All Chapters of The Return of Tyler Redwood : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
159 chapters
Chapter 131
“Help!! Someone, help me! Please…” Katerina screamed, pumping at his chest like her life depended on it.Already, Tyler's chest had stopped moving and he was lying so still that it scared her.The fear that she would never get to see him move, smile or even piss her off anymore brought some kind of sadness that she couldn't even comprehend to her heart.In reality, it might have taken a couple of seconds or a minute for someone to get to her and help Tyler but to Katerina, it felt like an eternity passed.The big, burly brooding guy from before walked up to her, gently pushing her aside. “Hold on, ma'am. I need to check his vitals.”Katerina was reluctant to move but then again, she knew that there was nothing she could do to help him if she continued hogging up space so she grudgingly moved side. “Is he going to be okay?” He spared her a glance before focusing on Tyler once more. “I don't know, I'll have to check first.”She remembered then that Tyler had called him Heinze earlier.
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Chapter 132
Katerina jumped down from the SUV chasing after Giorgio.His long legs ate up distance which meant she couldn't catch up with him, which turned out to be a good thing.“Hello, sir.” A stern-looking lady in black combat gear stopped Giorgio from taking one more step. “Your name?”“Fabrio Luka.” Giorgio smoothly said, offering the fake name up like it was actually his.Katerina's mouth dropped in disbelief.The cop lady didn't look fazed, pulling out a small notebook from her back pocket to document his name. “My name is Detective Grace Mallory and I'm the office in charge of the missing person's case, Katerina Petrova. Someone tipped us off that there was an attempted rescue by one of our officers, so I am obligated to ask everyone here who they are and why they're here.”Katerina gasped, fucking behind a tree so the woman didn't see her.What the hell?“Right, I'm Katerina's uncle, and that's why I'm here. You see my son knows Mark Dunkle, the commissioner of police and he roped me in
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Chapter 133
For the first two days, staying at home felt like heaven mom kept popping her acting like she was gone for like three years, instead of two weeks.But on the third day, reality began to dawn and Katerina knew that there were certain things she couldn't put off any longer.Like for one, visiting Tyler.Another one was confronting Dad and Giorgio, asking them to explain what the fuck was going on.And lastly, it was facing this whole trauma thing.Just the other day, she woke up drenched in sweat and ready to attack.It was on the third punch that she realized that there was no one there and she was alone.Or was it how she triple-locked everything, including the bathroom?Keeping this hidden would either drive her crazy or get someone killed.Groaning, Katerina buried her face in her palm, shoving what happened down into some box that she didn't dare open.Flinging back the cover in agitation, Katerina ran down the stairs to the main kitchen where Mom was making pancakes.“Hey, honey!”
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Chapter 134
Katerina's mouth dropped like a pendulum and for a minute, she simply stared at her father trying to understand what he said… maybe it was a bad joke or prank but she couldn't find any traces of laughter in his face. “Wait, do you actually believe this shit? I mean a mob star, is that really the best you could come up with?” She asked with a disbelieving scoff.Dylan closed his eyes briefly in sadness. “Katerina, I am not lying to you, okay? You asked for the truth and here it is!”She waited for a couple of minutes to see if he would retract his statement but he didn't, holding her gaze.Fuck this!Bursting into laughter, she shook her head at her father wondering why she even came out here in the first place, believing that he would be honest with her for the first time in his life. “I don't know but made me trust you or even believe anything that will come out of your mouth… but this is it, I'm not taking another fucking lie, Dad!” she pushed her chair back angrily, grabbing her pu
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Chapter 135
After our little confrontation when she didn't answer Dylan, Katerina practically ran out of the car and into the house, disappearing into her bedroom for the rest of the day, only retreating back downstairs for dinner and then back to her room.Dad has been trying to get her to talk to him but the thing is, she was tired of talking all the damn time. She just wanted some peace and quiet for now.The next day, she rolled out of bed with an objective in mind, tired of sitting and lazing around waiting for people to do something.Technically under the eyes of the law, she was still legally married to Tyler thereby, making her his wife and as his wife, she had the right to visit him at the hospital.Tyler was the only person that got her and barely lied to her and right now, she just wanted some of that familiarity.“Where are you going to?” Mom asked when she came running down the stairs.Esther was always dressed up in an impeccable outfit, her hairstyle nearly made and the latest dia
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Chapter 136
“Oh, wow I didn't realize that it was you, madam!” The nurse lady said, her tone going up a notch. “Please follow me.”Her attitude did a real 360 as she ushered Katerina toward a small office. “I apologize in advance, it's just that everybody knows that you're his wife but you still have to feel some forms in case, you know… we need it.”“All right, cool. Just point me to where I'm supposed to sign.” Katerina passed on a smile.The nurse brought out a stack of documents, pointing at each section where she was supposed to sign but as time went on, Katerina grew uncomfortable because the longer her hoodie was down the more the stares increased, graduating to people murmuring as they passed by.She tried to not let it get to her but some of the conversation floated up to her ears.“Oh, my god! Isn't it that woman that just got kidnapped or something? What is she doing here?” A blond lady passing with her friend whispered way too loudly, making a fake attempt not to stare. “I think her
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Chapter 137
Katerina looked at the other man before her, not knowing what to say.If his last name was Redwood, then it would make sense why he was here, after all, he had the same surname as Tyler meaning that they were somehow related.What just confused her was the fact that Tyler never mentioned having a relative, if anything he went out of his way to prove that he was a one-man army.The nurse gave him a piece of paper, instructing him to sign somewhere. Katerina craned her neck to get a better view of what it was, but she was too far away to get anything other than a quick scribble.When Mason was done, he handed the paper back to the nurse who was about to leave but Katerina stopped her, getting in her way. “I'm sorry but what are those forms for?” “Oh, these are for the” The lady stopped realizing that she was speaking to a total stranger, and turned back to Mason. “I'm sorry, who are you?”This damn hoodie!Katerina sighed, flipping off her hoodie to reveal her face but then the nurse's
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Chapter 138
Her heart skipped a beat leaping into her throat. Katerina stilled, staring at his hand to see if it would move again.It didn't.Thinking it was a fluke, she leaned forward only for his hand to twitch again, nearly scaring the life out of her.Suddenly, Tyler's eyes flew open, disoriented for a couple of seconds before they focused on her, sharpening. “Hey, Kate-”His body jerked, his hand slipping from hers and suddenly the machines started to go crazy.Katerina didn't know what to do, not sure when a scream tore out of her chest and she staggered out of the chair, running for the door.“Help! Somebody please help him!” She screamed at the top of her lungs, gathering the attention of some orderlies and nurses who were hanging around.They rushed into Tyler's room, their hands hovering over his body.One of them yelled, “Go get Dr Jackson, now!!”Everything seemed to be happening all at once, the sounds of the monitors rapidly beeping, the nurses racing around and talking over one an
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Chapter 139
“Oh, hey! Mom, what are you doing here?” Katerina said, awkwardly hanging her hands by her side.Unfortunately, that just sent Esther into a rant. “You didn't call me and I've been calling you ever since! Thank God for the hospital, they called me to let me know what was going on but I was so worried, Katie…”She squinted, sucking in a deep breath to calm down. “Yeah, but you still didn't need to come. I'm an adult and I can take care of myself, I don't need you running around, trying to help me.”“Forgive me for trying to be a concerned parent and make sure you're okay!” Esther said, her voice laced with a tinge of irritation.During our little ‘banter’, Katerina had forgotten that Mason was still standing there, looking very uncomfortable and eager to leave until he cleared his throat. “Um, I'm so sorry to interrupt this session but I think I have something to do…” he trailed, his eyes bouncing between them.Esther swallowed, her face reddening when she realized that there was a st
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Chapter 140
On getting to Tyler's room, Katerina noticed that it was empty, clear of all the doctors and nurses that flooded it earlier.As the nurse was about to leave, Katerina stopped her. “Uh, sorry…but where is everyone?”She turned around to face Katerina. “They've left to attend to other patients, ma'am.”Katerina blinked. “Yeah, I know that. I just mean…” she trailed off, waving her hands towards Tyler's still body. “What about him? How's he doing?”The nurse's eyes darted between her and Tyler, her mouth opening as if she wanted to say something before closing. “All I can tell you is that he's stable for now, the doctor will come by to give you more information.”“Oh, thank you….” The door slammed closed before she could even get all the words out of her mouth.Blowing out a breath, she walked towards Tyler's bed, her shoes not making a sound on the linoleum.Already, her hands were turning clammy and slightly damp with perspiration, which was odd. When she was about two feet away from
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