citra was absolutely certain that it was not a coincidence, but rather had been planned. If it was true that there was a plan, but what was it?The woman was still trying to digest everything."Take this. Hopefully it can calm your troubled mind," said Ethan, offering the woman a cup of coffee."Thank you," Citra replied quickly.A fairly long sigh came out of her mouth, causing the woman to then take the coffee cup and drink it. Hoping that her mind would also become calmer."What's wrong? Are you thinking about something?" Ethan asked, looking intently at the woman.Citra then shook her head, cupping her face with both hands, trying to be able to think better."That's how it is. It
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Chapter 58
Amel woke up from her bed, feeling something that made her uncomfortable. She then stretched her body, getting up from her bed."Ouch! Why does it feel uncomfortable?" Amel asked herself.She then got up, and without realizing it, her gaze turned towards her bed."Oh my! What is this? I didn't realize I got my period?"Amel clicked her tongue in annoyance, then looked around but couldn't find any pads there.She tried searching but couldn't find any."Oh! If it's like this, everything could leak everywhere. I have to find pads right away," Amel muttered, about to hurry off.However, the incident from the other day made the woman suddenly fall silent, digesting everything that happened.She then immediately took her phone, trying to call Citra and Ethan.Over and over again, but her phone calls were not answered by either of them."What do I do now? I haven't been taught how to order online by Ethan and Citra. So now what should I do?" Amel monologued again.She had no other choice but
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Chapter 59
Slowly, Amel opened her eyes, trying to look around to see where she might be right now.The fragrant aroma of medicines was clearly noticeable to her sense of smell, making Amel try to straighten her body."Careful, let me help you," said a man whose face was still not clearly visible to Amel's view.The woman then expressed her thanks to the man who had helped her."It's okay. I can manage on my own," Amel replied, refusing help from the man.Amel tried to create some distance, briefly thinking it was Ethan, but seeing his clothing style, it wasn't as she had imagined.The woman then stretched out her hand, touching her temple, massaging it gently."Drink this first. You've just been in an accident, it's normal if you feel dizzy," said the figure, making Amel nod her head reluctantly.She then accepted the glass of water, drinking it until only half of it remained."Yes. Thank y..."Amel fell silent, her eyes widening as she saw the face now not far from her.Her thoughts suddenly s
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Chapter 60
Citra and Ethan quickly headed to the room the hospital receptionist had mentioned earlier.Their faces both showed clear signs of worry and concern for the girl's condition."Thank you, nurse," Amel said, causing them both to start calming down.Long sighs of relief could be heard from both of them. They were grateful that nothing serious had happened to the girl.There were just a few wounds that needed bandages to cover them.The nurse then left, replaced by Ethan and Citra who approached the girl."Are you okay? Are you hurt? Does anything hurt?" Ethan asked, appearing concerned about the girl's condition.Amel, with a smile that always shone on her face, shook her head, indicating that she was fine."I'm okay, bro. I was just waiting for you two. I'm allowed to go home now."They both sighed in relief, but deep concern for the woman's condition was still clearly felt by both of them.Citra then reached out her hand, hugging the girl. Although they had just met, Citra already felt
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