All Chapters of The Return of Tyler Redwood : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
159 chapters
Chapter 81
For the longest time Tyler didn't know what to do he was stuck between confronting Esther or leaving just like Katerina told him to do but….When he wanted to head towards the ICU, he spotted the crowd outside Elizabeth's old room with everyone gathered, their faces somber, he thought against it, deciding that he couldn't do it.Already, they were going through a lot, the last thing he wanted to do was come off as the bad guy adding more on their plates so he decided to postpone it. Spinning on his heel, he took another route and went back into his car.Katerina looked up when she saw Tyler leaving, looking away from him sadness blooming in her heart before she focused on her parents, trying to offer them comfort in the only way she could.It was silly, but she thought that he was here to beg her or ask her for her forgiveness or at the least…comfort her but he just left.Granted, she did tell him to leave but she just thought he would have tried harder to fight for her.For them.Acco
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Chapter 82
It was quite difficult to track down Esther but with the help of good old cash which exchanged hands to happier customers, he was able to get her location on Tuesday afternoon. It turns out that Mrs Petrova liked a stroll around NewFord Park once it was 2:00 p.m. Apparently, her doctor recommended long walks for her hips.Tyler didn't care All you wanted was to have a word about what he saw a couple of days ago so far there has been no news about a disability recovery so to say that she's still in the coma but her chances of recovering her steadily deteriorating. When he thinks about how Katerina must feel about Elizabeth, Tyler feels guilty and wishes he never spoke to about her like that.They need to punish Elizabeth for what she did to his family and he needs to protect Katarina where equally warring with each other.Nevertheless, he had sworn to get to the bottom of the truth.Once he got the signal that she was on the move, he kick-started the engine, heading straight to Newfo
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Chapter 83
Esther was deep in thought, Robina as she reflected on the conversation that she had with Tyler the other day.She sincerely hoped that what had happened there with Liam couldn't be heard out loud…. if he wasn't he wasn't privy to their conversation or to what they said that day. If he was, then they would be in deep trouble.No, he couldn't possibly have overheard them, she shook her head to dispel such thoughts.Irritated and annoyed by us entertaining such thoughts she stood up from the chair and started to pace.It was hard to fathom what would happen if the news was about to get out or if it managed to leak to the public….how they would perceive her and her family would change drastically in the twinkle of an eye.All she wanted to do was secure her family's name which, unfortunately, Katerina was hellbent on pouring down the drain making all Esther's efforts useless.It was a little bit unfortunate that the only child who should manage to give birth ended up disfiguring hersel
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Chapter 84
Esther still wasn't sure if it was what she had to say that pissed him off, nevertheless, she did her duty by escorting him to the gates, waving at him as he backed out of the house with his car. She waited until he was gone from her sight before retreating back into the house. Now that Dylan had left and she was truly alone, Esther could focus in peace and plan out the next things that she wanted us to do. Sitting here and feeling bad for herself wasn't going to help anybody, so she did what she could. She went online and searched for the name of Tyler's company hoping that she would be able to get an audience from there but then she remembered she didn't have to go that far.All she needed to do was check Katerina's call logs and swipe his number from there.Gaining entrance into Katarina's room was quite simple and she was able to lift his number from her computer.It turns out that her daughter had been trying to reach out to Tyler for quite some time. Inputting the number into h
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Chapter 85
Tyler was eventually planning to go out on his own and find out what actually happened to Katerina. If it was her parents or her mother who was involved, working side by side with her cousin Liam and Mark to plan the accident, or if it was just some grand plan by somebody.Who this person was, he had no idea.So imagine his shock when Esther reached out to him saying she wanted to talk. It seemed that the pressure of what he implied the other day was getting to her and she lived in fear of whether he would spill the truth to the public, thereby defaming her family.So Miss Petrova was I correct did you and Mark plan all of this?Esther shook her head, her eyes filled up with moisture. “If I were you Tyler I would pack my bags and get as far away from this place as I can, as far from Katerina as possible He coughed not surprised that you chose this tactic route it just your new tactics to get me to leave Katerina trust me it's not going to work.”“Don't you get it? I'm trying to help y
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Chapter 86
Esther nodded. “Yes, there is but I need you to promise me that you won't tell anyone about this.”“It depends…” he paused. “...on how insightful this information is.She smiled. “Trust me, it's very insightful. When Dylan took us to your company before the whole thing with Elizabeth happened, he was about to ask for your help with the company right?”Tyler hummed noncommittally, wondering why she was talking about something that happened weeks ago. “That's right.”“It wasn't until you accused Elizabeth of killing your parents, the murder on Grove Street that it all clicked in. I know who murdered your parents Tyler and I can prove it to you. He perked up, more than interested in what she had to say now. “I hope you're not joking about this because I pride myself and take this very, very seriously.”“No, I'm not joking about this.” She bites down on her lower lip. “I thought long and hard before I decided to tell you the truth.”“Okay, go on then.”Esther sucked in a deep breath. “Af
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Chapter 87
The manager appeared faster than Tyler expected. He was a short bald man in an ill-fitting black suit and a lot of grease on what was left of the remainder of his hair.“Mr Petrova, I'm quite excited to see you. It's been a long time.” he shook Tyler's hands excitedly, pumping it with vigor.“I'm excited to be here too, Mr…” Tyler left the end of his sentence open-handed, waiting for the mah to fill it in.“David Buckings.” He said. “My assistant tells me that you require my services.”“Yes, I do have a safety deposit box that I want to access and I'm told that you're the man to help me get that done.”“Of course, right this way.” he gestured for Tyler to follow him up.David escorted Tyler to his office where he offered him a seat, crossing the room to his desk and rummaging for something in his drawers. Tyler sat very still, watching the man from the corner of his eyes as he pretended to be busy and uninterested.“Ah-ha!” David exclaimed softly, brandishing a key in his fist. To Tyl
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Chapter 88
Tyler let the evidence he found in the safety deposit box stay with him for a couple of days, pondering on what to do next.He battled long and hard with his final decision, knowing what the consequences might attract.Handing over the evidence would paint Katerina's family in a bad light not to mention the aftermath of how the public would take it but then again if he didn't it would be the same as obstruction of justice and conspiring with them not to mention allowing Giorgio, Elizabeth’s husband to get away with it.After some long, hard couple of days tossing the idea from one point to the other, Tyler finally decided to release it, at least he owed his parents some form of closure by allowing their killer to get the justice that they deserved even though the man was dead.He paid off some street kid to dispose of the evidence a couple of miles away from our current location and also made sure to change the Ziploc and he swiped down the knife and the documents leaving no traces be
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Chapter 89
Katerina sat in the hard, plastic chair staring at the little cracks in the linoleum on the hospital floor.She was waiting in for the visitation hours to kick in before going upstairs to visit Elizabeth.Right now, her life is in shambles and she just needs some form of peace to tether her to the present.Tyler's visit the other day disoriented her, making her crave for what she missed.With each passing day, Katerina felt as though some part of her was missing, and seeing Tyler, everything just seemed to click into place.Shaking her head to dispel such thoughts, Katerina focused on the present when she heard voices closer to her.It was the head nurse she met when she got here.“It's time, you can go in.” “Thank you.” Katerina bent to pick up the fresh bouquet of flowers that she'd purchased from the local vendor down the street, as well as some new books.It's silly but she and Elizabeth had a tradition where they would gift each other new sets of books while trying to how out-re
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Chapter 90
It took a couple of days for Katerina to come to terms with losing her grandmother, eventually the rest of the family was informed and they arrived at the hospital in droves eager to find out if it was true. The next couple of days that followed were painful since at every point, she was reminded of the fact that Noona was no more.Dylan was inconsolable, going through the motions of losing his mother to the cold hands of death and Esther was busy attending and being a host to the guests that flocked to the house to pay the condolence visits.She liaised with the chef making sure that different batches of food were available, while at the same time overseeing the inflow of people in and out of the house. Esther was so efficient that Katarina felt out of the loop and a little bit useless, not handling anything.All business dealings were pushed back since most of the competitors and business partners decided to give them a break once Elizabeth's death was announced.Katerina was all a
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