All Chapters of The Legend Of Lynn Cooper : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
22 chapters
The Center Of The Cave
From a distance, Lynn saw what seemed to be a dark shadow at the center of the cave, standing there upright. From the vague outline, he felt that it should be a giant tree. But how could a tree grow in a dark hole? Even if a tree happened to grow there, It couldn't be this big, could it?With the luminescence faint green light, he carefully climbed to the bottom of the cave along the stone wall. While crawling down, he carefully remove the bugs laying on the stone wall. Fortunately, these bugs were just clinging to the stone wall and were not aggressive, otherwise, he would have been assailed from all sides.Coming to the bottom of the cave, it brought another feeling to him. On the stone wall just now, he only felt as if he was standing at the centre of the universe, and there were shining stars all around his body.And now, standing at the bottom of the cave, he couldn't help but think of the night sky in his previous life. There were few such glowing bugs at the bottom of the cave,
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The Underground Chamber
"What have you done?""Hm?" Lynn shuddered in surprise and anxiousness, not because of the discovery just now, but the voice that spoke now was not his. He asked slowly. "The Remnant, is that you?"The voice of The Remnant suddenly came into his mind. "Yes."Lynn was happy. "I was trying to contact you.""Yes, I know." The Remnant replied and let out a mild breath. "Your oath of vengeance is now bound to your soul, and to some extent, mine. If you don't fulfill the oath, your soul will dissipate into nothingness, and you'll find yourself in the hall of Hades.""Huh?""Yes, and your soul will be filled with regrets. So, you'll have to take it seriously from now on. But most importantly, only seek revenge when you're strong enough. It's never too late for a warrior to take revenge, even if it takes longer than necessary.""Yes. I understand, The Remnant. This enemy has thrown down the gauntlet, and when I'm ready, I will have to settle the accounts with him.""It's good you understood.
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The Journal Of Auren, The Archmage
Because the dragonstone was quite large, Lynn had to put it on the ground beside the stone table, and said at the same time. "Remnant, there are two booklets here, let me take them out to see."There was nothing extraordinary about the booklets, they were just the kind of journals or memoirs which could be seen everywhere. On the covers of one of the two books, was the caption "A Gift to The Fated", and the other was labeled "Secrets of Light Magic."Lynn opened the first book, only to see the first page read. "Whoever sees this book is the destined soul."Lynn blinked his eyes and couldn't help but read on. Starting from the second page, there were some notes written by the person who left the book. It read as follows:"I am Auren, the Divine Archmage of the Kingdom of Enders. I'm a light mage, and a good one at that. One day, a dragonstone suddenly appeared in the kingdom, and I was extremely happy. It wasn't just any dragonstone, but that of a golden dragon.Back then, I was a high
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Back To The Ironwood Village
Back at the water pool in the small hole, Lynn took a deep breath and plunged down. After diving for more than twenty meters, the water pool stretched out. There was a bright spot in the distance, which should be the entrance of the cave.After swimming for a time, the bright spot opened up in front of him. Exit was getting nearer, so he continued. He didn't get drowned because of his deep essence he had harnessed.Realizing he was at the bank of the water, he quickly rushed out of the water and took a few breaths of fresh air. The rumbling sound of the waterfall in his ears told him that this was the deep pool under the waterfall.The Remnant's voice sounded again. "Child, I've already used my divine sense to investigate your surroundings. There is no danger around."Lynn thanked his spirit guide and looked up at the high cliff, recalling everything that happened before in this world. His father, mother and sister, all died tragically in the hands of the antherions. Sadly at this tim
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So Long, My Clansmen
Along with other able-bodied clansmen, Lynn gathered the bodies of all the fallen clansmen together in a heap, and cremated the bodies. He was busy throughout the night until the sky was brightly lit by the sun, and all the dead clansmen had been cremated.After doing all this, Lynn did not leave, but waited for a few days instructing the clansmen to pack everything that could be termed as useful.Before long, all the valuables that the tribe had accumulated over the years, such as food, clothing, weapons, and the rest, were piled up at the central square of the village.In the early morning of the fourth day, Lynn gathered the surviving clansmen at the village square. Seeing the mountain-like objects piled up in front of him, he was overwhelmed. "Uncle Callor, all these?""Yes, Lynn. Everything useful is here. The rest were left behind." Callor didn't rest well these days due to the amount of work that he had been doing. The two dark circles under his eyes were evidences of his lack
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Across The Desolate Plains
As the rays of the sun continued to pierce the ground, Lynn stood in a shadow cast by a massive boulder, recovering his strength. He had been running for several hours to evade the dangers of the plain, but the heat of the sun wasn't helping. He knew the blazing afternoon wasn't the best time of the day for a long distance journey on foot, but he couldn't linger around his demolished village. The threat of the antherions still loomed heavily on his mind.After deciding on his need for a small break, he sat on a small stone beside the boulder and opened his satchel. He brought out a piece of roasted rabbit leg, and a urn of deepwater he received from Wynter, his dead uncle.From his vantage point, he could see the outskirts of the Ivory hills, his destination. But considering the dangers of the roads, he knew the journey would take him several weeks to complete. So for now, he had to be extremely careful and conserve his energy as much as he could. If he was to survive.His eyes were d
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The Unknown Cavern
Each of these wolves was far larger than a courser horse. Their grey furs and deep blue eyes were enough for him to know they were antherions, wolves which had been harnessing the power of Ether.The ones to his sides put on a sudden burst of speed that propelled them closer to Lynn. Soon, he could hear them salivating as they closed in on him. At this point, he was tired and worn out, but he continued to run towards a small hill, overlooking a narrow valley to the north.He collapsed against the base of the hill and turned around before using a few seconds to catch his breath. Just a stone throw from him, stood the largest member of the wolf pack. The wolf with its head low to the ground, stayed still, watching Lynn. A deep growl rumbling from its throat. Lynn stopped and drew out the steel sword he took before leaving his clansmen. He'd seen wolves take down prey before, and it wasn't a pretty sight.The huge wolves circled him, pacing and watching, ever drawing closer. They continu
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The Unknown Cavern [II]
Lynn couldn't wrap his head around what he guessed was in the dark shadows. The sound from the creature was like that of a rat, yet not like a rat—indeed not like anything he had ever heard about rodents.Clinging to the statue, he tried to look around. It had aspects of a great rodent in its squeal, and Lynn began to picture a giant rat ready to attack, sending a chill down his spine.Slowly, he began to gain control of his frayed nerves. He recalled the basic lessons he had learned from his father many years ago which proved useful to him in his miserable life.So with urgency, he began climbing with more energy.After another squeal sounded too close to where he was, he stopped climbing and glanced at the dark tunnel behind him. Then he saw the eyes. Two great red orbs stared at him from the darkness. Each seemed as large as a melon. They remained upon Lynn, unblinking, as he clung to the back of the statue. The eyes continued to bore into him, and he felt the cold bile of terror r
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The Magical Silkworm
The huge underground cavity, the incomparably tall and straight pitch-black trees, and the faint blue light that was as bright as the stars, but more numerous than the stars.Although Lynn was standing here for the second time, he was still shocked by its incomparably magnificent and beautiful scene.Coming to the front of the stone chamber, Lynn took out the stone box from his spatial belt and said to The Remnant. "Guardian, its now five days, I want to take out the undergarment and see the effect of the silkworm on it."Afterwards, he took the undergarment out of the spatial storage, and with a flick, there was no moisture left on the undergarment. It was really looking good, Lynn thought. If all clothes have this effect, then washing clothes would be a much easier thing, and one didn't need to dry them.The Remnant then released a trace of divine consciousness. "Good. The effect is really good to see. This undergarment can only resist the attack of third-level attacks before now, b
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Alternate Conveyance
At this moment, Lynn felt uncomfortable as if his whole body was on fire. He kept fanning his body with his clothes."Child, don't panic." The Remnant also felt a surge of energy circulating around in Lynn's body, and said. "Sit down and cross your leg. Now according to your usual conveyance method, slowly guide that energy and the essence of the confluence will run in your body according to the class of your essence attributes, and then digest and fuse it, bit by bit."After listening to The Remnant's instructions, Lynn immediately sat down cross-legged and practiced according to his guardian's words. He needed to hurry up, since it was really hot and uncomfortable. When he worked at a furnace site in his previous life, he had never felt so hot before even working under the sun.The conveyance method taught by The Remnant to Lynn was known as the Immortal Saint. It could absorb the essence power hidden in nature when the day and night timelines alternated in the sky. The time known a
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