All Chapters of The Invincible Ron Benedict: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
29 chapters
Chapter 11: Marrying You Was A Mistake
“It has been tampered with,” Ron clarified when his wife was already looking at him like she wanted him gone from the table.“Are you out of your mind?” Jonas snapped. “Your envy of me knows no bounds, Ron. It has even caused you to stoop so low to accuse me wrongly.”Bella’s eyes widened as she leaned in and whispered harshly, “Stop doing whatever it is you’re doing! I forbid you from angering Jonas anymore.”Ron didn’t lower his voice like his wife did. He glared at the fool, who just tried to drug his wife right in front of him.He folded his arms over his chest. “If you didn’t tamper with it, switch glasses and prove your innocence.”The skin underneath Jonas’s eye twitched in anger. He had been having poor luck all night since Ron arrived and he hadn’t expected the house-husband to be so meddling.Jonas smiled cunningly. Bella would never believe that he was capable of doing such a thing. Ron won’t win this time around.“I will do no such thing!”Bella tapped her husband’s foot u
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Chapter 12: The Invincible Ron Benedict
Ron’s face held no expression as he watched Jonas and his bodyguards flaunt their weapons and warn him of what was coming.“What is the meaning of this, Jonas?”Jonas squinted at his arrogance, trying to read Ron. He had expected him to start peeing his pants by now. “You meddled in my business and messed with the wrong person. That is what this means.”“I don’t see how I meddled by tagging along with my wife to ensure her safety.”“We all know you belong where the cleaning supplies are stashed in Bella’s home. Chivalry is not meant for low lives like you.” Jonas chuckled, raising his hand to stop the bodyguards from attacking. “Beg me to save you, Ron. Kneel at my feet and admit that you’re nothing but a meddling fool.”“I don’t need you to save me.”Jonas was taken aback, his anger fueled. “These men were trained by Master Un himself. They are unbeatable. Do not be stupid—”“I will kneel before you only when the sun rises in the night.” The corner of Ron’s lip turned up as he mocked
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Chapter 13: Nobody Does It Better
Ron came home and checked on Sena before retiring to their bedroom. He saw Bella standing by the fixed window, wearing a black silk nightgown that defined her butt and thin waist. It stopped mid thigh, revealing her shapely fair legs. She sipped a glass of red wine slowly. “You waited up for me?” he unfastened the buttons of his shirt while she still focused on the view outside the window. “We have a lot to talk about, Ron. I wouldn’t have waited for you to get home if it wasn’t for that.” Ron didn’t like her tone. “Look, Bella. I’m sorry about everything that happened at the restaurant. It wasn’t my intention to mess things up for Fashion Factor.” “Why didn’t you tell me that you were so fluent in speaking French?” she turned to him, letting him see the front of her nightwear. The deep v neck made her breasts almost pop out of it. He could see her hard nipples through the thin fabric. She just got this nightwear because he was seeing this for the first time. “Did you
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Chapter 14: Mister Bodyguard
Ron came down early the next morning and busied himself with cleaning the house and cooking. He wanted to make sure there’s a stock of food in the fridge. Today was his day off, according to Ms. Victoria. His work hours during the first week after hiring would be flexible. So he would fix Sena and Bella up now to cope in his absence. He whistled a melody, reaching for the last apple in the fruit bowl on the Island. “Hey! I was just about to eat that, Sena.” She dodged his hand and scurried out of the kitchen with a mischievous smile on her face. Ron sighed, turning the broth on the stove. Bella came down from their bedroom when breakfast was ready and served. She sat at Sena’s side on the table. “I prepared supplements for you so you won’t have to get so exhausted,” Ron said, opening the flask on the table and pouring his wife a glass. “You’re such a dutiful husband, Ron! Everyone will want to be with someone like you.” “I don’t take supplements except ones made and prescribe
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Chapter 15: The Useless Son-in-Law
"Touch her again and I'll make you regret being born." Tyler fell back, holding his broken wrist in agony. His friends surrounded him. The damage looked scary and all their eyes widened at the sight of his hand. "Are you okay?" one of them asked, terrified at the sight of his twisted bones. "Yes, you dimwit!" Tyler swatted his arm away and shouted at the rest of them to get off his neck. "Why are you surrounding me instead of teaching that fool a lesson?!" But the four of them hesitated. They glanced at Ron and at the damage he had done to Tyler's hand and gulped. Tyler just shoved them out of his way and faced Ron again, fuming. "You think I don't know who you are?!" he screamed in his face. Ron just calmly wiped his face with his napkin. "Spit should stay in your filthy mouth, Tyler. Don't forget that next time." Tyler scoffed, eyes bulged and furious because of Ron's arrogance. He had never met anyone like him. His father had many connections in the country for a low
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Chapter 16: Criss-Crossed Boob Tape
"Yes, yes!" Tyler groaned in pain, his skull about to be squashed underneath Ron's boots. "I will delete the video now! I swear on my life—" Ron crouched and roughly held him up by the scruff of his neck. "If I find out that you didn't delete all and eventually, the video you talked about gets leaked, I will hunt you and everything you've ever cared about down." Tyler bobbed his head repeatedly. He was seriously crying and Ron let go of his neck to give him space to make the phone call. His guy on the other end of the line sent screenshots to show that all copies of the video had been deleted. "See. I—I did as you wanted," Tyler stuttered and Ron smiled, patting his hair down. "Yes, good boy." He took out the crumpled placard from his pocket and cancelled the words written on it. Then Ron wrote, "I'm a pervert," handing it over to Tyler. "Broadcast yourself in front of the building's entrance. Remember to raise it high above your head." Ron mock frowned and pulled at the c
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Chapter 17: Vow of Vengeance
Ron blinked a few times as Sena swatted his shoulder again. "I won't tell your sister, okay?" he said. "Good because she won't let me out of the house again. You know how overprotective she is." Ron bobbed his head. "I know and she's right. I don't want you hanging around those boys any longer." Sena fumbled with her fingers. She bent her head, looking guilty. Ron sensed that it was about the video. He didn't want to push her too far, so he waited. "I stole test answers," Sena began after a moment, inhaling because she was too embarrassed to continue. "I kept failing the class assignments and I didn't want to come back for an extra year. So I cheated. Tyler has been blackmailing me for a while now." "You should have told me." Ron brushed away a lock of hair from her face. "Or Bella." "I know," she pouted again, lowering her head. "I was too ashamed of what I had done." "It's alright. You don't have to worry about the video anymore. I made sure Tyler and his friends deleted it. T
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Chapter 18: Shopping For A Hitman
Jonas grinned evily at the paper in his hands, but he immediately touched the side of his face, which still hurt from where Ron had repeatedly slapped him. "Ouch," he moaned in pain, and the man with him in the room had to rush and get an ice pack for his cheek. "Use this." "Thank you, Robert." Jonas held the cold compress against his skin, going through the paper again. "Where did you learn this piece of information?" "It was footage from the black box of Bella Humphrey's car. The couple had been arguing and she mentioned it." Jonas threw his head back and laughed, wincing when his cheek hurt again and pressing the cold compress firmly to his face this time. He bobbed his head. “You've done well. The funds will be wired into your account, but first I need you to find me a hit man." Robert snapped his fingers and quickly reached for his tablet on the center table. Handing it over to his boss, he tapped open the gallery. "There are three trusted options on there curated
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Chapter 19: Thirty Minutes Man
Ron stared in shock at his superior. She was fuming like wildfire. He stood from his seat and held out his hands, stopping her from coming closer. "Ms. Adina, I can explain—" "Is this what I hired you to do?!" she screamed at him, not even allowing him the chance to speak. "You're playing video games while others are working their butts off!" The staff in the office floor left their tasks and started murmuring at the scene playing out. Ron wasn't bothered by it, but he needed the crazy woman in front of him to back off. "That's not what happened," he said. "Because of your unprofessionalism, I will deduct 30% of your salary for two months!" "You can't do that." "Be thankful I didn't fire you just now!" Ms. Adina kissed her teeth and whirled around to leave his cubicle, but Ron cleared his throat sharply and stopped her in her tracks. "Why will you deduct my salary when I've completed all my tasks?" he pocketed his hands while asking. The furious woman looked over he
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Chapter 20: Master of Locks
Ron tripped over something hard and turned on the flashlight of his phone immediately. He cursed under his breath, noticing his dusty palms from where he had caught his fall. The director hadn't even left him any cleaning supplies. Ron scratched his head. He didn't know where to begin. "Stupid shit," he cursed at himself when he remembered that he had thought that the woman brought him here to request for sex. He should have known better. It was three hours remaining until the office would wrap up for the day. There was no way he could clean this entire room before then without any equipment. He turned to the door lock and saw that it was a tricky kind. It couldn't easily be hacked. Bella had made sure to use top notch equipment in setting up her company's headquarters. But Ron was already calculating the mechanics of the door in his mind. The blueprints were in his mind and he analysed it by himself, putting two and two together. "This must have been designed by a genius,
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