All Chapters of The Return of Tyler Redwood : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
159 chapters
Chapter 111
The ringing of the phone pierced the air, waking Giorgio from his slumber. He hurriedly picked up the phone. "Hello?" His voice was hoarse from sleep. "We have a big problem," Heinze spoke over the line, his voice was tense and urgent. "Get out of bed right now. I'm on my way.""What? What's happened?" Giorgio's brows furrowed, his voice sounding sharper as the grogginess cleared but Heinze had already ended the call. Giorgio jumped out of bed, his eyes were still bloodshot. He dressed quickly, pulling on some clothes."Darling, what's the matter?" A soft voice came from behind him, a blonde head peeked out from underneath the bedcovers. Giorgio's face softened imperceptibly, "Something came up, they're coming to brief me." He walked to the side of the bed and leaned in, pecking her on the cheek. "Get some sleep, I'll be back soon." She was his wife, Elizabeth. Elizabeth nodded her head slowly, her eyes were heavy with sleep, "Don't stay out too long." she muttered before retreat
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Chapter 112
Heinze led the way while Giorgio drove, but the more Giorgio drove the more his frown deepened as Heinze led them further and further into the slum areas. "Where are you leading us too? Didn't you say we were going to get your daughter first?" Giorgio asked as he turned another corner, his eyes flashing with a gleam of suspicion.Heinze just hummed softly under his breath, his scarred face partially covered by the hoodie he wore. He didn't answer Giorgio's question. "Okay, I think that's enough." Giorgio stepped on the brakes, stopping in the middle of a street. "Where the hell are you taking me to? What's your plan?" Giorgio turned and demanded, his face slick with sweat. Heinze only turned his head to spare a glance. "Just drive.” he leaned back into his seat, unbothered by Giorgio's outburst. He pushed his hands into the pocket of his hoodie and stared straight ahead. Giorgio's eyes flashed. “Fucking asshole." he cursed, curling his hands to tug at Heinze's hoodie, bringing him
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Chapter 113
Present Day….Giorgio sat silently in the study, his eyes were dull as he stared at the ceiling, lost in thought. The door suddenly opened, snapping him out of his thoughts. Heinze appeared before him, his dark brooding eyes stared at him. "Have you found out who it was?" Giorgio asked, his face turning stern.Heinze nodded, his face grave. “Yes, but you're not going to like it." "Who's behind this?" Giorgio got to his feet, his eyes flashing dangerously. Heinze sighed, "It's the Blackbirds, sir." his eyes were layered with conflict. "My info says one of their agents was spotted in Katerina's vicinity, and there's no one else that'll have it out for them, so it must've been them." Giorgio fell silent, his eyes looked complicated.The Blackbirds were one of the most terrifying groups to have existed till now. Giorgio scoffed, his face becoming cold. "Years ago you needed to stage an accident to make them think we'd died," Giorgio stared Heinze in the eye. "This time though, no mor
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Chapter 114
The roads and streets were busy, people all over the place.New York was an active hub of activities, there was always some activity, a concert or party happening or someone getting shot or killed. But the entrance of Giorgio's convoy shattered the once bustling scene, passersby stopping to look while others had their cameras and phone ready to capture the scene, thinking it was some sort of celebrity or an important member of the government.There were about seven expensive cars in the convoy including the latest edition Range Rovers, a high-end limo, and even a Bugatti was spotted as well. The commotion spread out with flocks of people following behind the convoy taking pictures and videos. The media space blew up with everyone talking and wondering which hotshot was in town as even the Governor or State police commissioner couldn't be escorted by such an extravagant convoy. The buzz further intensified when it was found that the convoy was heading to Greystate Conglomerate.It
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Chapter 115
Katerina burst into a run, her eyes were wide with fright.Her legs pounded furiously on the floor as she darted towards the broken wall. Sounds of running footsteps came from behind her but she didn't look back. She was too busy trying to run for her life to check behind her."Where do you think you're going?" Someone suddenly appeared before her, obstructing her part. Katerina screamed in fright, as she stared into the cold wicked gaze of Mark. He took two steps forward, his eyes glinting with cold, evil intentions, "You thought you could just escape? When I've not had my fun with you?" Katerina gasped, her face paling with shock.She stumbled back, retreating away from Mark but she was too slow and a pair of hands grasped around her. "I told you not to escape, didn't I?" Andre's cold voice echoed in her ear as Katerina shivered uncontrollably. "What do you want from me? I didn't do anything to you, did I? Just let me go!" Katerina sobbed as she spoke to Andre, her face was stain
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Chapter 116
The convoy drove past the huge towering gates to the estate.Dylan sat in one of the cars and beside him were Mark and two other officers.After much back and forth, they insisted on tagging along with him, for purely security purposes.Immediately Dylan agreed to move with them and they set off on the road, he was stunned to find that two helicopters had been deployed to escort them, as well as a full van of heavily armed soldiers that went ahead of them, clearing the road for easy passage.These series of actions had left Dylan and Mark deeply shocked, Mark especially. Several questions were running around in his mind, wondering just who this person was that was so important to have commanded such security and more importantly who was Dylan to him?In a city the size of New York, clearing the roads was easier said than done.Mark had insisted on accompanying him back to the estate, at the very least to satisfy his curiosity and find out who was behind such a stir.Dylan's eyes flas
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Chapter 117
Tyler's face was as dark as an impending storm cloud as he walked out of the club, his lips set in a grim line. Jackson was nowhere to be found, he'd probably gone to get the men ready for the op. Tyler sighed, breathing out slowly, his face was grim. Whatever he and Leona had discussed definitely hadn't ended well. Tyler got into his car and drove back home and he turned on the radio, hoping to drown out his thoughts with some music. His eyes narrowed as he listened to news reports about a very extravagant convoy that'd taken Mr. Dylan Petrova, the CEO of Greystate Conglomerate back to his home. Tyler's eyes narrowed, it seemed Katerina wasn't missed at home if her father even had the time to organize some elaborate get-together.The news only made his frown deepen.He'd just gotten home when his cell phone rang.It was Jackson. "Hello? Tyler?" Jackson's voice sounded strained and Tyler could hear some faint sounds in the background. "Yeah, how long until you get ready on your
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Chapter 118
Seeing the road that he took made Tyler's face change slightly, but he quickly morphed his expression, deciding to observe more before taking any action. At another part of town, multiple black sedans were driving at quick speed, watching from a bird's eye view they were all slowly converging on one target like a giant fishnet, their target was an old abandoned warehouse area.Giorgio's face was drawn and stern as Dylan and Mark sat facing him, the air was thick with tension. Giorgio had ordered Mark to mobilize as many officers as he could, they were to converge on the warehouse in a pincer formation.Giorgio didn't want any survivors and no loopholes. A clean, cut entrance in and out with minimal damage.The best thing would be to avoid being on the news as Giorgio wants to keep his return on the low.Dylan sat quietly but if you looked closely at his eyes, one would find a twinge of pride in his eyes, his father had caused all this commotion upon his arrival. Everyone had deferre
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Chapter 119
Tyler's face changed at that moment. "The Italian cobbler, it's you!" Tyler's expression turned ugly and he rushed towards Giorgio, his hands curled into fists ready to pound the life out of him. But Agent Five and Heinze were there, with some very quick moments they had Tyler on the ground, planting him face down on the ground before he could even get within feet of Giorgio, his body shuddered from the blows he'd received. Tyler was relentless though, shoving down the shock he'd initially felt at finding out that the man he so clearly gated and despised was alive and well, living a luxurious life at that, cruising around after he'd killed Tyler's parents.Channeling all that anger and fury, he wiped the blood from his lips and even then stared at Giorgio with murderous eyes. "I'll kill you, even if it's the last thing I do, I swear to God, I'll fucking kill you!"Dylan and Mark were shocked at Tyler's sudden outbursts.The air was thick with tension and suspense, everybody was sudd
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Chapter 120
Tyler stood, his feet planted firmly on the ground currently in a face-off with Giorgio.Every instinct in his body was urging him to attack Giorgio and kill him, however, Dylan was stopping that desire from coming to pass.As much as he wanted to eradicate the waste of space in front of him and rush into the warehouse to release Katerina, he also didn't want to kill any more relative of hers, having her hate him more than she currently did.Flipping his wrist, he signaled to allow his back down, equally shielding the knife he had slipped out of his boots. “What do you propose, Dylan?”He might not respect Dylan but he had to acknowledge the fact that she was Katerina's father and no matter what she would always love him.Dylan ignored him, walking over to where Giorgio stood and whispered in his ears.From his position, Tyler couldn't hear what was being said but he readied his weapons just in case.Tyler wasn't sure how Heinze caught a glimpse of the knife but the man took a step fo
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