All Chapters of The Return of Tyler Redwood : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
159 chapters
Chapter 61
She did the first thing that came to mind, ducking underneath his desk. Katerina held her breath, hearing his footsteps as he matched towards her.Her heart was beating so fast that she feared he might hear it from where he was.Thankfully, the gods up there listened to her prayers because he only poked around for a while, and minutes later she heard the door closing behind him, allowing her to heave a sigh of relief. However, she waited for a couple more minutes before she crawled out of the desk, glancing around.The room was empty, save for a few scattered paperwork on his desk. Walking towards the door, she pushed it open and then she slipped out, only to dash into the nearest bathroom to fix her hair. Katerina also splashed a little bit of water down her dress. Casually walking out of the bathroom, she collided with Tyler who was also walking out of a room, pretending to act surprised. “Hey, there you are! I've been looking for you.” Tyler exclaimed, drawing her into his arms.“
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Chapter 62
Somewhere in South France…A knock sounded on the door, the sound loud in the quiet space.A man was standing, facing the floor-to-ceiling windows. His back was to the door with a cigarette in his hand, the smoke billowing up the ceiling. “Come in.”A waiter ruled a trolley in the field to the max with food and snacks as well as a lot of beverages to take from. Demonstrating at the window slowly turned around on his heel watching the waiter approach with a cautious eye. “Your food, sir.” The waiter announced, removing several dish covers from each dish with a flourish, the smell wafting up from the food and flooding the room.The man nodded with satisfaction as he stared at each meal, happy with his choices. “Thank you, you may leave.” He instructed the waiter after slipping several $100 bills into the guy's hands. As the guy was about to leave, he stopped him with his voice. “Oh, and please tell the lady outside to come in.”The waiter bowed, rushing to the door to carry out the man
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Chapter 63
Melinda walked the way shortly after the brief talk, Giorgio explaining how he wanted things to go what he expected from her.Just hope that she didn't let the newfound power he'd just bestowed on her get into her head, especially when power has a way of taking over people.Luckily, this was not his first rodeo and from the minute she left, he had a couple of people watching her, to brief him on how she spent every second of her day making sure her movements were well accounted for.If Melinda mistakenly thought about pulling one over him, Giorgio would know to put her down before things got out of hand.He lit up another cigarette, placing the other end in his mouth as he sucked down on the nicotine allowing it to fill up his lungs before puffing it out.The rush of this Cuban cigar was extraordinary, which was why he always took his time with one piece. Unfortunately, precious alone time was cut short when there were two raps on the door followed by the entrance of his closest aide
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Chapter 64
Luckily, Katerina was able to book an appointment with Amber Green two days later and it took quite a lot of convincing Tyler that this was the right thing for her to do.But even at that, he wanted her to take a bodyguard along. Katerina refused, putting her foot down.There's no way in hell that she'll be walking around with the constant reminder that something horrible had happened to her. After much pleading and begging with an amazing night in the sack, Tyler agrees but with the condition that she will be checking in with him every 3 hours. She understood his worry so she let that slide.A couple of hours before she was set to be in Amber Green’s office, Katerina stood in front of her mirror checking out every part of our body. The sense of insecurity and anxiety overwhelmed her as she could see every visible car here or stitch in her body most of which had recently gotten from her accident To be honest she felt very insecure, not sure she could stand in front of Amber Green an
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Chapter 65
“So where do you want to start?” Amber asked Katerina, folding her arms as she stared at Katerina over her table. “In your fill-out form, you mentioned that you had some issues that you were struggling with, maybe you can start with that.”Katerina looked down at the floor, thinking of what to say. On her way over, she had a whole speech planned with even cues to follow but right now…her mind was blank.“I don't really know what to say,” she chuckled nervously, her eyes bouncing around the room as she shifted uncomfortably on the seat.Amber's eyes were quite intense, almost as if they could see past her shell piercing into her soul. “Why don't we start like this? why don't you tell me something about yourself…anything.”“When you see anything…what do you mean?” Katerina asked cautiously. Amber spread her arms as wide as she could go. “Anything in the figurative sense. Tell me something about you that no one knows…something true.”“Okayyyy…” Katerina dragged the word out, rolling her
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Chapter 66
Rolling her neck around to pop the kinks out of it. Amber twisted the door knob, walking inside her house. It was a one-story bungalow that she bought with the first big money she got.The mortgage had been paid off a couple of years prior, and now the land was legally hers.Every time she entered the house, it always filled her with some sense of pride.Unlike most of her clients, she didn't come from money …quite the opposite.Amber had to work extremely hard to be able to afford every penny she had and aside from that, she had to be extremely prudent, saving aside each money that came into her hands.She passed her living room, heading toward the kitchen.There was a little space in between the two rooms, filled with awards that she'd won over the years.At times, when she went out in public and people seemed to recognize her she thought it was a dream. If someone had informed her a couple of years prior that this would be her life, she would have denied it.Opening the fridge, she
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Chapter 67
“Hey, you!” Tyler exclaimed, pulling her into his arms. “How did it go?”Coming back home to her better half was better than anything she'd ever experienced, digging as she hugged him tighter before pulling away. “Great, it went perfectly and I was able to get a couple of things off my chest, so yeah…terrific!”Tyler moved back so that he could look into her eyes. “Are you sure about that? Do you need anything?”She laid a hand on his arm. “Tyler, I'm fine okay? I think this actually might be good for me.” Worrying her lower lip, she debated on telling him or not before finally going through with it. “I decided to up her sessions from two times a week to three times a week. Is that okay?”“Um …sure.” He looked puzzled. “Remind me why you're doing this again?”She pulled away, walking past him to go to the kitchen. “You know why I'm doing this.”“I do, it's just….you seem different.”“Bad different?” She queried, turning to face him.“No, good different which is great because I don't
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Chapter 68
Esther rested her head on his chest snoring peacefully. The car hit a bump on the road and she started, reaching for his arm.Dylan tried to calm her down. “It's okay, honey. It's just a little bump.” He ran his hand down her body, rubbing her lower back so she could go back to sleep.Soon enough, her eyes fluttered closed and she drifted off. They were just coming back from a function at one of his friend's wedding. It was a spectacular affair but it also ran into the night which is why they were heading home this late.The streets they were passing were usually supervised by security but to make sure they were extra safe, Dylan always went everywhere with his extra muscle, and his driver was also trained for combat.Honestly, he was drained and he looked forward to heading to bed and taking a long warm shower before drifting up to sleep but unfortunately, that was not the case.This time the car rolled to a sudden stop, jolting Dylan forward.It was only thanks to his quick reflex
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Chapter 69
Katerina rolled out of bed, covering her mouth with one hand to hide a yawn as she stretched the other over her head.Jumping out of bed, she walks towards the bathroom to take a leak. When she was done, she moved to wash her hands at the sink staring at her reflection in the mirror.She almost couldn't recognize who the woman in the mirror was.The usual dull and ashy pallor wasn't present anymore, instead a vibrant and energetic woman took her place.Between the session with Amber Green and spending more time with Tyler and Eliza, she was slowly recovering the woman that she was meant to be.The only thing that she was putting off was visiting Mom and Dad. She had been spending the past couple of days staring at school pictures and various books that held memories from another lifetime.While she was currently happy, she still couldn't help but feel guilty, as though she was robbing them on some sort of chance.Sighing to dispel each sad thought, Katerina splashed water on her face
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Chapter 70
Tyler woke up with a smile on his face, his eyes still closed—the thoughts of the memories of what happened last night into his memory.Casually rolling over to the other side, he reached for Katerina, only to meet with a cold, empty space.His eyes flew open immediately and he sat up surprised. “Katerina?” he called out, only to be met with silence again. Flipping the covers back from his body, he swung his leg over to the other side of the bed slipping his legs into the slippers.He checked the bathroom but she wasn't there.Thinking she was downstairs, he went down the stairs only to see Eliza cooking up a storm.When she heard the sound of footsteps approaching, Eliza turned around with a smile on her face, a spatula in the other hand, and an apron tied over her matronly body. “Good morning, Mr redwood!”“Good morning,” he returned her warm greeting. “I'm sorry but have you seen Katarina around? I've been looking for her.”Her smile has dimmed. “No, sorry sir. I thought she was up
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