All Chapters of The Return of Tyler Redwood : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
159 chapters
Chapter 71
The contents of the letter were not what he expected at all and it was also quite lengthy. It read,“Hey, Tyler I know that you might be surprised when you see this but trust me this is not something that I planned to do. But as I sit here writing this letter while watching your sleeping face…I had to ask myself certain questions, like if I ever knew you in the first place. Something came to light that made me realize maybe I never did. I don't know what to say. I'm sure it just sounds like a crazy goodbye but I just want you to know how much I still love and care about you….”The last couple of lines in the letter appeared to be smudged and blotted out by some of the removers… it looks suspiciously like tears if he was being honest. Holding the letter in his hands, the reality of what had just happened soccer punched Tyler like a freight train.Katerina had left him.The question ‘To Where' was the first place his mind went to. She was suffering from ADA, so she didn't know a lot of
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Chapter 72
Katerina sighed with regret cradling the phone to her chest before placing the phone back on its hook.Estelle was right there to give her moral support “It's okay darling, you did nothing wrong.” She rubbed the side of her arm. “He's a monster and you're too special to be with monsters.”She rolled her eyes, tired of the suggestive talks ever since she came here. Her parents have been trying to brainwash her into believing that Tyler was some kind of monster, a bad person that needs to be punished but she couldn't reconcile that with the man that she knew and spent time with yesterday.It was a little bit hard to convince herself to leave but then again she had this feeling in her guts that said she should trust Dylan.Packing up her bags was the hardest thing she had to do but she did it anyway, however, she regretted ever coming here. Not only did she not have memories of these people that claimed to be her parents but there were also reminders that stated they were very much invol
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Chapter 73
Katerina and Dylan exchanged a glance before they bolted out of their seats running towards the kitchen, in search of Esther thinking that something bad had happened, only for them to get there and realize that she was just staring down at her phone. “Honey, do you want to give us a heart attack? I damn near broke a leg trying to get to you!” Dylan complained.The news that something was wrong when Esther slowly raised up her head, her eyes wide and filled with horror. “Dy…Dylan, I-I…”Dylan didn't need any other explanation, immediately hurrying over to her side. As soon as he was close by, she laid her head on his chest after so while he tried to comfort her.“What's going on?” Katerina asked, genuinely confused.Esther kept crying, mumbling incoherent things but once she felt better a bit, she leaned up to whisper into Dylan's ear and whatever she might have told him must have been horrible because instantly his face went pale, bereft of all color.He's talking about looking like
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Chapter 74
Katarina retired herself in the accounting room where she sat observing how their stocks plummeted by the second. She had to place a call to someone she had who was a reporter to help her find who leaked the news of how the family supported the mayor with illegal money for his re-election process to the press.Unfortunately, the person had no leads leaving her back at where she started.With every minute that passed by, she grew restless, the feeling of helplessness threatening to overwhelm her.She wasn't one for religious activities but at this point, she was at her wit’s end and she offered a prayer to whoever was listening, believing that there was no loss in trying in the first place.Two hours later, Leeland reported back to her that two of their big-time investors had pulled out and their stocks now we're down to 40 percent.The stocks were down by 60%, that is the end of their company they would have no choice but to liquidate and set up the rest of the shares or declare bankr
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Chapter 75
A knock sounded on her door making Katarina ways her tired head up.She was currently using an office that belonged to one of the regional managers who was not in the country presently. Ever since this rumor thing started and the stocks started going down, everything has been crazy for the past couple of days.She has not been able to sleep regularly or even properly as they were always monitoring the stocks, trying to reach out to probable investors so that they could pump money into the company and elevate their sales game but everybody kept turning them down. Quite frankly everybody seems to have given up and it's made Katarina look as though she was fighting a losing battle but she refused to give up hope.It was in times like this that she missed Tyler fiercely, but nevertheless, she tried to keep her chin up and a positive disposition around her knowing that the minute she threw in the towel it was as well as gone. “Amanda, how can I help you?” She asked the young woman steppi
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Chapter 76
“Hey, honey how did it go?” Dylan's head popped up when he heard the front door open. Katerina looked like a drowned rat, her hair hanging limply around her neck as she walked forward, looking sad and defeated.“Come over here,” Esther and Dylan set up worried about their daughter. “Are you okay?” they surrounded her, enveloping her with all the love and comfort she could ever need, and just like that she broke down, tears running down her face.“I couldn't do it! Mom, I'm so sorry I couldn't do it…our company is going to go down and everything that you guys have ever worked hard for is just going to go down to drain like that!” She wailed.Esther and Dylan's eyes met over their daughter’s head.Esther took the lead. “Honey, you're going to have to start from the beginning. What happened to you you look terrible?’Katerina summoned the courage to look up and face her parents telling them the truth. “I lied to you guys, there's no investment, there's no broker or personnel that I'm wor
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Chapter 77
Initially, Dylan had planned to live with Tyler alone thinking his pride was better but when a day passed and their stocks plummeted even further the the assurance of bankruptcy looming was too much to ignore so he did the only thing he could The next day he reached out to all his family members, about 10 of them begging them to come with him to meet someone important. After all that had transpired between them and Tyler, Dylan had a good feeling that if he went alone, Tyler might have thrown him out of the room but if he went with a couple of people then he might be more inclined to listen.Of course, Dylan never told anybody that they were going to meet Taylor Redwood, he only said the person was influential and had the ability to help them out of their current financial troubles. Even Elizabeth came along with them to secure her family's fortune.No one knew that we were going to visit Kyla not even his wife which was why he considers it a little bit ironic that she was dressing
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Chapter 78
“You say you want my help right?”“Of course we do, Katerina says that you're really good with companies and helping people out of issues and I feel like we can help you out of ours.”Tyler had a dim smile on his face and he just kept looking at them a couple of months ago they hated his guts because he was too poor to marry their daughter even though he helped treat her so she could be the real version of herself but now there were swarming his office like a pack of rats, eager to get scrapes from where they could.“Why should I help you?’ he wondered. “The last time I remember you practically insulted me and drew me out of your house, so give me one good reason why I shouldn't extend the same courtesy to you.”Elizabeth stepped forward. “Acting as the matriarch of the family, I think if you're mad at anybody here, I believe you should be mad at me the most because of how I treated you and you don't have to listen to anything we have to say but I believe that you loved my granddaught
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Chapter 79
When Elizabeth fell to the floor at first, nobody moved or even twitched; it was almost like they didn't know what to do.Tyler was the first person to move and that prompted everybody else to follow suit as they started dealing and shouting over each other, “Oh, my God, what should we do?” Someone yelled.“Do you think she's dead?”“ I don't think she is, maybe she has a pulse. Would you check her pulse ?”“Can somebody help me get her into the room? I think we need to elevate her.’“A hospital! We need a hospital!”“Quiet!” Dylan roared, instantly shutting everybody up. “Somebody help me get her into the car, we need to get her to the hospital and we need to do it fast!”Dylan was a pretty good leader because he expertly commanded everybody and they managed to get Elizabeth's limp body into the car, zooming off.It happened so fast that one minute they were here and the next they were gone.Tyler stood a couple of feet apart watching them do their thing while he tried to tamp down
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Chapter 80
It was clear that he was not welcome here so he decided to take his leave but on his way out he saw two familiar faces that for some reason made him very uncomfortable seeing them together. It was Katarina's cousin and Mark Kincaid, whispering in secret corners together.Something at the base of his god's mingled at him and he couldn't help but find out what they were doing together Changing directions, he was also glancing back to make sure that Katerina was not behind him he went forward it was a bit ironical that two lovebirds who could not keep their hands of themselves now I turned enemies and strangers I mean ever since he knew about her families involvement in his family's mother he always knew that something was going to fundamentally changed when the truth came out and now, he had his answer.Mark and Liam entered a supply closet, looking around them suspiciously before they went in. Pretending to be an orderly, Tyler grabbed a clipboard and a barrel heading towards the sup
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