All Chapters of The Return of Tyler Redwood : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
159 chapters
Chapter 141
Katerina closed the door to her home softly behind her, creeping into the house as quietly as possible.For one, she wasn't trying to alert anyone that she was back home because it was quite late.A quick glance at her watch revealed the time to be a couple of minutes past one in the morning.With her parents' recent helicopter attitude, it wasn't hard to figure out that they would fly off the handle when they realized that she was coming back home by this time.It wasn't her intention to be back home this late but after she had a mini breakdown in front of Mason, he decided that it was time to let her hair down and let her breathe. They went to a bar not far from the hospital and had several drinks.One drink turned to five, which then turned into twenty as they each tried to drown their sorrows.Fortunately, the bar was open 24 hours so it didn't give them any indication that the time was letting on more than usual.By the time they had realized how far gone it was, they made a mutu
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Chapter 142
Wednesday rolled around quite faster than I would expect and with it…dread.Throughout Monday and Tuesday, Katerina was busy attending interviews and various conferences ... Apparently, so many people saw her survival from kidnapping as a huge source of motivation.After talking about it with her parents, Katerina realized that this might be good for the company and their numbers, already their interest in their markets has gone up by 20%. The more she put a spin on it, the more more people would be interested in knowing what was going on in their life and subsequently, in the company.Of course, the last thing she wanted to do was to go on in public talking about the worst and most harrowing experience of her life, but then again since she was unsure of the state of things between her and Tyler, the company was her family's most successful stream of income and it was up to her to keep the flames burning.However, after two days of talking about it, Katerina wasn't sure this was some
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Chapter 143
The other wasn't a command but more or less like a dare and Katerina couldn't resist but pick up the glass and toss back half of the alcohol in her mouth.The drink was more spicier and concentrated than she expected. Her throat closed up on reflex, making the drink go down the wrong way.She exploded into a coughing fit, lowering her head to cough out the rest into a napkin.The asshole just chuckled, ducking his head to avoid her gaze.At least, he pushed a bottle of water her way which she greedily guzzled down like a starving man.“Damn, maybe I should have warned you that it might be a little spicy,” Giorgio said, his eyes sparkling with mischief.“You think?” She returned curtly.After a couple of minutes, the peppers sensation at the back of her truth calmed a bit and it got a little bit easier for her to talk. “Are you done with the fun and games?”He shrugged. “Depends, interested in playing some more?”Gritting her teeth, Katerina slammed her hands down on the table in anger
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Chapter 144
After dropping the bomb on her, Giorgio decided that it was best she thought about it and left her behind in the restaurant saying he had some loose ends he needed to tie up.Katerina waved her hands for more for the waiter to bring more drinks to her table needing to immerse herself in alcohol so she didn't have to dwell on what she had just heard.“Thank you…” she whispered to the waiter, gratefully accepting the drink. “Please can you get me the check?”While it was tempting to drown her sorrows in drinks, it wouldn't do anything for her since she would still face the same problems when she came out of her hangover.“Oh, you don't need to worry about that. The man you were with earlier covered the tab so you're good to go.”Katarina managed to summon a smile on her face watching the waiter go.At least that was one thing that worked for her.Tossing back the last shot in her mouth, Katerina let the warm trail slide down her throat, heating her from the inside.With that settled she
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Chapter 145
Katerina fiddled with the strap of a handbag before setting it down on the table. “I'm sure that by now you know my grandfather is alive…”“Yeah, I… that much was obvious when I saw him at the clearing that night.”She blew out a nervous breath. “Okay, listen before you even say anything, I had no idea about it. I was pretty much in the dark up until a couple of weeks ago… I'm really sorry.”Tyler was still smiling at her. “It's not your fault. I mean, your family kept a huge secret from you all these years and there's no way you could have known about him, right?”She nods. “Of course.”He sits up a bit. “Now, does what you have to tell me somehow about him in the story?“Well, it turns out that he's actually a mob boss, and the whole reason why he got involved in this kidnapping shit, is because… he wants me to take over.”Tyler's smile melted off his face, the shock obvious. For a man who makes it really hard to know what he's thinking, the fact that he could be this shocked only
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Chapter 146
“Up next, visitor 42… please walk up to the counter!” The warden yelled, his voice echoing over the speaker.Mark sat there, his head bent and his head in handcuffs.There was a bruise forming on his left eye but that was just the smallest of damages done to his body over the past couple of weeks.His torso and down his legs bore signs of the struggles that he had had to experience in the prison.Due to the amount of evidence found at the crime scene when the police arrived, his family couldn't even bail him out as the judge rejected bail.It's tough coming to terms with the realization that he might spend the rest of a very long part of his life stuck in a four-walled building with other guys who wanted to kill him.However, when he thought about it, there is nothing that would change with spending time with Katerina or kidnapping her.All he wished was that he was smarter on how to hide proof, so he didn't come back to bite him in the ass.“Mr Mark Kincaid, you're up!” The warden sh
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Chapter 147
The longer we kissed, the more intense it grew and before she was tempted to do something crazy, like tear off Tyler's hospital gown, Katerina moved back breathing heavily.“Wow, that was something….” She gasped, licking her lips as if to conserve the taste of his lips.Tyler shifted back from her, his eyes moving around the room trying to land on anywhere but her.The atmosphere changed from charged up and electric to awkward and tense. Katerina didn't know what to do, feeling out of sorts. She thought that Tyler was into what they just did but maybe he wasn't…She reached for her bag, jumping out of her chair. “I think I should go-get going… I'll come s-see you later…?” Her tone made it sound like a question rather than a statement.Tyler didn't say anything which was her cue to get out of there but just as her hand touched the door, his voice boomed throughout the room. “Um, Katerina…?”She turned, albeit grudgingly. “Yeah?”“That was great.” He fought with the blanket. “Maybe you
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Chapter 148
Moira's face bore her surprise even though she immediately tried to conceal it quickly. “Oh, wow ….” She cleared her throat, shifting about on the seat.It was clear that Katerina's reveal shocked her and for a moment she didn't know what to do with it. “I thought you knew who I was…seeing as my mom stopped by to see you.” Katerina arched a brow, her tone a tad chill.“Actually, your mother didn't come to see me… she came to see my assistant because unfortunately, I was not on the seat that day so yeah!” She let out a surprised sound. “I am surprised yes, but don't you worry… confidentiality and being discreet is one of the major things that we excel at so be rest assured that you're identity is safe with me.”Katerina attempted to smile, folding her sunglasses in her hands nervously as she thought about what to say next. “So can you remind me how this works again? I've never been in therapy or seen a shrink before so…”Moira beaned, happy to be on a much safer path, talking about he
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Chapter 149
“Don't you think this looks a little bit too serious just for heading outside?” Katerina heard Tyler asking someone just as she walked into the room.The first thing she spotted was a petite-looking brunette with a great figure, standing overly close to Tyler.“The press are going to be taking your pictures so don't even worry about it! You need to look good, strong and masculine!” she giggled, brushing a hand down his chest.Katerina stepped fully into the room, clearing her throat loudly on purpose so they could be aware that she was present. “Oh, hey Katerina! I didn't see you there.”“I'm sure you wouldn't.” She said, her lips inching up in a stiff smile as her eyes were focused on the other lady.Tyler picked up on the slight tension between them and he went out of his way to introduce them. “Katerina, please meet my assistant and the person who is temporarily taking over from me at the company, Grace Monroe!”Katerina stepped forward with her hand stretched. “Oh, hi Grace. It's
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Chapter 150
It took a couple of minutes for the chaos to die down and for things to clear up, giving people the chance to escape.Katerina could hear a lot of screaming, shouting, and crying for help. The sound was so discordant that she didn't even know where to look.As she was struggling to get her bearings, it occurred to her that she heard a gunshot out a couple of minutes ago. Or was it an hour?She couldn't tell.Time seems to fly by so fast.Raising her head to clear the reverberation of sound that was echoing in her ear which formed as a result of the distortion of the gunshot, she blinked rapidly.It was all coming back to her now. Prior to the minute everywhere got disrupted, they were heading out, and Mason and her were leading Tyler out of the hospital which reminds her…“Tyler? Mason?” she staggered up to her feet, spinning around in a circle.Her brain was scrambled and it was taking a hot second for it to come back up.“Tyler…where the hell are you guys?!” She grunted, pushing he
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