All Chapters of The Return of Tyler Redwood : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
159 chapters
Chapter 51
“Can you believe the guts on that Tyler guy?” Esther huffed, slamming the door closed behind her. Dylan only hummed in response, which she didn't really need going on and on about what happened in the hospital like he wasn't there. “Kicking things around and storming like he's a teenager on drugs! Is it just me or did he seem really suspicious when I mentioned Katerina?”Dylan didn't hear the question, pulling the cuff links out of his shirt one after the other, deep in thought.Esther realized that her husband wasn't listening to her and smacked him on the arm. “Dylan, are you even listening to me?!”He started, the stinging penetrating through his thought processes. “Yes, I am! What is it?”She kicked off her shoes the moment they got to the bedroom, heading towards the mirror to remove the numerous pins in her hair. “I was asking you if you saw how he behaved when I accused him of hurting Kate?”“Oh, yeah, I did. For someone who says he didn't harm a hair on her head, he did look q
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Chapter 52
“Boss?” Tyler heard a faint ringing from the other side but was too disoriented to figure it out, holding his head. “Boss, can you hear me?”He groaned, trying to swipe the voice away so he could be left alone in peace.Unfortunately, that wasn't to be. A gentle but firm tap on his back made him peel his lashes back over his eyes peering up at the blurry figure in front of him. “Whaaaaat?” He slurred, holding on to the table for fear he would slip away.“You have a visitor, sir. Should I let him in?”Tyler waved a yes or said something similar to that front, just so the pestering whiny voice could leave him alone.However, the person who walked through the front door was the last person he hoped to see.Ethan McGee strolled the door, ducking so his 6”2 inches body could fit through the doorway.Dressed in a sleek, black suit that was custom-made to fit his size, his hair slicked back so his face was prominent, the cool businessman look did nothing to dissuade anyone from the raw masc
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Chapter 53
The visit from Ethan was indeed a godsend, placing Tyler on the right path.He took some time off work to focus on who might have hurt his wife, and why she was driving down that lane in the first place.With enough time on his hands, he and Skylar covered more ground than possible…his quest to find his family killer was on hold for now.Also, he was able to face the fact that he was being a coward avoiding Katerina when all he should be doing was by her side, so he resolved to go see her later…when he was done.“Boss?” Skylar yelled but his voice was muffled by the headphones he was putting on. “Boss, I've got something!”Tyler pulled it off, tossing it onto his table. “What is it?”Skylar turned his laptop around so it was facing him. “Look, tell me what you see?”Tyler's eyes scanned the information on the screen but he couldn't process it. “What should I be looking at right now?”Skylar rolled his eyes, tilting the screen slightly towards him. “According to police reports and from
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Chapter 54
“Yes?” Tyler turned around slowly, only to meet a busty redhead with a very tight skirt on and heels that made her leg go on for miles. She looked like every man's wet dream and if it wasn't for the fact that he was head over heels in love with Katerina, in another life, he would have contemplated hooking up with her. “Can I help you?”“You called earlier, didn't you?” She stopped, a couple of feet away, hips cocked to the side. “Said you wanted to speak to Mr Kincaid?”“How did you know I was the one?” He arched a brow.She responded with a flirty smile. “You seem like a Mr Redwood. Can you come with me please?”He fell into step with her, his long legs eating up the distance. “I didn't quite catch your name, Miss…?”“Stacy.” She glanced back at him. “Stacy Rivers.”They stopped in front of an elevator, pausing until the elevator doors opened and they stepped in. It was clear from the change in her posture and suggestive looks she was giving him that she expected him to hit on her b
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Chapter 55
It was one thing to open your eyes when you thought you'd never open them again, but it's another to see a couple of strange people in scrubs and lab coats, leaning over you and talking to one another.Katerina tried to open her mouth and say something but all that came out was a pitiful little squeak, one that couldn't be heard over the din.Her hand flexed, wishing Tyler was here but sadly she had to face the reality.They must have dozed her with something because when next she was awake, the room was empty and quiet, save for the beep, beep of monitors.Turning her head to the side, she saw three people gathered around through the window. From the worried looks on their faces, it's safe to say they were talking about her.Why though…she couldn't tell.Tyler's knee was bouncing against the tiles as he waited for the doctor to come out. He needed to know how she was and what was going on before he went crazy with the possibilities.Even though he wanted to have more time with her to
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Chapter 56
Katerina spotted them coming towards her room and tried not to panic.Only Fates knew how long it's been since she'd been out. No one bothered to tell her anything, not that they even listened to her to start with.Her head and body felt like they had been hit by a truck but the pain was distant, not acute like it just happened immediately.That gave her some sense of relief but even at that, she mentally braced herself.A female doctor walked in, followed by Tyler and there other strange people.The woman next to Tyler was staring at her like she was her long-lost cousin.It was hard to reciprocate the feeling when she had no idea who the lady was.A dark-haired older gentleman clung to the lady, making her assume that they were a couple.Trying to wrap her head to figure out how she knew them but nothing was coming forth.The old lady standing at the far left also caught her attention, looking distinguished and sophisticated with her dress which looked to be slightly wrinkled.There
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Chapter 57
It's been a couple of days since the news was broken to Katerina, and all she could say was that it's been a blur.At first, she couldn't believe it even after Sasha tried breaking it down for her repeatedly.Tyler was the one who helped her understand it better. He took a seat next to her, holding her hand as he tried to explain things to her, showing her pictures with Esther, Dylan, and even that old lady.Turns out that those were her parents and the old lady, her grandmother.“What about my grandfather?” She'd pointed out, noting his absence over the years in the pictures. Tyler hesitated, the look in his eyes saying he wasn't sure if he should tell her. Overcoming that initial hesitation, he went. “He's dead, actually.”She gasped, pressing a palm to her chest. “How?”“Weirdly, I don't have the answer to that.” He chuckled nervously.We passed that and went on to less disturbing topics, each thrilled to be with the other person again.Even though she lied about not having most m
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Chapter 58
It turns out, not everything goes through the way you expect it to go.For Katerina, she expected her and Tyler to bond and get closer to each other but for some reason, he loves avoiding her.The other day, he went out and didn't get back home until late the next morning without so much explanation of where he went.Even though there were gaps in her memory about their relationship, she had hoped he would try to create new ones to replace the old but that wasn't the case, he seemed to avoid her like she could contaminate him at any given moment, a stark difference from who he was earlier.The change was so rapid that it left her spinning around, directionless.Add to the fact that she was currently out of a job and her family hated her guts for choosing Tyler over them, all she could do was lounge around the house, eating and binging on Netflix.After a week though, it grew tiring.She craved some real conversation and some bonding time with Tyler.Amidst all these, she made sure to
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Chapter 59
Hearing Katie crying because of him, threatened to tear Tyler apart.He thought he was doing the best thing for both of them by staying away from her after she was discharged from the hospital, also it was because he couldn't stand being next to her, especially after knowing that he failed to protect her.Katie wasn't the only one who was researching the Adverse Dissociative Amnesia that she has Tyler was doing a bit of light reading at the office on that disease and he found out that the chances of her recovering her memories were slight but he didn't change how he felt about finding out what her family did to his. He thought he could move past it especially after what happened to Katerina but… it seems that it's a little tougher than that.Pulling her closer he wrapped his hands around her body putting her on the head as he mowed some words of comfort. “Shhh, it's okay…” he tucked a finger on the chin lifting her face up to his. Her eyes were big and wet with tears, the image got i
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Chapter 60
After the little hearts-to-heart that they had, things went well between Tyler and Katerina; it turns out that all Tyler needed was some bedroom action to stop his lousy grouchy attitude. That morning while Tyler was still in bed, she had gotten it into her head to make a nice breakfast as a thank you for supporting me/ I love you gift. The only downside to her plan was the fact that she didn't have any cash at hand to make a quick stop by the grocery store and buy a couple of things. Thankfully, one thing that her father had imparted to her was the ability to think on her feet. Immediately she dashed to the bedroom, checking Tyler's pants pocket in case you could see any spare change but still nothing except his car keys…even his credit cards were not there. The next idea she got was to check his office which was always locked but thankfully the key was on the bedside table. Tyler mumbled something in his sleep, rolling over on the bed smiling as she bent down to place a kiss on h
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