All Chapters of The Legend Of Lynn Cooper : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
45 chapters
Creating Essence Crystals
After two months inside the cave, Lynn became eight years old in this new world. If he was in his old world, he would be eighteen years old. It was also an important day for him to condense the first essence crystal in his young reincarnated life. The quality of the essence crystals that he was going to create today would directly affect the height that he could climb in his level as a conveyor of essence in the future.He sat quietly in front of the stone house. Two months of harnessing the power of Ether had raised his essence capacity by a whole level, almost equal to what he had gained from the previous four or five years of conveyance.This surprised The Remnant. No wonder the divine archmage said in the book that when harnessing ether here, the lower the essence, the faster the growth rate.Lynn had been able to practice conveyance since the day he came to this world, and he was already very engrossed in it. After two months of hard work, he had become proficient. This level had
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Creating Essence Crystals [II]
Controlling essence outside the body was a hundred times more difficult than inside the body. Especially to control such a huge essence was an extremely difficult task for Lynn who had never used essence before.At this time, Lynn's mental power had been activated to the maximum, and he was constantly controlling the output of his mental power. That meant, he had memories of two lives, and his essence was different from ordinary conveyor of essence. After eight years of continuous meditation, especially in the past two months, and after consuming some magical bugs every day, not only did his physique improve, but his mental strength had also improved while greatly increasing his essence.In the immortal cave, he could only see a vague shadow of his immediate environment by relying on the light of the magical bugs. But with the daily consumption of the silkworms and the increase in his essence, Lynn was now able to reach the level of normal night vision. This has nothing to do with th
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Soul Attributes
This discovery made Lynn look a little puzzled, and he quickly asked. "Remnant, the Ether that I harnessed and converted to essence before was moved into my soul space, so why is there a trace of Essence in my body now, and the essence in my soul spac is completely different?"Remnant said. "Don't be surprised, Child. This Essence is obtained after the first essence crystal has been formed. At that time, you can only harness ether again after forming the second essence crystal. This is why the quality of the first essence crystal determines a person's ifetime conveyance achievement.""Oh, so it is." Lynn couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Strangely but fortunately, he had such an opportunity to make the first essence crystal so great. Otherwise, no matter how hard he work in the future, he wouldn't be able to advance his conveyance level. So, he began to really appreciate the existence of Remnant more in his mind.Feeling the eagerness of Lynn, Remnant reminded him. "Child,
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Soul Attributes [II]
On the second page, he saw that, although the archmage was a light element conveyor, he was not content with the reality that he could only practice healing magic. Just because the world was in chaos and there was no peace in his home country, he was determined to save his country and keep his home at peace.So, after exhausting all his options, he finally developed a light-based attack magic that could increase the attack effect of light elementals. In the end, he would use this to repel the strong enemy and protect the peace of his nation. This book contained a detailed explanation of the light attack magic that he had created in his entire life, changing his status to a divine archmage. He turned back again, and it was the same light-based elemental attack, as well as the notes of effects, precautions, and so on.Lynn turned the pages carefully, his eyes showing amazement and excitement from time to time. Even the remnant was a bit surprised when he saw some explanations of the e
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Time To Leave The Cave
With a cracking sound, he saw the light arrow dragging a long bright white tail flame, and after drawing a beautiful arc in the air, it steadily shot into the stone wall a hundred meters away. Afterwards, the energy dissipated and became invisible. There was only one deep hole left on the stone wall.Lynn was pleasantly surprised to find that the hardness and smoothness of the fired essence arrows were much stronger than ordinary bow and arrow. It was comparable to the power of an Etherbow, and also had a tinge of lighting, albeit short-lived.The remnant nodded his head, greatly satisfied with Lynn's rapid learning efficiency. "Child, that's great. The dual essence attributes, coupled with the attack magic of the light magic, I believe that you're in good hands.""I hope so." "It's just..." The remnant suddenly changed his tone and said. "Well, this kind of attack magic is only one aspect of minor magic. You need to practice more in the future to change this. As for the advanced mag
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Entering The Branch Of The Profound Academy
Lynn's tribe was located in the northeastern part of the mainland. In this region, the landscape was made up of a number of rivers and grasslands. So because of this development, there were very few large-scale forests like the Great Ruins. Only near the coast, because of the mountains, were there more forests.This special environment had caused the human race and the antherions to seldomly operate in the eastern region, so this region was most suitable for animal growth, and it had formed the habitats of many human tribes that depended on hunting.Myria was located in the north of the continent, at the junction of the hot and the cold zones of the continent. The four seasons of the year here were distinct in nature. There were unlimited amount of flowers in spring, fruits in autumn, cool breeze in summer and snow in winter. There were different fun places throughout the year.The city of Myria covered a very large area, with a length and width of more than ten kilometers. It was for
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Entering The Branch Of The Profound Academy [II]
There was a faint sneering voice from the two students behind him. "I mean, just imagine. Look at him. Is the Profound Academy now a place someone like him can just enter?""His filthy appearance alone is enough to disqualify him. He's really a good match for the trashy branch.""Yeah, toads go with frogs, hahaha..."Lynn frowned when he heard this. It wasn't because he was going to argue with those guys, but because he could tell that the branch's image in the minds of these students was not very good. He couldn't help but wonder about his decision to come here.After exiting the east gate of the city, he could see a big mountain a few miles away by the side of the road. When he first came, he was passing through the south gate, so he had no idea what was going on at the east gate.At the foot of the mountain, he saw a not-so-wide flagstone road extending up the mountain, and he could vaguely see a few huts on the hillside. He looked at the landscape before him, and decided that this
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Meeting The Other Students
"Zachar, damn you, you scoundrel!"The young fat boy, who was sitting with his hands on his laps, stuck out his tongue when he heard the words, and said with a smile. "Yara, don't be angry. I was very hungry so I came here to quickly find something to eat before coming back to you. I know you really want to win today, but don't worry, you'll have enough time.""Pfft." Yara sneered before glancing at Lynn. "Are you a new student?" "Oh, let me introduce you." Zachar saw that Yara was looking at Lynn with puzzled eyes, and quickly pulled Lynn to the front to change the topic. "Yara, this is Lynn. He just entered academy today. As you can see, we are iron buddies. If anyone dares to bully him in the future, I will definitely give the person a thorough beating."Lynn was speechless for a while. What kind of students were here? A rude and eccentric one just left, and here was another one. But wasn't all this his fault for coming to the academy late in the first place? This new branch was a
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Baldwin glanced at Lynn and said. "Lynn, after sensing the ripples of your essence crystal today, I believe that your essence power value should be around sixty. Nevertheless, Yara will still do the testing for you when I get back, okay?""Yes, master. Thank you, sir." Lynn agreed, thinking in his heart. So the power value of an egg-sized essence crystal is about sixty. My own essence crystal is also the size of an egg, but since it's black, I don't know how much essence power it'll have."Okay, everyone, it's time for food. After eating, I will go back to my chamber to do some research. Then starting from tomorrow, I will add some theoretical lessons to your studies addition to your physical training. Lynn, since you are joining a bit late, you have to slowly make up for your physical training as from tomorrow." Baldwin ordered."Yes, master." Lynn responded. He wanted to ask Baldwin if it was only him and no other elemental masters in the branch, but saw that everyone had already st
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The Basis Of Conveyance
Do we have to run like this every morning? Lynn thought before joining the running team.Seeing Lynn coming over, Zachar quickly met him halfway and asked. "Lynn, why did you have to get up so early?""Is it that early? Well, I get up every day at the first light of the dawn. I've already formed this habit." Lynn answered, but couldn't help asking. "By the way, didn't the three of you practice magic during the night, and harness ether later in the afternoon? Then why did you come out here at this time?""Hey, Lynn." Zachar couldn't help but smile mysteriously. Then he pointed at Lester, and said. "We are here to watch him. Believe it or not, he always feels sleepy during his morning practice. It was a funny sight to behold."Hearing this, Lester turned around and glared at Zachar, but didn't say anything. He just accelerated and ran forward.While they were talking, they suddenly heard Calder, who was standing by the door of the kitchen, holding his big smoke pipe filled with a small
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