All Chapters of The System of Power is Money : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
213 chapters
Chapter 61
Citra let out a long sigh. Tonight, she decided not to go to sleep right away, but to relax for a moment on the rooftop of her room.Her mind felt so full, realizing that there had been too many problems and events lately.Maybe in the past her life seemed so flat. She didn't understand how to smile and appreciate other people's feelings.But all that had managed to make her unable to think about anything other than focusing on her work.However, somehow now Citra could feel a drastic change in herself. She felt her life was much more colorful, but because there were too many colors she felt, her life was surrounded by many problems.Sigh...Citra exhaled, unable to comprehend how just because of money and power, both her parents forgot that Citra was their child.Instead of understanding what Citra's heart wanted, they blamed Citra and thought that Citra was an ungrateful child.All of this was really bothering her mind right now.Knock! Knock!The sound of knocking on her bedroom do
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Chapter 62
"That concludes our meeting for today. Let's hope we can secure contracts with more clients. You can all return to your work now," Citra wrapped up their office meeting presentation.Ethan, who had been watching and paying attention to everything Citra said, was left speechless.Not only did she have high value, but the woman was also very articulate.Citra was the true definition of a career woman. No one could match her."Ethan? Ethan! What's wrong? Why are you staring at me like that?" Citra asked, snapping Ethan out of his daze.He straightened up, looking around at the now empty room with just the two of them left.No wonder Citra felt comfortable calling him by name."Nothing. I liked your presentation material today. Your leadership skills are incredible."Citra blushed, but covered it up with an indifferent expression, though her heart was clearly screaming inside.Shortly after, there was a knock on the meeting room door, revealing an employee who worked there."Excuse me, Mr
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Chapter 63
"Can we trust him?" Ethan asked, looking at the woman. She seemed unsure whether to trust Nike or not.One thing Ethan could conclude at that moment was that Citra's hatred towards Nike was starting to fade. She was beginning to show some humanity towards him."If all that wasn't true, he wouldn't have said any of this. I don't know what to do either. I'm confused about whether to trust him or not. But I've been with Nike for a long time. He's the only person who shares my blood and treats me like family," Citra said, recalling her past.Hearing this, Ethan straightened his gaze, a bitter smile clearly appearing at the corner of his mouth.What was Ethan? He was just a newcomer, still unfamiliar to her. He shouldn't have thoughts of gaining Citra's full trust.Ethan didn't deserve all that."What do you think? Do you think he's lying or not?" Citra asked, looking at Ethan.The man, catching Citra's gaze, blinked his eyes and returned her look."Hmm... I'm in the same boat as you. No o
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Chapter 64
"What are you talking about? We've been in here too long. Come on, let's go back to the workspace," Citra said, clearly intentionally ignoring Ethan's question."Fine. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up with you," Ethan muttered to himself.With no other choice, the man followed Citra's lead as she headed back to their work area.Once inside, they both returned to their respective places, as if they had run out of topics and had nothing left to discuss.However, unbeknownst to Citra, Ethan kept sneaking glances at her.Not once did he receive any attention from her.The strange and uncomfortable atmosphere in the office suddenly prompted Ethan to decide to go out.He knew it wasn't break time yet. But no matter how much he tried to force himself to stay, it was pointless."I'll tell her..."Ethan was about to stand up and approach Citra. However, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, remembering that he shouldn't do that.Who was Citra to him that she needed to know and be informed of E
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Chapter 65
Ethan walked back towards his office, thinking he could calm himself by leaving the office for a bit.However, contrary to what the man expected, he found a new problem that made his mental burden feel heavy again.A long sigh escaped Ethan's mouth as he occasionally sipped the coffee cup in his hand while massaging his throbbing temples.His thoughts were quite chaotic at the moment, considering what had happened over the past few days.No! Ethan couldn't focus on all these problems coming at once. Instead, he should be able to think about the right solutions for all of this.That's right. Right now, Ethan was thinking too far ahead, when he could still consider solutions that would resolve issues between him and Citra.Ethan returned to the office, greeting several employees there who called out to him. As usual, he still flashed his sweet smile at everyone, appearing as a very friendly boss.He went back to his room, not finding Citra anywhere in her place."Where did she go?"Etha
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Chapter 66
Citra re-entered her office, finding Ethan deeply focused on his computer screen.The man seemed oblivious to his surroundings, concentrating solely on the work before him.Citra let out a long sigh, looking at the brown folder in her hands.Niko's words still echoed in her head. Maybe the man was right.She needed to talk to Ethan about this soon."I have to speak with him," Citra muttered, reassuring herself.She nodded slowly, glancing at the brown folder before looking up at the man.She then walked over to where Ethan was sitting.A smile formed on her face, making her feel much better.Without saying anything first, Citra placed the brown folder right next to Ethan. This naturally caught his attention, making him furrow his brow as he looked at Citra."What's this?" the man asked, staring intently at Citra.Still unsure how to respond, Citra gestured with her eyes for him to open the folder himself.Not understanding but not wanting to be more curious, Ethan picked up the folder
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Chapter 67
Ethan tried searching, scouring the streets not far from his office.Even in that deserted area, with narrow alleys only passable by motorcycles or other small vehicles, Ethan couldn't find any signs of the man.Ethan fell silent, stopping his car not far from the entrance of a narrow alley."No. If I get out, someone might recognize me and put me in danger. No, I can't just get out and risk my life like that," Ethan muttered wisely.He realized that now wasn't the time to be careless with his fate. He might want to help Niko, but he also had to think about his own safety.It would be lucky if he was caught by his enemies, but if it was robbers or thugs, he would just die in vain. What if Niko wasn't even there? All his efforts would be for nothing.Ethan sighed, starting his car again to search elsewhere, following the streets where, according to the security guard, Niko had only been walking."Where did he go? He shouldn't be far from here. If he really left just on foot, he should
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Chapter 68
Citra parked her car in the hospital parking lot.Previously, she had received a call from an unknown number. It turned out to be the number of a young man who was a volunteer at the accident scene.He briefly explained that there was a man driving Citra's car, asking about the accident.Suddenly, the man got out and approached the crowd that was looking at the accident victim. Not long after the medical team arrived, the young man saw that the man driving Citra's car immediately got into the ambulance.He was confused about what would happen to the car.Since the car was not locked, the young man mustered up the courage to open it and found an old phone number on Citra's old business card from when she was still the leader of her family's company.She had kept it in her car's dashboard. That's why the young man was able to get her phone number.Citra was grateful that the young man was honest and didn't take advantage of the situation."Excuse me. Which room is for the accident victi
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Chapter 69
Ethan didn't want to leave his spot, causing Citra, who was pulling him, to look at the man.Behind them, the middle-aged woman had slumped to the floor, crying with tears she could no longer hold back."What else is there? If you keep staying there, they'll just keep blaming you!" Citra insisted, seeming to harbor great resentment towards Niko's parents. Ethan then shook his head, approached the woman, and reached out to touch both sides of her cheeks."Don't think negatively. I'm sure they were just emotional earlier. We can't just leave. Don't let them think we're not grieving," Ethan explained in a gentle tone.Citra, already upset with the middle-aged woman, seemed not to care. She folded her arms across her chest, not caring about Ethan's words.Left with no other choice, Ethan could only let the woman dwell in her thoughts."Let's attend Niko's funeral," Ethan said, leaving Citra with no other option.She followed the man wherever he went, but if those parents dared to accuse
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chapter 70
Time passed so quickly. Before he knew it, a few weekends had gone by.This was the second weekend for Amel since staying in the city."Morning, Amel!" Citra greeted the girl.Amel, seeing the woman there, immediately glanced at the clock on the wall.The clock showed it was already 8 a.m."Sis Citra, aren't you going to the office?" Amel asked the woman.Citra, hearing the question, shook her head. She then asked the woman to sit beside her."What jam do you want? Chocolate or strawberry?" Citra asked, looking at the girl.Amel looked contemplative, staring at all the different jams on the table."Or do you want blueberry mixed with grapes?" Citra asked again, sounding like a bread seller."Okay. It sounds like it will be a delicious combination," Amel replied with a soft chuckle.Citra nodded, spreading the jam as requested by the girl.The two of them immediately enjoyed the breakfast while chatting casually and lightly, just making small talk to fill the silence between them."Sor
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