All Chapters of The Return of Tyler Redwood : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
159 chapters
Chapter 121
Mark looked up from the laptop when the door swung open to reveal the security guard he had sent outside a couple of minutes ago.He slammed the laptop closed, straightening to his full height. “What'd you find? Are they outside?”The guard nods once. “Yes, sir! Just like you said but they're positioned about fifty yards from the main gate.”“Hmmm…” Mark digested the information, rubbing his beard. “What else? Are they playing something or what?”“I don't…know, sir. We didn't see much because we didn't want to draw too much attention to ourselves and-”“Enough!” Mark barked, tired of hearing excuses all the time. He turned his back on the man, which should have been the cue for the guard to leave as he was about to open his laptop but the man still waited.Cursing under his breath, he whirled about. “What the hell are you still doing here? Get out!!” He yelled, startling the man into action.It wasn't until he heard the door slam closed behind him, satisfied that he was alone that he
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Chapter 122
Everything was set in place and according to the plan, Tyler would be the one to go first.Once they got a signal from him they would storm in, but first, he needed to go in and case the area.His heart was pounding so fast, like a drum as he stood mere ten feet away from the warehouse.That anxious feeling of knowing everything could go wrong in less than a minute didn't make him calm.He couldn't shake it off despite having the assurance of his men and Giorgio's behind. David's intel was accurate because Tyler could spot Mark's car and a couple of other cars around the building but even at that it felt like something was missing.Sucking in a deep breath and letting it go harshly, Tyler ducked his head, pushing the cap around his face lower to shield his face from anyone as he ran towards the building.Using the schematic he'd stared at for the better part of an hour, Tyler tried to recall some things.Spotting the small window at the far part of the house, he ran towards it at the
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Chapter 123
“Tyler, can you hear me?” Giorgio was busy yelling in his ear but due to the sudden new faces, Tyler had to keep mute.Luckily, that was enough for them to know that something was wrong.Thankfully prior to that time, Tyler had issued strict instructions saying that if 10 minutes passed without them hearing from him, that was a free pass for them to barge into the warehouse.“Aren't you going to say anything or has cat got your tongue?”Tyler's face remained stoic. “I don't have anything to say other than…where is Katerina?”“She's safe, sleeping somewhere you can't find her,” Mark said smugly.Tyler noticed his peculiar choice of words, cocking his head to the side. “What do you mean?” It was a weak attempt at distracting Mark but he caught on.“Don't move!” Mark barked out. “And put your hands where I can fucking see them!” he ordered sternly, making a signal so one of his men took a step towards Tyler, holding his gun up as a sign of force.“Fine, fine. I'll do as you ask…just don'
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Chapter 124
Tyler walked forward carefully making sure his gun was leveled at Mark's face, so if the son of a bitch tried to make a shady move, the next thing his face would be plastered up against the wall. “Where the hell is Katerina?” Tyler asked.“Now, since you're the Mister bad guy, why don't you figure it out?” Mark arched a brow. Tyler flipped off the safety on his gun. “I'm not joking with you, Mark. I will blow you to smithers if you don't tell me where she is.”Mark's eyes hardened. “Go on then, do it” he dared. “Maybe then you'll find out where she is.” he let out a mock gasp. “Oh, wait…you can't! I'm the only one who knows where she is!” He let out a maniacal laughter, pissing Tyler off.This fool actually thought he was messing around.“Tyler, where are you? We need to find Katerina.” Giorgio's voice came through the earpiece but Tyler ignored him.Squeezing the trigger when he was certain his aim was correct, Tyler fired off a shot at Mark's knee.Mark let out a startled squeal, s
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Chapter 125
A couple of hours earlier….“Hey, get up!” There was a loud banging on the front door of her cell, waking Katerina from her deep sleep.She started, prying her eyes wide open. “What are you…”Before she even had the chance to comprehend what was going on, she heard a loud screech as they jerked the door wide open, and three bulky, heavy-looking mean guys stormed into her cell with handcuffs.“Stand up!” One with dreads barked at her like she was a dog, taking a menacing step towards her.Instantly, she raced up from her bed hugging the wall.Fuck, the weapon that she had crudely made was hidden behind those guys and there was no way she could get to it on time without them catching her.Her eyes darted over at the open doorway, wishing that she could somehow run past them and get to freedom but no such thing.“Don't even think about it!” He growled, flexing his fists and muscles.Saying that is just like telling a fish not to swim.Gritting her teeth, Katerina muttered a prayer under
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Chapter 126
The guy was surprised, his eyes bulging as the makeshift whip circled his throat, squeezing it. He started to choke, banging his hands on the back door of the van, trying to get help from his colleague. “Wa…wait, ple…please…”Katerina jumped down, aware that time was of the essence, and started to wrap her arms around him to finish what she'd started.She had never killed anyone before but she wasn't thinking about that now, her survival instinct running wild, plus the adrenaline pumping in and out of her body could be a little intoxicating.Just as the guy was growing lax in her hands, his trashing reducing as his eyes fluttered shut and slowly gave up the fight…the driver jumped on her back the force of his weight sending her crashing to the floor.Due to the divider that separated her from the other guys she never noticed how big he was and now being faced with him, she doubted that she would be able to beat him or even make it out of this alive, judging by the rage in his eyes.“
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Chapter 127
“You're gonna have to shoot me before I lower my weapon!” Katerina called out bravely, despite her heart beating like a drum.Analyzing the situation, she knew that it wasn't going to benefit her but after everything that she's been through, she made up her mind to either fight till her death or go down swinging.The fear of them breaking her spirit scared her more than actually dying.The other guy- presumably the one that barked at her- took a step further, leveling his gun at her chest.Katerina steadied her weapon, sucking in a quivering breath.Strangely, she wasn't so scared of the unknown.They both stood a couple of feet apart, the tension racketeering up a notch as each person waited for the other to strike.A single bead of sweat rolled down Katerina's face but even the effort to wipe it off seemed too much to ask for.“Okay, then. So be it.” The guy chuckled, flipping off the safety and-“Stand down, Duke.” A manly voice boomed out, startling Katerina's closed eyes.She rai
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Chapter 128
“Where are you taking me to?” Katerina asked after they'd been walking for a while.The new guy that just came in introduced himself to her as Lucas, Luke for short. “To the main site.”“Wait, um... isn't that like back to where I'm coming from?”Lucas sensed the drag in her tone. “Well, yes it is but there's someone there that I think you are going to want to meet.”For some reason, her chest was filled with dread. “Unless that someone is my husband, I don't think I will want to meet anybody.” “Sure you will!” Luke chirped. “He's the one who told us to rescue you.”For the life of her, Katerina couldn't envision anybody taking out their time to come rescue her… which meant one of two things, either this guy had no good intention to come get her or it was someone close to her.Katerina hesitated, thinking of the only person who would be that crazy and daring to do that.Mark.That asshole kidnapped her and kept her held in a dungeon for a while simply because he couldn't stand the th
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Chapter 129
Katerina blinked once, twice, and then for the third time not sure what her eyes were seeing.Was that?“Holy shit, Katerina! It is you!” Tyler screamed, racing through the open field to carry her into his arms.When she felt his arms wrap around her, that really cemented the doubts that she felt. Shock waves ran through her body but she made sure not to dwell on it, hugging him tightly.So tight, that she feared broke a few bones in the process. Overwhelmed with joy, she nearly bowled over moving back to catch a glimpse of him. “Tyler!”Her hands moved all over his face and to her shock, a tear dropped out of her eyes rolling down her cheek. “Hey, hey, hey. Don't cry, it's okay, I'm here now.” He soothed her, hugging her once again.Even though she was tired and hungry and probably smelling like blood and stale sweat, she held on to him as tight as possible, afraid that if she let go, it'd turn out to be a dream.As they broke off the hug for the second time, each person's eyes eati
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Chapter 130
There must be something in the air because it seemed like she was surrounded by bad luck. The moment Katerina stepped out of the van, she was blown off her feet by another explosion that was quite close to her.It took her several feet in the air, tossing her against a nearby tree. She fell with a huff, rolling around on the ground. There was a loud buzzing in her ears, either from the proximity to the blast or from the fall down several feet…she wasn't sure.Raising her head up, the outline of the clearing was blurry and things began to feel very dizzy.Her kids drooped and suddenly, the soft patch of earth that she was laying on seemed so soft that she involuntary closed her eyes.She must have passed out because the next thing she knew, Katerina was waking up to the sound of gunfire.And they sounded scarily close to where she was.Her survival instinct kicked in, and she jumped to her feet, her eyes scanning her environment.What she saw made her eyes widen in shock.The entire c
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