All Chapters of The Return of Tyler Redwood : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
159 chapters
Chapter 101
Requesting a meeting with Mark was one of the easiest things Tyler had ever done.For one, Mark was quite interested in the cryptic remarks he'd made about Katerina and the company.They were currently parked outside the company, with Jackson fidgeting in the passenger's seat. Tyler was preparing to leave since it would be odd to sit in the car for a long time, but first, he had to make sure that Jackson was in shape. “Are you okay, man?.”Jackson looked up. “I'm fine, it's just I'm worried that this might not go well.”For a private investigator, Jackson was quite worried. “It'll be fine. Just do your job, case the area, and listen to any funny news that you might hear. I'll distract Mark for as long as I can.”With those parting words, Tyler got out of the car heading towards the security post. “Hello, I'm here to see Mr Kincaid.” He said with a bit smile. “He's expecting me.”The security guard looked him up and down, scrutinizing him thoroughly before reaching forward to check his
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Chapter 102
David was in too much pain to have heard what they said and he refused, trying to run away from them but Tyler was faster, moving even through the pain. “Where the fuck do you think you're going to? I asked you a question man!!” He spat out, gripping David's ankle and twisting it until the man let out a grunt of pain.Skylar knelt down, making sure that David and he were well on the same level. “Where is Miss Katerina? Last chance Dave.”Once David heard Katarina's name, his eyes widened and he looked between Tyler and Skylar knowing that they meant business. “If I…. if I tell you the truth, do you promise to let me go?” He stammered.Skylar exchanged a glance with Tyler, thinking about the answer.Tyler spoke up first. “If you give us something concrete, then yes, we will let you go.”David nods, licking his dry lips. “Okay, look. First of all, I didn't know what they were into… you know?”“I'm just supposed to believe that you went along with them, not asking any questions?” Tyler sn
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Chapter 103
Fuck this!David cursed under his breath as he examined his face and torso in the bathroom mirror.Damn, those guys got him good.He should have jumped from the first moment he saw them but he had deluded himself into believing that they were commoners.His phone buzzed on the counter. A glance at it revealed it to be Mark's right-hand guy, Jake.Ignoring it, David tried to focus, thinking of what to do.On one hand, he's never seen those guys and isn't sure what they're capable of.If they knew his address, then most likely, they knew about his family.But then again, so did Mark, and if Mark found out that he was affiliating with people who wanted Katerina back, he had no qualms about wiping them off the face of the Earth.Moreover, his loyalty was to Mark. No matter how scared he might have been with two guys barging into his home, Mark was the one who picked him up and gave him a job, one that kept him off the streets.His phone buzzes again as if to remind him who he worked for.
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Chapter 104
“Again!” Tyler's fitness instructor, Sam ordered, urging him on.Focusing all his rage and energy into the next punch, he directed it at the punching bag in front of him watching it go back from the force that he used. “Good enough?” Tyler panted, rolling his knuckles.Sam didn't respond at first, glancing at his wristwatch before nodding. “Yeah, that was a great throw but I reckon that I can make you better.”Already, his shoulder blades were hurting. “How?”“You need to put in the work, I noticed that lately you've been distracted. You need to put that into this and get back in shape after all that's why you're paying me, isn't it?”Tyler sniffed. “Yes.”“Great.” Sam patted him on the back. “As long as we are on the same page then. I think you need to run in more practices, at least extend this for 30 minutes.”“Uh-huh…” Tyler bent down to drink water when he spotted his phone buzzing from his gym bag.Distracted, he picked it up watching the message that flashed across the screen.
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Chapter 105
Tyler's eyes narrowed as he headed towards the car, his mind felt heavy and like a big burden. His hands tapped his phone hurriedly, and Tyler felt worried. David's text was like a giant sword hanging above his neck, spurring him into action. Tyler hurriedly dialed Jackson's number, "Jackson we have a problem," Tyler yelled, he hurriedly opened the car before sliding behind the wheel. "What happened? Are there any new developments?" Jackson's voice was urgent. Tyler quickly explained everything to him, while also reading out David's note. His hands holding the cell phone trembled, evidence of the tension he felt. "What do you mean she's being moved?" Jackson asked his voice holding traces of confusion that mirrored mine."It's David, he sent this text. He must've just found out," Tyler replied tensely, his eyes staring out the window, lost in thought."We need to head over there, now," Jackson said. "Or it could be a trap to lure us in," Tyler added his voice betraying how tense
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Chapter 106
"What are we doing here?" Tyler asked, wanting to know. "We're here to meet someone and she's not the type of someone you see easily," Jackson replied, he gazed pointedly at a man who stood in front of a metal door. Tyler shook his head, "I'm sorry I don't follow…” "It's…" Jackson was about to speak when the man approached us. His eyes were hidden under his dark sunshades. "Madam Leona will see you now," the man spoke to Jackson. He turned and left, leading the way.Jackson and Tyler exchanged a glance before standing up to follow behind him. As they walked past the iron door and into a corridor, they descended, going down a flight of stairs. They soon got to a metal gate which they searched thoroughly before being allowed to pass through. This was the base of operations for the illegal dealings of Bensons and Gray. The club was merely a front to attract potential customers who would want things aside from what was on the menu. As they were about to enter, Jackson warned, "Just
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Chapter 107
Katerina's eyes fluttered open, she stared around the room in a daze. Where the hell was she? She wondered.She tried moving but the jiggle of chains told her she was confined to the bed. An IV stand with a half-empty IV bag was placed beside her, the little rubber pipe was strapped to her. A spliting pain raged in her temple and Katerina couldn't help but close her eyes and her memories came flooding back. Images of the knife, the blood, and even Mark's squeal of pain filled her mind, making her tremble uncontrollably. Katerina's eyelids trembled as a feeling of hopelessness welled up within her. She'd lost her one chance of escaping, she'd blown it and Mark wasn't going to let his guard down around her again. He'd said so himself…he'd never trust her again.If he'd gone as far as causing a hideous injury and pain to her, who knows what he could do next…Katerina thought, a chill crawling up her spine.Mark's behavior was a clear indication that he'd lost it, he was willing to d
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Chapter 108
The hall was brightly lit, the incandescent bulbs shone directly overhead. The hall was huge, it was lavishly decorated. A Persian rug adorned the floor, the furniture was all antique, and several well-renowned paintings decorated the walls. An elderly man sat quietly on a massive antique chair, it was like a throne and he was the king. He was smoking a fat Cuban, and staring into space absentmindedly. A man dressed in a suit suddenly rushed in, his sudden entrance snapping the old man out of his daze. "What's the matter, Laurent?" He snapped impatiently, "You know I hate being disturbed during my alone time." he tapped his Cuban lightly on an ashtray as he spoke."Mr. Giorgio, there's been a surprising development," Laurent explained as he stopped, standing meters away from Giorgio. Giorgio's expression remained unfazed, "Spit it out, then." he waved his hand dismissively, and he took another drag of the Cuban."We've received reports…" Laurent began, choosing his words carefully
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Chapter 109
As they walked down the hallway, Laurent stayed behind, his eyes fixed on the man in front of him.Laurent shuddered with fear as he stared at Heinze with wide eyes. Giorgio chuckled at the sight, "Take the bags downstairs," he waved his hand, dismissing Laurent. Laurent breathed a sigh of relief, his tense features relaxing as he hurriedly packed up the suitcases and took them away. "You should get another assistant," Heinze spoke up, his eyes staring in the direction where Laurent had gone."This one's a pussy." Heinze's eyes flashed, revealing his disdain, clearly he wasn't impressed by Laurent's behavior. Giorgio chuckled, not minding Heinze's language. "He's useful, never mind him. We have important matters," Giorgio's face turned serious. "Katerina's been kidnapped, I just found out the news." "What!" Heinze's expression flickered for the first time, just goes to show how shocked he was. Heinze was one of the few, if not only people that knew the significance of Katerina to
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Chapter 110
Giorgio's lips curled up but his eyes were ice cold as he glared at Anna. "Last chance," Giorgio warned, his voice lowered dangerously. "Never, Giorgio. You're pushing it," Anna snapped, her eyes staring daggers at Giorgio, "You…" "Anna, it's okay." Thomas stepped forward, placing a hand on her shoulder, his eyes locked on Giorgio. "You should go get Tyler ready so we'll head home. I'll speak to Giorgio here." Anna wanted to refuse but she nodded after exchanging glances with Thomas. She gave Giorgio one final death glare before she stormed out of the study. Giorgio's face grimaced, holding back his anger, he stared at Thomas. "You need to speak to your wife, Thomas. We're all on the same side you know." Giorgio forced a smile as he spoke.Unless it was absolutely necessary, Giorgio wouldn't want to cut off Thomas and Anna.In his eyes, they were important assets that he would use to build his empire. That was why Giorgio was willing to tolerate Anna's snappish attitude.As long
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