All Chapters of The Return of Tyler Redwood : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
159 chapters
Chapter 91
Katerina was mentally and emotionally exhausted.Their doors were continuously revolving with guests coming in and out of the house, all eager to pay their respects. She was so anxious to have something to distract her from what was going on that she might have finished the burial arrangements way too soon, now there was nothing to occupy her mind from the fact that one of the people that she said most about was gone.Oh, and Tyler had still not texted her.Rubbing her eyes which were blurry from staring at the ceiling too much, she sat up on the bed flinging the covers away from her body to slip her toes into the flip-flops that she kept by the bed.It was currently 4:15 pm and she was still in bed.For a long time, she stood there staring at the walls of her childhood bedroom, the posters and the little notes taped to the wall not bearing any significance to her.They were familiar but in that distant way where you couldn't quite place something.Snapping out of it, she retreated to
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Chapter 92
Her quest for peace and a sense of comfort took Katerina to the park after driving around for a couple of hours.She only made a pit stop at the truck stand for food, continuing on her journey.At this time of the day, there were not many people roaming around in the park allowing her to breathe in nature and focus on something other than the turmoil going on in her mind.As she was munching on a bagel and sipping a latte, she got the wildest idea choosing to spontaneously act on it.Just like she told her mother, she abandoned her car by the side of the road ensuring it was properly locked before she left and went on a stroll. Thankfully she had a thick, leather jacket in the car which protected her from the harsh, biting cold winds as she walked.It was strangely freeing, wandering around the streets with no one stopping you to ask questions or intruding on your privacy by pointing and whispering at you, or taking pictures behind your back.Unfortunately, the freedom got into her he
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Chapter 93
Tyler was busy with work and also with a little side piece that he had going on when he heard a knock on his door. Looking up, he discovered that it was Skyler who he had put in charge of making sure that Katerina was okay, simply because the last time he went down there she was so mad she threatened to bite his head off.“Hey, Skyler. What is it? Is something wrong, is it Katherine?” Tyler fired off questions at him, his heart rate picking up. “No, everything is fine, boss. I just wanted to check up on you and also I came to tell you that Miss Katerina is refusing to eat…”“What?” Tyler blurted out loudly which made Skyler wince. Immediately he pushed back from his desk walking over to Skyler. “Since when has this been going on?”“Just for the past two days-” “Two days?” He bellowed, his eyes rounding in disbelief. “Skylar, are you trying to tell me that you've been starving my wife for the past forty-eight hours?”Skylar swallowed nervously, taking a cautious step back because he
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Chapter 94
Katerina had to ditch the car soon enough, knowing that Tyler would probably have figured out by now that she was missing and would send his henchmen after her.It's strange to think about what her life has turned to.Barely three months ago, she was happy having partial amnesia and living her best life and now she was cruising to God knows where, begging for food and scraps. It seems like when she was kidnapped, her phone must have tumbled out to our pockets because she had nothing on her.In her haste to run, she had forgotten to swipe the credit card and phone from Shelly's pocket.Since she had to walk the rest of the way until she found somewhere she could or someone that she could borrow their phone and call for help from home she was exhausted and tired sometimes you would have thoughts of going back to Tyler's mansion at least there she had a bed food and heat to keep her warm.Alone in this cold, strange place, she felt something that she hadn't felt in a long time, having bee
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Chapter 95
Mark was surprised because that was quite far from where her home was or where her car was found a couple of hours into the search.According to her parents, Katarina went out for a stroll and when she didn't come back late into the night, they got worried when she didn't show up the next day, then they knew something was wrong, phoning the police.Now, everybody has been thinking that she was kidnapped during her stroll but what if the alternative was something different?A couple of people that they've spoken to said that Katerina felt down and mostly exhausted, trying to balance everything. It's quite suspicious that she's disappearing barely a week after her grandmother died, could this be her big break away from everything?“What do you want to do about this?” Jake asked again.Mark started, having zoned off into space that he hadn't heard the question before. “Nothing…because you and I are going to go down there together and see if we can track her down.”Together, they went bac
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Chapter 96
Katerina’s head slipped to the side, the grogginess that had clouded her vision temporarily receding.Her mind felt like a junkyard, scraps of different memories playing around in there like it was a game.She moved her lashes apart, the effort worth more than she could sustain. As her consciousness started fading in, it brought with it remnants of the throbbing headache that felt distant.Prying her eyelashes open, she raised a weak hand to shield her face from the harsh glare of the fluorescent bulb overhead.What the hell?With a groan, she pushed herself up on the bed struggling to make sense of where she was.All she could make out was a dinghy room surrounded by scraps of old furniture and fabric, nothing could stand out to her.Her head was throbbing fiercely now, almost as if someone had taken a hammer to her skull and began beating repeatedly.Turning to her side, she saw a glass of water and a single tablet. Squinting at what was written on the body, she discovered that it
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Chapter 97
Mark cocked his head to the side as if truly contemplating it. “Maybe not all your life but for a couple of years to wait things out and if you're good behavior, I can take you out towards some of the countries.” His eyes glazed over as he looked in the distance, actually envisioning our lives together. “We'll go out like a normal couple, have dinner, have loads of steamy sex maybe give birth to a couple of kids. It'll be epic!”Katerina could hardly believe her ears, staring at the man before her as she wondered if he has a couple of screws loose in his brain. For the first time in her life, she was thoroughly repulsed by another person. “Can you listen to yourself?? Everything you just said, does that sound normal to you? You want to take me away from everything I've known and everyone that I have loved for what…? For your own selfish reasons!!”Mark's eyes hardened, the look in his eyes gone. “It's not selfish, I gave you the opportunity to be with me before but you turned me down
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Chapter 98
Mark was busy confessing his love while Katerina was plotting ways to make sure that her plan worked without fail.“Did you hear me?” He asked when she zoned out.“Huh?” She blinked and dragged her focus back to him.Shit! She's messing things up which mustn't happen because he'll know something's up.“You were distant for a minute there, are you okay?” He pressed, his hands around her body becoming loose.“I'm sorry I'm just a bit overwhelmed by everything that's happening.” She confessed.Instantly, he visibly relaxed. “It's okay, I'm a little overwhelmed too and can I be honest?”“Of course, you can.” She smiled up at him.“It's just a little bit surreal because I never thought that this day was going to come.”“Oh, really? So how were you expecting your kidnapping me to turn out?” She threw her head back in laughter after her statement to show him that she was joking.He joined in, slowing after a while. “Honestly, I have no idea. When I found out where you were, I was so consumed
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Chapter 99
Running on impulse, Katerina dashed towards the door, muttering a whispered prayer under her breath that she would get to the door on time.Mark, who was angry made a mad swipe for her. Luckily she swerved towards the left to escape his clutches, veering into the right path towards the door.Just that she was home free, stretching her hand to grab the doorknob, a large force knocked into her pushing her out of the way. She fell to the floor with a huff, her breath pushed out of her lungs. Thankfully even though she didn't see the hit coming, she was able to put her hands in front of her face to protect it, falling on her side.Rolling to her back, she saw Mark standing in front of her, his eyes filled with anger and hatred.“You bitch!” He spat. “You think you're so smart huh? Playing me and then stabbing me in the back when I least expected it, couldn't go any lower now, could you?”She saw that he was clutching the side of his arm where the blade had grazed him and she could also s
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Chapter 100
Tyler was woken up by a heavy banging on his office door.He jolted upright from his chair, blinking his blurry eyes open. The next thing he saw was his door being swung inwards with so much that it banged hard against the wall. Skyler strolled in, his face a mask of anger.“Is there a reason why you are barging into my office like that?” Tyler thundered, equally angry. I thought I gave you strict instructions not to disturb me.Skylar bowed his head. “I know, sir, but this is also urgent and I felt that you needed to know so you can best decide on what to do next.”His particular wordings and how he structured his sentence grew Tyler concerned and the strange feeling in his chest told him that something bad had happened.Pushing out of his chair, he stood up to face Skyler, his face grave. “What happened, Skylar?”“It means Mrs Denise.” He says that's supposed to explain everything.Denise was a chef that I hired to prepare the staff meals and occasionally feed me from time to time
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