All Chapters of The System of Power is Money : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
213 chapters
Chapter 71
A perfect smile adorned Amel's face. She looked so happy because Citra and Ethan had introduced her to such a large, magnificent university."So, Amel? Do you like this university? Actually, if you're not comfortable here, I can find another campus for you," Citra said to the beaming girl.Hearing this offer, Amel shook her head, indicating that she rejected the woman's suggestion."I like this place. I want to stay here. Besides, everything here is already so complete. I can also take the major I like. Can I study at this place?" Amel asked, looking alternately at the woman and then at Ethan.Her gaze clearly showed hope that she would be allowed to continue her education there."Of course. You can study wherever you want," Ethan said to the girl."Thank you, Ethan! Thank you so much!" Amel squealed with joy. The girl even hugged her brother's waist tightly, conveying her happiness.Ethan returned the hug, and they then decided to play together, spending their weekend going to places
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Chapter 72
Citra and Ethan returned to work as usual. They left at 7:30 AM, leaving Amel alone in the apartment again.A perfect smile adorned Amel's lips as she kept imagining how it would be when she became a college student and resumed her studies.Truly, Amel couldn't wait for that moment to arrive."Citra said the entrance test will be held soon. But where should I study from? I can find some practice questions online. Citra also gave me a laptop to study with," Amel muttered to herself, looking uncertain.Amel, who was used to stacks of books and learning everything from them, pouted her lips.It seemed she would be more comfortable if she could work through books.Ding!As Amel's mind was battling, comparing between the internet or just books, a message notification sounded from her phone.She looked at her phone, opening the message which turned out to be from Richard.[Come down. Today, I just got paid. Let me treat you as usual]-RichardA smile formed perfectly on Amel's face. She had
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Chapter 73
Citra, having finished her work, stretched her body while leaning back in her chair and glancing towards Ethan.She saw the man engrossed with something in front of him.Citra's brow furrowed as she looked at him with a gaze full of various questions.It occurred to Citra that the item currently in Ethan's hands was something she had previously intended to check.The woman straightened up and walked over to Ethan, who still appeared to be examining the object."Yesterday I meant to check the contents of that flash drive recording. But I forgot. Because just when I was about to check, I got a call that you had gone to help Niko," Citra said, diverting Ethan's attention.The man nodded, agreeing with what the woman said.A rather long sigh was heard coming from Ethan's mouth as he stared intently at the object."But what kind of evidence is this? I also don't understand why he gave me these photos of Richard and this woman. What's the connection? There's no use in me keeping all these p
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Chapter 74
"Good afternoon, Mr. Martin!"The man's assistant greeted his superior respectfully, bowing slightly to clearly show how much he respected the man.Martin nodded, asking the man to quickly state what had brought him to Martin's office."I apologize, young sir, I just received a report from reception that someone named Richard wants to meet with you. But he doesn't have an appointment," the man said to his boss.Martin, finding the name familiar, furrowed his brow, feeling he had heard this name before."Can you ask the CCTV control to send me an image of the person in the lobby?" Martin asked, sounding more like an order.Nodding his head to show he would comply with everything Martin said, the man then stepped out briefly to handle Martin's request.It was quite a while before he finally returned with a tablet he seemed busy working on."Here it is, sir. It seems you recognize this person. If I'm not mistaken, he's the same man you once invited to your home. You remember that, don't
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Chapter 75
Nike, who appeared busy with his work, suddenly had to stop when he received a phone call from someone.The man seemed annoyed, wondering how someone could be calling him at this hour.At first, Nike intended to ignore the call and let it keep ringing.However, even after ignoring it multiple times, the phone kept ringing.With no other choice, Nike finally answered the call."Hello?" Nike asked in a slightly curt tone.[Ha... ha... looks like I'm bothering you. Why work so hard when you get nothing out of it, hm? Come on, friend. You'd better meet me, we'll discuss something more beneficial for you.]The voice on the phone sounded familiar to Nike. He moved the phone away from his ear, and sure enough, Martin's name was displayed.The man threw a lazy glance, really not wanting to deal with someone like Martin."I'm busy. Don't bother me," Nike stated firmly, not caring how the man would respond.[I'm already heading to a cafe... I'll send you the address. I won't take no for an answ
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Chapter 76
Citra seemed unable to sleep that night. She stretched out her hand, feeling around the nightstand right next to her bed.She appeared to be searching for something on the nightstand, and finally found a small rectangular object."It's already 9:30 PM," Citra mumbled as she turned on her phone screen.Whether due to the warm temperature in her room or something else, Citra found it difficult to fall asleep.She tried changing her sleeping position and tried various methods. Repeatedly, she closed her eyes, only to have them open again.Feeling uncomfortable, Citra sat up in her bed."Why can't I sleep? I even took a shower before bed. Why can't I fall asleep now?" Citra muttered, confused with herself.She took a deep breath and then exhaled. She looked around, finding nothing interesting in her surroundings.Citra then pushed aside the blanket covering her body and opened the door to her room's rooftop.She closed her eyes, letting the night breeze touch her skin.Inadvertently, her
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Chapter 77
Citra rode the motorcycle carefully, nearly losing her balance several times. She was used to driving cars, never having ridden a motorcycle like this before.She did all this to find Amel. If not her, then who else?Ethan didn't know when he'd be back, and Citra still didn't know his whereabouts.So, only she could solve this problem. Before Ethan returned and got furious, Citra had to find the girl quickly.She planned to give Amel a stern warning because what Amel did was reckless and dangerous for her.Citra continued through the dark night, feeling scared about being out alone on the motorcycle.Not just because she was worried about her inexperience riding a motorcycle, but also because Citra was concerned about the conditions in the surrounding area.She was afraid of encountering thugs or something similar."Where are you, Amel? Why did you have to sneak out at night like this? Who taught you to do this? Why does an innocent child like you have to be taken advantage of like t
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Chapter 78
The next morning, Citra received a call from the receptionist informing her that there was a package addressed to her. She quickly went down to meet the courier who delivered it.Actually, Citra could have asked for it to be brought up to her room.However, Citra was afraid her room would be discovered by others, considering she was likely still being pursued by her parents. So she decided to pick it up herself."There are two packages, right?" Citra asked the courier as she approached him.The courier checked his items and found there were more than two packages for the woman."Um... sorry, Miss. But there are three packages here for Citra," replied the courier, making Citra furrow her brow.She thought there were only two packages - a gift for Amel and a report on Amel's grades that the girl didn't know about.Both packages were actually surprises from Citra for the girl she considered like her own sister."Okay. Maybe I remembered wrong. Do I sign here?"The courier nodded when Cit
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Chapter 79
On the way to the office, Ethan, who as usual was acting as the driver for himself and Citra, cleared his throat briefly.This of course caught the attention of the woman beside him."Do you need a drink?" Citra asked, more as an offer.She also immediately opened the dashboard in the car, taking out a small bottle of water to give to the man.Ethan shook his head, not intending to signal for water from the woman."Oh... I thought you needed a drink," Citra muttered, returning the water bottle to its original place."Thank you," Ethan said briefly.Hearing this single line that didn't provide any explanation for its meaning made Citra furrow her brow.In his silence, the man apparently didn't realize that Citra was waiting for a continuation of the sentence that might explain his words."For what?" Citra asked, finally getting Ethan's attention.For a moment, the man also felt ambiguous about Citra's words, before finally realizing that the woman was asking for an explanation of Ethan
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Chapter 80
Citra led the man to enter the office with her.Specifically, towards Ethan and Citra's workspace.Several muscular bodyguards were stopped by the security guards at the office, and the entrance gate was tightly closed by the guards as per Citra's orders.The woman still wasn't sure what motives were behind the man being chased like that, and Nike's breathing could be heard panting."Excuse me, Miss, Sir. Here's some water," said the office cleaning service to both of them.Citra, who was nearby, immediately took the glass of water and gave it to Nike, who still seemed to be trying to regain his composure."Take this. Drink it. Maybe you'll feel much better," Citra said, offering the glass to Nike.The man nodded, accepting the glass of water and drinking it until it was almost empty.Nike wiped the wet corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, ignoring the tissue that was clearly in front of him."What's wrong? What actually happened? How did it come to this?" asked Citra as she
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